Saturday, September 22, 2007

Saturday Snippets

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I cannot say that the leaves around this area are as colourful as this but they are definitely turning, shades of yellow, orange and brown now.  We took the hanging baskets down yesterday.  They had done well considering the bad summer but were looking very much the worse for wear so it was time for them to go.  That really signals the end of summer for us, when we have to take them down.

All the tubs need emptying but to be honest, I have not felt like doing it and as there are still a few flowers left, they can wait for a while.

Next week we are having a new bathroom suite delivered.  You will remember that last year the kitchen was done and we had hoped to get the bathroom done by Christmas.  That was not possible and then, with all that happened to me this year, it was put on hold.  However, our bathroom/toilet is now so depressing that we could not wait any longer.  We have never changed it, it remains the original,  put in many, many years ago so it is long overdue.  For the time being the new suite will have to sit in our dining room.  Mike and Dean are going to install it together  (a big job) and we will have to arrange a time when Dean is available.  Also Mike has to paint the tiles first like he did with the kitchen.  It would be too big a job and too costly to replace all the tiles and as they were done very well to start with and we were happy with the tile paint in the kitchen, that is what we have decided to do.  To be honest I am not looking forward to the work actually being done, the noise, the dust, the mess but it should be well worth it in the end.

Daniel had three hospital visits during this  past week for more investigations and to see his new consultant.  The consultant is only awaiting the results of some tests that were sent to a London hospital for detailed analysis before starting Daniel on the appropriate treatment.  In the meantime he remains his usual self, a happy little soul.  He had to have blood taken  yesterday and was quite unconcerned.  He sat there holding his arm out for the nurse whilst "reading" a book.  He certainly is such a brave little guy.  I ask you please to keep holding him in your thoughts and prayers.

Jesse has lost his bed!  I do not mean he has mislaid it.  It has been kidnapped or rather "catnapped", by another member of the family

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Leo has a perfectly good bed of his own which he refuses to go into.  No, he prefers Jesse's bed and if he cannot get that then he will take Jack's.  Like I have said before we are sure that Leo thinks he is a dog.  He was born into a household where they were dogs and, of course, he has always been with our two since he was eight weeks old.  He behaves much more like a dog - playing with Jack and Jesse, sharing their food, running down the garden with them.  He is quite a character.

Well, that is about all there is to share with you at this time. I hope that you are all well and I wish you all a happy weekend.  Oh, we had a lovely card from Nathan and Daniel this morning for Grandparents' Day.  It made us very happy and has pride of place on our mantlepiece.


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Saturday, September 15, 2007

Autumn Colours - A Wonderful Gift

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Yesterday I received a parcel from our journal friend Cindy in America. Her journal is  Cindy's Life.

I am going to show you what was inside.  They have transformed our  lounge which absolutely glows now with colour especially on a bright Autumn day like this.  On darker days they will give an extra lift.


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Yes, two beautiful garlands of Autumn leaves which we have twined together as one and the beautiful assortment of Autumn coloured flowers which I have put in the fireplace. Here is another photo of them.

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I adore bright colours and these stand out the minute you walk into the room.  I am going to endeavour to get some autumnal floral candle rings.  The ones you can see on my mantlepiece do fit in colourwise but they are actually spring flowers - Primroses

However, that was not all that was in the parcel.  Cindy also sent me these:-

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They are just beautiful and I love them.  Believe me, I shall be saying some special prayers on these. Things are always more meaningful  when they are sent or given with love - love is the greatest of all the emotions we have.  Where would we be without it?

There was yet something else in the parcel.  Something that cannot be used right away but will definitely be used and cherished at the right time.  A wonderful assortment of Christmas flowers.


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Cindy, my friend, I cannot thank you enough.  This was a truly wonderful package to receive.  I really value our friendship and this is not the first kindness you have shown me.  The yellow roses you sent for the bedroom are still sitting there bringing sunshine into the room.  I am sending my love and thanks to you for all to see.  God bless you.

Wishing you all, dear friends and readers, a peaceful and happy weekend.

