Here we are in Autumn. Where has the year gone? It is getting very chilly in the evenings now and the same in the mornings. Today is cool and windy with hazy sunshine.
I am back, as you can see, after losing my internet connection on Sunday. One minute there, next minute gone. Endless telephone calls as you can imagine, first to BT and then to AOL. I do not want to go into too much detail about AOL but to say they were originally unhelpful is an understatement. I will make it as brief as I can. We knew it was a fault with our ASDL line coming into the house because Dean took our router home and tried it there and it worked fine. But no signal was detected when he brought it back here.
AOL told it was our fax machine, our sky connection etc. although we pointed out over and over again that we do not have any of those. Then it was our wiring - err no. Eventually after three hours on the telephone we were told it could be a fault with the ASDL and they would need to do a line check. Left hanging for a long while. Then we were told a line check had been done and nothing was found to be wrong. We requested that they raise a fault with BT (that is the procedure BT tell you that you have to follow with your ISP provider). They were not happy with that and tried to fob us off with other things. In the end Dean demanded that they raise a fault with BT and the technician said at last he would do that followed by..............."I am afraid it is too late now, we have to do that during the day, you will have to ring back tomorrow!" When we started the phone call it was during the day.
So, yesterday morning I phoned again. Luckily I had less trouble getting through to level 2 technical. The man there was more helpful. I explained the position, everything that had been done, including testing the router at another property, plugging it into the main junction box etc and that the internet connection was simply not there.
I explained that the previous evening a line check had been done by AOL and although they said they could find nothing they had agreed to raise a fault with BT. I was told there was absolutely nothing on their computer about that! Then I was asked for my mobile number. I pointed out we did not have a mobile. I was told then a line check could not have been done the evening before because they cannot do it if you are actually talking to them on the phone to which the internet is connected. You need to ring off, they do the line check and call you back. So the previous evening we had been told a blatant untruth.
The gentleman I spoke to yesterday said he would do a line check, I was told to hang up, not to use the phone in the meantime and he would ring me back in fifteen minutes. He did and said he could not get an internet connection on this line either. He then said he would raise a fault immediately. I breathed a sigh of relief. I then asked how long this was going to take. He told me another five or six days, that I would have to wait that long, try to get online again and if it did not work to ring AOL back and go through it all again.
Oh no sunshine, not good enough. You and they have never heard Jeannette in full spate! I listed to him all the trouble I have had with them in the past including charging me for premium broadband when I am on silver and a catalogue of other things. Told him that I would simply stop payment at the bank and if I had broken a contract they could sue me. I was not prepared to sit here for six more days paying for a service I was not getting.
Whether it was my raised voice, my list of complaints or my threat to stop payment I do not know. However, he said to leave it with him. Lo and behold my internet connection was restored yesterday.
At my time of life I am not prepared to put up with bullshit from anyone. So now we are going to have a huge phone bill due to AOL because they will not listen to what you are telling them, make you go repeatedly through the same checks and then tell you untruths.
To be honest I do not know how much longer I will stay with them.
Anyway, the internet is working (fingers crossed) and that is the main thing. Now, onto the results of the survey. I was going to copy and paste but the data is a little too large.
Sixty-six of you voted and here are the findings:-
Do You Believe In Ghosts?
41 said yes
13 said no
12 said they were not sure.
Have You Ever Seen Or Heard A Ghost?
24 said yes
36 said no
6 said they were not sure.
Would You Spend The Night In A Reputedly Haunted House?
28 said no
24 said yes
14 said - are you kidding?
Would You Spend The Night Alone In A Waxwork Museum?
35 said no
21 said yes
10 said they had already started running
Would You Walk Through A Cemetery At Night?
39 said yes, it would not bother them
21 said no way
6 said they were hiding under the blankets at the thought.
Do You Believe in UFO's
25 said yes
25 said undecided
16 said no
Do You Believe In Alien Abduction?
51 said no
11 said yes
4 said - those little grey men have already grabbed me! (Come on you four, own up, we would all like to know who you are lol)
Do You Believe In The Paranormal?
44 said yes
13 said not sure
9 said no, there is a reasonable explanation for everything.
Are You Superstitious?
33 said yes
28 said no, not at all
5 said - I am holding a four-leaf clover right now.
Thanks to you all for taking part.
Mike has finished painting the lounge. Of course, that has shown up the hallway. You all know how one job leads to another. So he will be starting that today.
Anyway, I have been fiddling around on here and I am not even dressed yet (hangs head in shame)
Have a good day dear friends and readers
P.S. I shall not be moving my profile to Bebo and have told them so. Thanks to Guido for alerting us to this. They are moving all our AIM profiles to Bebo as of the 15th September but mine has already vanished. Has your profile disappeared? Many have it seems. I have no intention of joining a networking site and being bombared with requests from people wanting me to be their friend. My friends are here on journals. So I shall remain without a profile. IMPORTANT. If you do not want your profile on Bebo then you have to OPT OUT. If you do nothing, your profile will be transferred automatically and you will have no say in the matter.
I am glad you are all set. I snagged your apples. They just looked so delicious sitting there and are perfect for Sept. Linda
I am glad thay they finally got your internet up and running. When you threaten to quit them then they can get things done quickly which they should and could have done to start with. That survey was interesting. Hugs, Helen
I know that when something goes wrong it takes forever to fix. We become so dependant on our computer service that we just expect it to be there for us every day. When it's not, it is very upsetting. Years ago, we didn't even know what we were missing. Hope your day is a good one. Just being lazy is a great thing sometimes. 'On Ya' - ma
Oh Jeannette how very frustrating for you ,I am so pleased you are back on line ,but gosh didnt you have to fight for it ,makes you wonder what would have happened if you hadnt ? would you never be connected ever again ?? The results of the survey were very interesting Jan xx
Glad to have you back again Jeannette ..but what a performance you had to go through ,it seems with every thing these days you have to fight with them .Bet it looks nice and fresh to have the lounge painted...Have a good day without the hassels of the computer Jeanxx
Jeannette I am glad you have your connection back and sorry you went through so much hassle to get there ~ Isn't it amazing how quickly they worked when you threatened to stop paying them ~ Ally x
p.s Interesting results from your survey ~ Ally x
What a pain aol can be at times! No wonder you hit the roof, I would have too! I've found that the older I get, the more likely I am to say what I think, is it an age thing I wonder because I was pretty quiet when I was young...or perhaps we've just got older and wiser!
