Monday, September 22, 2008

Results Of Dog Poll

Well, so much for the Indian Summer.  It lasted just two days.  Today it is very chilly and very overcast and expected to remain so for a few days.

Thanks to all of you who took part in the poll.  This one was not so popular as the one I did about aromas but it was all I could think of to come up with.

I also thank you for letting me know about your own pets under the comment section.  Someone mentioned a breed that I had never heard of - Tennessee Treeing Brindle.  I did think right away that this must be a hunting dog and it obviously "trees" things.  I was curious to know what this animal would look like.  So, here is a picture for those of you who, like me,  did not know of it.


Now, here are the results of the poll

Labrador 23 16%
Collie ( Border and Lassie) 14 10%
Crossbreed 12 9%
None, I am a cat lover 12 9%
Terrier (all breeds) 12 9%
Yorkie 11 8%
Spaniel (all breeds) 9 6%
Poodle 8 6%
Chihuahua 6 4%
Beagle 5 4%
Boxer 5 4%
Dachshund 5 4%
Pug 3 2%
Rottweiler 3 2%
Shih Tzu 3 2%
Husky 2 1%
Lhasa Apso 2 1%
Alsatian 2 1%
Dalmatian 1 1%
Pomeranian 1 1%
Schnauzer 1 1%

The Labrador proved far and away the the most popular as you can see. Alsatian (German Shepherd) was quite low on the list which did surprise me.

Thank you once again for voting.  Have a good week everyone.

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Anonymous said...

I think people probably didn't know an Alsatian is a German Shepard type dog. Linda

Anonymous said...

Interesting results Jeannette think Cocker Spaniels are tops.  Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

Labs are very popular around here.  I had one once.  Over the years I've had several different kinds.  I really don't have a preference as they all had some good qualities.  Now I've got the beagle.  Hope your Monday is a great one even though the nice weather has left you.  'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

I live in Tennessee and I've never heard of a TN treeing brindle!

Anonymous said...

I was surprized cross breed wasn't higher but lab's are great to.

Anonymous said...

Lab's are so friendly, and love to play!  Hopefully you just have a brief interruption to your Indian's to warmer days ahead

Anonymous said...

im one of thos that didnt know about the german shepard it was gonna be my choice but didnt see them listed

Anonymous said...

lousy day here in norfolk jeannette                  that nice weather  was summer         not just indian one  lol     lousy weather.  take care love mort xx      im one of the cat lovers    but if i had to choose a dog it is a labrador.  

Anonymous said...

I think labs are beautiful and friendly. I like cross breeds also, that is what our two are LOL. Helen

Anonymous said...

Woo-hoo for the Labs!!!  I may be very biased but I just love them and cannot imagine living without (at least) one. In addition to always having a lab or five (lol) I am going to adopt from the shelter though as I believe all dogs are special and so many need good homes.  My Buddy who is a pit bull mix has turned out to be a wonderful companion and I adore him.  Fun poll!

Anonymous said...

I remember when I was a little girl (nearly 70 years ago), Pekes and Scotties were very popular.  Now you hardly ever see them.
Bunny x

Anonymous said...

I am not surprised that the Labrador came top ~ they are such a gentle dog ~ I was surprised too that no one voted for the "Greyhound" ~ I have met quite a few of them and they are such a lovely dog ~ I did enjoy reading the results of this Poll Jeannette look forward to your next one ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

I too was surprised to see the German Shepherd rated so low. I would have given a vote to the Rottweiler, but it would really have been a vote for the Rott. that we had many years ago, who was a very special pet and perhaps not typical of Rottweilers.  So I opted for 'none, I'm a cat lover'.  If I was able to have a dog, I have always fancied a white Highland Westie, but after seeing Kizzie, Jan's dog, I would really love one of those!


Anonymous said...

I`m not at all surprised that labradors came first as they are such lovely dogs, trustworthy, loyal etc.  I hadn`t heard of the Tennessee Treeing Brindle but they do look like nice dogs.

Love Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

The pool turned out interesting.

Hugs, Rose

Roses are Read Journal

Anonymous said...

((((((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU))))))))))))))))))I kinda figured Rottwelir would be  least on the list.This was a nat poll.I never heard of that breed either,but,I have see dogs like that before.Have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

I had never heard of the Tennessee Treeing Brindle either.  He is a handsome chap.  Eileen x

Anonymous said...

I missed the poll .... but I would have went for Lab as well ... especially since I have one !!!



Anonymous said...

We had a yellow lab called Ben, they are lovely friendly dogs.
Jenny <><

Anonymous said...

Darn, I didn't get to vote... My favorite breed, though, is a Rottweiler.... that's my dream dog.... (BIG SIGH!!!) ONE DAY!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

It's really hot here again....UGH! I was so enjoying the nice fall weather. Loving up my Cocker Spaniel here :)

Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

Here in Texas a good ol' Cur dog is highly prized.....especially if he has a black mouth.  They come in all colors.  Basically they are just a good all round watch dog, working dog, hunting dog and family friendly.  That's what Ol' Yeller was supposed to be.  A Yellow Cur dog.  Oh, well.  I'm through now.  -  B arbara

Anonymous said...

Well heres hoping that the mild weather will last into the weekend Jeannette, its been forcast for the SE.

I for one am suprised at the Alsation being so low.... that was my choice... I would love a long haired German Shepherd if i could, they are beautiful dogs. Guess you can understand why  the Labrador came top... they are soppy dogs, so family friendly and helped along by the Andrex ads  :o))

Have a great weekend
hugs Jayne