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Thursday, September 13, 2007

Birthday Pictures

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Another lovely Autumn day here, mild and with hazy sunshine.  After all the rain we had during the summer, it has now been a long time since we saw any.  The summer flowers are all finished now, the ones in the tubs and I shall have to get around to removing them when I feel the inclination.

Anyway, I promised to share my Birthday pictures with you so here they are.  Hope that you enjoy seeing them.

Also hoping that  you are all having a good week


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Law Is An Ass!

I do not usually use this journal for commenting about things in the news but I have been so annoyed over the outcome of a recent trial that I felt I just had to express my opinion.

My opinion is that the law is an ass! (Dickens).

On New Year's Day, a little girl aged five, was mauled to death by her Uncle's Pit Bull Terrier.  The understanding in the family was that the dog and the girl should always be kept separate as the dog had already bitten a family member quite some time earlier and also attacked another dog.  The neighbours lived in terror of the animal and of its owner.

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The little girl, pictured above, was staying overnight with her Grandmother.  I only give you the facts as they appear in the newspapers and on the t.v.

The dog had, it was alleged,  been  hit and kicked in the head by the girl's uncle and apparently a film was shown in the courtroom of him doing so.

On the night the little girl met her death she had been left in the care of her Grandmother.  The dog was outside.  The Grandmother drank two bottles of wine and smoked ten joints.  She then let the dog in.  She let it in with the full knowledge that the family had agreed that it should not be allowed near the little girl.

Yesterday she was cleared of manslaughter  by gross neglect and walked free from court.  Her son, the owner of the dog, cannot be charged with manslaughter as he was not there the night the dog attacked.  Also the law only extends to attacks by dogs in public and not on "private" property.

The Grandmother had already served a lengthy prison sentence for dealing class "A " drugs and the uncle, the owner of the dog was also jailed for similar offences.  A large amount of money was found in their home after the attack which, in all likelihood, came from dealing.

The breeding ,selling and owning of Pit Bulls has been illegal in this country for around sixteen years under "The Dangerous Dogs Act".  Unlike the animal that killed the girl, the act has no teeth.  It has proved to be worthless. There are more of these dogs around now than ever.  They are seen as a status symbol, people like to appear "hard" by owning them and dog fighting is an ever growing menace. What good is an Act that cannot be enforced?

An innocent and pretty little girl died in the most appalling way at the turn of the year.  Now, it would seem, nobody is responsible.  The law is powerless to do anything.

I would never have left a child in the care of people such as these in the first place, whether there had been a dog on the premises  or not.  You cannot tell me that the judgement of the Grandmother was not impaired by all that alcohol and cannabis. What Grandmother would drink two bottles of alcohol and smoke drugs whilst her Grand-daughter was under her care?  She had a duty to her Grand-daughter, she failed miserably in that duty and let a killer into the house.  She gets no punishment.

The uncle had already been prosecuted under the "Dangerous Dogs" act for owning an illegal animal.  The judge at the trial questioned why he had not been charged with manslaughter but as I mentioned above, because he was not there at the time and because it was a private residence no further action could be taken against him.

I am angry, her family failed this little girl and now the law has failed her as well.

True, the Grandmother has to live the rest of her life with the knowledge of what she did, but is this punishment enough?  To me, no it is not.  A message needs to be sent out to people who keep any dangerous dogs, that the full weight of the law will fall on them and they will get heavy custodial sentences if their animals attack or kill someone.

I feel angry and so sad for the little girl.  She died a hideous death under the supposed protection of those she loved and trusted, those with whom she felt safe. There is no trust like the trust of a child.  That trust was abused.  The law does nothing, the law seems powerless. 

Sleep in peace, little angel.

So, I ask you your feelings on the matter.  Do you think the Grandmother should have been jailed?  Do you think the Uncle should have been charged with manslaughter?  What are your views on banned dogs in general?

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


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Remembering today all the victims of the 11th September atrocities and their families and friends.

Last year on this day, I paid tribute on my journal to just one of the many that died that dreadful day.  Abner Morales.  My thoughts are also with his family today.

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May God grant eternal rest to their souls, comfort to the bereaved and may we all strive for  a better world, a world of peace and harmony. 