I too would like to know who the four are that have been abducted by aliens, if only to find out how and what went on! ~~ Pat
Oh Jeannette I can sympathise with you completely, AOL are useless, I recently had problems with them, felt as if I was going to have a nervous breakdown, then tried calling them on the number to close the account, they answered immediately, was put through to a level 2 technician straight away, and now everything is working fine, though I do have to say I am touching wood as I type!!!! take care Joy x
Ugh! Don't you just hate having to call AOL for anything?? I'm glad I no longer have to pay for AOL! ~~Kath~~
Yep, can thoroughly sympathise with your probs with aol, been there :-(
I insisted on aol paying me for all the time I spent on the phone due to their inability to sort things out efficiently. They reduced my monthy payments for a while. I have often thought of changing to BT, but don't know if they will be any better, perhaps one of your posters can recommend an isp???
Hello jeannette
its not about the survey sorry but i know how you feel about the internet connections
I have had nothing but trouble too, my internet goes down all the time i know its not the routa because it just show internet, then i know its aol Its really frustrating because i send my son emails he works away, and i like to see how he is doing we chat through emails, because of his job, i work nights he works late so it good to keep in touch this way because i know he is there working on his pc i send emails before i go to sleep, my screen freezes all the time. I dont phone aol you can imagine i dont know there language hard to uderstand, at times , i just wish they would get the internet right for once, i have never had it, i know something else i pay more than most too.
I know some pay a lot less than i do, wonder why i am still with them. Jeannette i really like your jottings, love to read about you and your, loving family you are a lovely lady, so frank and you tell all how it is, i like that in a person, that why i know you are honest caring, and a loving wife mum and nanny to your adorable granchildren. I know your family can learn a lot fron you.
take care xx
Hello Jeannette !!! I got a link to your journal through my friend Missie's hornal comments ....I have put you in my alerts and hope sometime you can take a look at my journal as well !!
I am from England originally .... but have been in the states since I was five !!!
To new friends !!!
What is Bebo? Is it just a UK thing or what? I'll have to go look. Loved the survey. I'm not one of the ones who were abducted already by the way!
sorry jeannette i dont know how that happened reading it onces is enough but a second time well laughing see aol got it right again woops
Welcome back...boy, oh boy glad to hear your internet is back...take no prisoners full steam ahead captain! bs either! LOL
Interesting survey results! Oh the frustration you must have felt dealing with AOL and to be dismissed with a bold face lie no less. Treatment like that is just unacceptable. I'm glad you found a tech who would listen and help you out and you are now up & running.
Well that was a very very cool survey!! I love it!! Have a wonderful day Jeannette!! Love, Shelly
Glad to see you back. I have a problem with my new computer. It has Vista and after using it only three weeks, I could not get on aol. I get a message that says my modem is being blocked and a list of things to do. Of course, none of them work and I just don't have the patience to deal with it right now. Back on my old pc now. Thanks for all the info and will check out the profile. What a bunch of bs with all the constant changing. Have a good day :).........alice
Thank you jeannette i do not have a profile thankfully never did like them i find them scary you can put anything on a profile so i left mine blank pleased about that
I`m glad you managed to get back on line Jeannette, thankfully you weren`t away as long as you thought.
Love Sandra xxxx
You sure are a persuasive lady with a gun to his head hehehehehe Eileen x
Jeannette they can and do line check whilst you are on the phone...All that you will hear is a couple of clicks whilst it is being done...The reason they ask for your mobile number is so BT can text to tell you when it has been fixed and ask you to check to make sure it has been repaired and is working again...AOL have ALWAYS been able to line check whilst you are on the phone to them...AOL bought over Bebo a couple of months back and i did wonder if they would switch either Bebo to AIM or AIM to Bebo...You were already part of a social networking site if you had an AIM profile as AIM profiles were AOL's answer to MySpace and Bebo and they were a socail networking site...If you didn't have an AIM profile then you weren't part of the social networking site...Doesn't bother me much either way as i have a MySpace and am on Facebook
Caff xxx
you wont be transferred jeanette quite the opposite other way round unless you opt to go over to bebo you lose your profile see my entry night before last take care lve mort xxx
I hate internet problems. It's so hard to get it fixed. I'm glad your back up and running. I never heard of Bebo. Guess I better check it out.
Welcome back, Jeannette, sometimes it pays to apply pressure. I've opted in to Bebo, but I can always opt out again.
)))))))))))))))))))))HUGSTOYOU(((((((((((((((((I am glad everything is ok now.
AOHell staff are pain in the butts..... i have had similar problems with them and they dont give a monkies.
Glad you are back
hugs Jayne
I'm glad you're back online and hate that you had to go through all of that. Glad you're up and running though!
Thanks for the info at the bottom of your entry... I'll make sure to take care of that!! So glad you got your computer problem fixed.
I'm so sorry you had such a hard time. It's so ridiculus! They hire these people who don't even know how to do their job....or even WANT to do their jobs for that matter!
Thanks for the profile info.
So glad you are back on line... and they should know better than to mess with Jeanette.....
Loved your survey!!
Linda :)
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