Wednesday, September 10, 2008

9-11 - He Was Not Just A Number

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I first posted this two years ago but it remains just as meaningful as it did then. We must never forget. This gentleman was just one of so very many, each one unique.

Today I write of Abner Morales. We never met, we could never have met. Separated by thousands of miles, ethnic backgrounds and age group it was something that could never happen. Yet, we shared a common bond - being part of the human race.

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What would have been going through his mind as he travelled to work on that bright sunny morning? Was he thinking of the daily tasks that lay ahead? Was he thinking of his wife, Norma and children Kathleen Yvette and little Michael Alexander? Perhaps he was thinking of his birthday in ten days time. It was to be his 38th birthday and a small family celebration was being arranged. Maybe he was thinking of the planned trip to Disneyland the following month and how happy and excited the children would be.

He may have been more than a little sad because his own father, in an ironic twist of fate, had died exactly one year previously - also on September 11th.

Whatever he was thinking it is certain that one dreadful thought could never have crossed his mind. No idea so terrible could ever have crept into his consciousness. The thought that this would be his very last day. Abner Morales was never going to see the sunshine again, never going to return to his home and beloved family.

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Abner Morales was a victim of 9/11

Abner was born on September 21st 1963 in Perth Amboy, New Jersey, the son of Hilda and Felix Morales. He was educated in New York City and studied extensively in the field of computer programming. He was a loving and devoted husband and father. He and Norma had been together for twenty years and married for seventeen of those years. He loved to draw and spent hours listening to music. He was an avid Yankees fan.

He was also a dedicated and conscientious worker for Fiduciary Trust Company where he had been employed for eleven years. His office was on the 97th floor. By a twist of fate, Abner had already been involved in one scare at the World Trade Center. He was working in the lower levels of that building when a terrorist bomb exploded in the basement in 1993. Afterwards he began having anxiety attacks but he was a strong person and soon got them under control. His company re-established itself in New Jersey and Abner’s life went on much as it had done before.

The company then decided to move back to the Trade Center. Whether Abner was apprehensive about this cannot be known but having his colleagues and friends around him probably mitigated any fears he had. He treated his colleagues as extended family. He enjoyed his work as assistant vice president of computer programming and he was also head of evacuation for his department.

Nobody can possibly imagine the feelings of these people when the north tower was struck by a hijacked plane. Before the south tower was also stricken, Abner’s best friend in the company spoke to him as Abner began ushering a number of his colleagues, including this friend, into an elevator. The friend urged Abner to get into the elevator with him. Abner replied that he would do so and make his escape when he was sure that he had got everybody out. That was the last anybody ever saw of him. He died trying to save others.

To my knowledge his body has never been found.

Countless hundreds, not far short of 3,000 completely innocent people of many nationalities perished on that awful day.  Abner was just one of those. But he was more than a number, more than a statistic, he was a man, a loving, caring, hard-working human being adored by his family and his friends

As I said, we could never have met. It is impossible for me to know all the details of his life but I know he was deeply loved by his wife, his children and all of his family members and respected by his co-workers. I have told you something about this man. At almost 38 years of age his life was extinguished in a brutal and senseless fashion. May his soul have found peace and may his family find solace in the memories they hold of this gentle person.

The ancient Eyptians had a saying “only speak my name and I shall live again”. Today I have spoken the name of Abner Morales. Today, through my journal, he lives again - he lives for all of you who read my words. He becomes not just a number but flesh and blood. A person who had all the same hopes, dreams, desires, worries and frustrations that we all do. A person who showed great courage in trying to save the lives of others and laid down his own in so doing.

Join me in remembering not only Abner and honouring his memory but ponder awhile on all those innocent victims of that infamous black day when the twin towers fell and the world was changed forever.  Remember also all those left to mourn for a lifetime.

Requiescat In Pace.

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I made my own memorial video to victims of terrorism.  I  am sharing  it with you again here today.

If anyone reading this would like to leave a comment but finds that they are unable to do so under the Comments Section below,  please put a message in my guestbook which you will find on the left hand side of this journal. I will then copy your comment into the comments section for you adding your name.  Thank you so much.


Anonymous said...

It is still a very emotional memory embedded in everyone's mind.

Hugs, Rose

Anonymous said...

A beautiful tribute my friend. I don't believe the horror of that day will ever leave me. So many people had their lives destroyed, not only the ones who died. Each one has story much like Alberts and we need to remember well, love, Sandi

Anonymous said...

Excellent entry.


Anonymous said...

After rereading this it gave me the chills. A Very nice way to remember someone who was taken away before his time.


Anonymous said...