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Monday, September 10, 2007

Brave Little Soldier

Becky has given me permission to share this photograph with you.  It was taken in hospital, after Daniel had undergone his surgery and shortly before he came home.  The hospital staff were amazed at his good behaviour and also found it hard to believe he had only turned two a few days before.  So he is now "Dan, the man".  What a brave little chap he is.

He will have to have dressings on for quite a few more days until he returns to the childrens' department. We are hoping and praying that on that day he will be given the all clear and it will all be behind him and us.  I love the bright gowns they issue to children even if Daniel's was too long for him!

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I would like thank all those who left me Birthday wishes yesterday, those who sent internet cards and those who sent me cards through the post.  We had a lovely day and it is a long time since since I laughed so hard and so long.  Those boys truly are characters and gave us so much fun.  No use me trying to explain  to you a couple of things they did that made us laugh so much, you would have to have been there.

We did take quite a few photos.  I have not had time to go through them and decide which ones to post on here.  To be honest, Mike and I are very tired.  The whole family have had a very stressful time recently with the worry over Daniel, looking after Nathan and all the usual things that have to be done.  We are not as young as we were.  So I am going to have a day off the computer today, maybe two days.  We just want to rest and have a quiet time.  I will get the pictures posted soon, I promise.  I will also be back to commenting on your journals very shortly.  I know you all understand the circumstances we have experienced.

Oh, somebody mentioned in a comment yesterday that I did not say how old I was this Birthday.  Well, let me put it this way.  Becky sang this to me:-

"Will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I'm sixty-four."

No other clues needed.  Thanks again for all your Birthday wishes.  They meant a lot to me.

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Sunday, September 9, 2007

Two On One Day

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As you all know, Daniel had his operation on Thursday.  What you did not know  is that Leo also had his "operation" on Thursday -  although he had his bits removed.   Mike says "ouch"!  What a day it was.   So Leo is now neutered and duly microchipped.

He was not happy being put in the cat basket, I wonder whether they do sense things or maybe he thought we were taking him back to where he came from.  Anyway all went well and he is now back to his lively young self, into everything.  We were told only to give him half a meal that evening.  Try telling that to Leo!  He pestered and pestered and in the end he ate far more than usual and then had a long sleep.

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He loves to sit on our computer desks, especially when we are playing online cards and he tries to catch the cards as they move.  If he is not on my desk then he is on Mike's.  Computers seem to fascinate him.  He is also amazed when DVD's eject from the machine or when CD's come out of my disc drive.  He sits and waits for it to happen again and dabs at them with his paw.  So we often have a game with him putting them in and taking them out.

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This year I bought myself a Birthday present, although it arrived a couple of days ago, I could not resist putting it up before the day.  Yes, today I am another year older (and deeper in debt lol!).  When you see what I bought myself you will understand why I could not resist it.  It is a crystal.

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It is so very like Leo when he lies curled up and dozing.  I just had to have it.  As the light shines  through, the colours glow.

I had a lovely surprise this morning, Mike has decorated our lounge with Birthday banners and a couple of Helium balloons.  He has also given me a new all -in- one printer/scanner/copier  so I can at last dispense with my flatbed scanner and have a little more room.  I can also plug my digital camera straight into it.  Probably take me months to work out how to use it, not being technically minded.  A lovely present though. I had a beautiful  potted plant and a new mug for drinking my tea from the pets.

Anyway my friends, I did not have a good night last night, just could not sleep, had lots of the hot sweats due to my medication, so I am off to grab a couple of hours lie down before the family arrive this afternoon.

I do not know if we will take any birthday pictures.  We probably will.  If we do and they come out o.k. I will share them on my next entry.

Take care all and have a good Sunday.

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Friday, September 7, 2007

A Personal Message From Becky And Dean

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Becky and Dean have asked me to post the following message:-

Dean and I would just like to express our sincere thanks to all the Jeannette's Jottings readers who have said Prayers, left messages of good wishes and have had Daniel in their thoughts over the last couple of weeks.  It is always very stressful and worrying when your loved ones have to have hospital treatment, but particularly so when they are so young and you can't explain to them what is going on and why.  Knowing that so many of you were thinking about and praying for Daniel was a great comfort to us all.  Daniel has a follow up appointment in the outpatients department later in the month and we hope that will the last trip to the hospital we have to make.  Once again many thanks to you all, the comments left on the journal were much appreciated.   Love Becky, Dean, Nathan & Daniel xxxx

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Daniel Update

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Praise the Lord!  All went well with Daniel and he came through the surgery fine.   They managed to clear the infection and he woke up quickly.  He is already eating and drinking.

