Smiling is infectious
You catch it like the flu,
When someone smiled at me today
I started smiling too.
I passed around the corner
And someone saw my grin,
When he smiled I realised
I'd passed it on to him.
I thought about that smile
Then realised its worth,
A single SMILE just like mine
Could travel round the earth.
So, if you feel a smile begin
Don't leave it undetected,
Let's start an epidemic quick
And get the world infected.
~ Bill Cullen
How much a smile can mean. Those few simple words sum it up. You never know what other people are going through, what problems they face, whether they are lonely, afraid, depressed or worried.
That little gesture can make a day. A smile brings a ray of light, just like the sun a smile lights up your face and that, in turn, may light up another person's life.
So smile today, even if you do not feel like it. Give a smile to someone who might truly need it. If they do not smile back, do not worry they will see it anyway. If they do smile back, it will make you feel good as well.
I am sending my smile to you all today. Happy Saturday.
My thanks to my neighbour and friend Jackie, for giving me this poem.
I shall leave the aroma poll (previous entry) open for another couple of days for any who have not yet taken part.
Veyr true words Jeanette..
someone once said to me if you see someone who doesn't have a smile give him one of yours...
cheeeeeeese......smiling from across the pond...what a nice way to awake!
I'm sending you a smile right back!
Smiling back at ya. Have a great weekend. ~~Kath~~
Hi Jeanette :) Many smiles to you today :)...............alice
Trying to smile ... ;)
Smiling right backatcha!!
Backatcha...especially on this dreary day I need a smile. Waiting for the remnants of Hurricane Hanna. So far not too much of her here at the Jersey shore. Marlene
A big old grin to you Jeannette Jan xx
Smiling right back at ya! I am so happy today my sister used her free milage points and I'm flying out to Portland on the 17th of this month for a nine day visit. I get to see my baby boy again and judge how he is doing in person. So smiles are abounding at my house right now...hope everything is good in your, Sandi
Hello Jeannette,
You always have a way of keeping me smiling. I sure liked the poem and I liked that you shared this. I am sending these words to let you know that I am smiling back at you.
Sending a ((((((((SMILE)))))))))) your way
((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU))))))))))))))))))Thank you for sharing your smile with me.I think we all need to smile everyday.Have a good weekend.
that sits on my wall funnily enough poem lol not smiley face its true as well take care mort :-)
That was sweet Jeannette, Linda in Washington
That was so cute.
Thanks for such a lovely smile. I needed it and to be reminded to smile more often myself.
Liz :-)
I am smiling back at you Jeannette Jeanxx
Truer words were never spoken. It is the one and only international language!!!
It is so true. Smiles are infectious ! Thanks for this one today ! 'On Ya' - ma
Thank you for the lovely smile. Smiles back
Mark and Laini
Thank you for the wonderful was just what the Doctor ordered today!
Pooh Hugs,
I smile and people and they always say 'what are you up to?' i must have a cheeky face! Beckie x
how sweet & uplifting. I often wonder what people are going through, as you say, we just never know.
How very true!
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