Hello my friends,
It has proved extremely difficult to update our original J-Land Angels journal in memory of our writer friends who have gone on before.
After consultation with Sunny, I have her blessing to start over with a brand new version
I already have it set up. My intention was to copy and paste all your original entries from the old one into the new. However this has proved to be problematical. After copying and pasting several entries, they all came out in my name. Also I found it was impossible to copy and paste the comments.
So, after further consultation with Sunny it has been decided that the old J-Land Angels will be left as it is but no further posts will be added to it and I will not be copying and pasting from it.
I have the pictures ready to add and the journal links. As soon as I have added those and the sidebar graphics, I will open it up.
Chuck Ferris has not been added to the old one but he will be added to the new.
Of course, although the pictures and journal links of our departed friends will be on there, there will obviously be no comments and little in the way of postings. I hope somebody will write something about Chuck as I did not know him very well. It will be an open journal where you can post your memories. Some of you might like to copy and paste your original entry from the old journal. That is entirely up to you.
As I said, I have Sunny's permission and blessing to do this but I wanted to let you all know what is happening as many of you will have the original J-Land Angels on your alerts. The new journal should be open very shortly.
Thank you.
Hello Jeannette,
I just want everyone who reads your comments to know that you do have my blessings with JLANDANGELS. I just had the idea for the journal. It was all Jeannette who did all the work on it. It has been hard on her to keep it updated because she has to do it under my screen name. It is very hard for her to be updating it.
I hope you Keep the name JLANDANGELS and put either continue or 2 after the name.
Jeannette I suggest you start a new journal under your screen name and have a link for the origanal journal be the first one under other journal. That way the one who want to go back and read their post can do so. It would be so much easier for them to do it this way.
My dear friend I thank you for the work you have done on the journal. I know this new one will be as good as the 1st one.
Hugs and much love to you.
((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU)))))))))))))))))))))))thats a great idea.
I'll await your post with the new URL, Jeannette. Thank you for making the effort to continue maintaining a journal for this very good purpose.
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