This morning Becky and Dean were told that he would have to stay in hospital.  Becky rang just now to say the Consultant had been to see them a little while ago.  He was extremely pleased with Daniel's progress and he told them Daniel can come home today if they wished, providing he goes back early tomorrow for his dressing to be changed.

The Consultant sees little point in keeping him in just to change his dressing.  It will be less of a strain on his parents and, of course, on Nathan who misses his brother.  Daniel will remain on antibiotics and apart from the dressings change, he will go back as an outpatient in a few days time.

Prayer is always answered.  No prayer ever said from the heart is unheard or unanswered.  I thank you all for the many prayers that have been said for Daniel and for our family.  I will try to get around to newcomers and thank them in person when I am less tired.  We have Nathan here right now  and Becky and Dean will be calling to pick him up at some point on their way home with Daniel. We are all very tired as you can imagine.

So many wonderful people in J-Land, so much support.  We are all so very grateful.

Thank you dear Lord for watching over our precious Daniel, for guiding the hands of the surgeon, for his rapid progress, for allowing him to return home so quickly.  Lord, thank you for all your many blessings unto us.  Lord, we know you will continue to heal so that Daniel is completely restored to health in the quickest possible time.   Thank you Father.

I will leave you with this beautiful tag that Donna made especially for Daniel.  Once again, Mike, myself, Becky and Dean want to thank you for all the love and support.  May the dear Lord bless you all.

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Wednesday, September 5, 2007

More Prayer for Daniel, Please

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My dear friends and readers, can I ask you to pray very hard for our Daniel.

Becky has just phoned me from the hospital.  Daniel had an outpatient appointment this afternoon after a further week of medicine.  The condition he has been suffering from has worsened and has not responded to antibiotics.

Daniel will be having surgery tomorrow.  He will be admitted early in the morning, Thursday 6th.  Becky is desperately upset as you can imagine.  In fact, we all are.  Only just two years old and having to go through all this.

The surgery will be very near nerves that cannot be damaged in any way.

Please please I ask you to pray really hard for this innocent little child. Pray that the doctors are guided.  Pray that they are able to remove the problem without any damage to vital nerves and that he makes a rapid recovery.  Please also pray for our Becky.  She is so distressed and needs the comfort of our Lord to help her through this.

Thank you all my dear friends.  Your prayers will count. Each and every one of them will count.  Prayer can work miracles and the more prayers that are said for Dan-Dan the better.

Oh Heavenly Father, protect and heal little Daniel, be with him every second, guide the hands of the surgeon and bring him home again to us really soon.  Amen.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Anniversary Wishes

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Wishing our wonderful Daughter and Son-In-Law a very happy fourteenth wedding anniversary today.

Everyone thinks that their family is special and, of course, they are, but we have been blessed with such a loving and caring daughter in Becky.  Dean has always been more like a son to us than our Son-In-Law.  They are always ready to help and support.  In whatever problems we have had in our lives they have been there for us, a constant tower of strength.  They have helped us with things around the home. Our garden which you admire so much, would not have been possible if they had not helped in clearing tons of rubble and plastic from what was a wasteland when we came here.  I could count hundreds of ways in which they have proved their love for us.

They remain as much in love as ever.  They met when Becky was around fifteen years old. Becky was very young when she decided that Dean was the person she wanted to spend the rest of her life with.  We need not have worried, she made the right decision and it is heartwarming in this day and age, when marriages are cast aside so quickly and easily, to see them together as strong in their love as ever.

Now they have their two wonderful sons, the light of their lives.  They are truly blessed.  We are truly blessed by such a wonderful family.

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Becky and Dean, Dad and I would like to wish you a very Happy Anniversary and a lifetime of love and happiness together.  Thank you for everything.  We love you so very much.  God bless you both now and always.

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Thank you Sugar, for offering to do these lovely graphics for me.  They are perfect.