It is so true...those words have just as much meaning today as they did then.
Thank you for the beautiful tribute.  'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much, Jeannette, for keeping Abner Morales alive - by your tribute to him.  This is a very special entry and necessary.  We must never forget what happened, so that history doesn't repeat itself.  What happened that day was dreadful.  Not only at the Twin Towers, but also at the Pentagon in DC (where some of my brother's friends were killed - and he had to do search and rescue to find their bodies), and also in Pennsylvania, USA (where a plane, overpowered by the enemy, was racing for still another US target crashed, because Americans overpowered their highjackers, before they could take out something else).  I am listing the Pentagon also, and the plane that went down in PA, b/c many didn't hear that part of the story.  There were many folkls killed in those incidences also the same day that the Twin Towers went down, and they need to be remembered also!  Anyway, Jeannette, thanks for doing this entry, for we must NEVER forget.  Thanks, Jeannette, for caring enough about Abner Moralez, and others like him, enough, that you did this entry.  So that it doesn't happen again...


Anonymous said...

Very nice tribute.

Anonymous said...

Love it ... made me cry !!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful tribute Jeannette.
Hugs Pam

Anonymous said...

very nice..tribute..thx for sharing

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful tribute!!!  Great job, Jeannette!!


Anonymous said...

i am doing a little entry jeanette,  may i please link to your journal?    this is so wonderful,all should read it.    lovely,moving tribute.     mort xx

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Jeannette, for this. On this date, I find that it's as fresh and painful as it was 7 year ago, and this was a beautiful tribute to Mr. Morales and to all those who perished on that awful day.

Hugs, Beth

Anonymous said...

Thank you for such a wonderful tribute to Abner and to all the rest lost. This day never stops being sad for me, and I am so moved by every tribute.
God Bless America.

Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

when i awoke that morning and saw the news footage on t.v. I tohugt I left it on the sci-fi channel. But it was real. and abner morales just became real to me becuase of what you wrote. I lived in new york. I worked in manhattan at the library while i was in high school. never would i have imagined this happening.
it was a wake up call indeed.i am especially glad that you pointed out that we ar different and live in different parts of the world. This 9-11 has caused increased patriotism in america. but it has also caused some narrow mindness and cultural hatred.that is a result of fear sometimes.
you must be a remarkably caring person to have taken the time to do this memorial. Thank you,  jun

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Tribute
Reflecting on that day is hard.
I didn't know anyone who was there and died or even hurt but I cry for all of them.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Jeannette this is such a moving tribute to those who lost their lives on this sad day ~ a day etched in memory and never to be forgotten ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, in a word, Jeannette. Lest we forget. Posting mine a bit later today.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful tribute..  Thank you for sharing.  Lucille 4364

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful tribute.  No doubt his family speak his name often and for them and us Abner you will continue to live.  Eileen x

Anonymous said...

A well written,and moving entry today Jeannette.
I came online,as I knew there would be many similar entries as yours today.
Allan relayed the news to me as the 'Day' unfolded, as I was in Hospital that week. Attached to a drip, I couldn't get access to TV. It was the week I was diagnosed with Diabetes.We have Friends in America, and had been there in 2000.The Husband of another Friend living in New York at the time, was in one of the Towers, happily he was one who got out.

Anonymous said...

great video jeannette,this is why i linked to your journal,this deserves recgonition,and i hope any readers of my journal will  visit and leave comments.  one of the best entries i have ever read  on ANY should feel proud of this.   take care,mort xxx

Anonymous said...

Thank you Jeannette.  Thank you for introducing me to Abner Morales.  Thank you for showing us the past.  It is so easy to get caught up in everyday life and forget.  We all need to understand that the past is how we got to the present.  My heart goes out to Abner Morales' family and friends and to all the others who have lost someone to these terrible tragedies.

Anonymous said...

Great entry


Anonymous said...

never just a number . a day never forgotten . sheena xx

Anonymous said...

Very nice and you are right the victims are not just numbers.  I am sure Abner is smiling as everyone reads a little piece of his story.  kelly

Anonymous said...

Thank you for remembering, each loss was a heartfelt one! (Hugs)Indigo

Anonymous said...

A beautiful tribute thanks for posting

Anonymous said...

Such a sad day ,thank you for the beautiful tribute Jeannette Jeanxx

Anonymous said...

A beautiful tribute to Mr. Morales and and a very touching video.

Anonymous said...

A wonderful tribute to Abner and the other victims of that horrible day.  I was moved to tears with your writing, the story of Abner and the video.  Beautiful entry.

Anonymous said...

    This is a beautiful tribute.

Anonymous said...

This truly was a sad day in all aspects.   I had visited kinfolk in Oklahoma and my cousin took me to their bombing...and there was NO way pictures really captured the heart and magnitude of what had happened.
Later in the visit a young man who ate with us talked about his mother who was one of the last they found before the building was imploded.

Truly the heart of man is deceitfully wicked.....I think the powers that be all over MUST be on their guard as in my heart I believe we will see another 9-11 before my time is done on Earth.


Lori (Alberta)

Anonymous said...

What an absolutely beautiful tribute Jeannette....Thank you.

My prayers go out to all who lost loved ones on that awful day..... they also go out to all who were affected by this atrocity. United we stand divided we fall, we must never give into these evil people.

Unknown said...

Rest in paradise cuzzo

Dan said...

Didn't know Abner but ran into his memory card attached to one of 3000 flags setup in Sandy Utah today. Wanted to let family and friends know their loved one is still being remembered by random strangers today! <3