Thursday, September 18, 2008

Thursday Things


It looks as if we are having a mini Indian Summer after all.  Not that it is hot, but warm enough to have the doors and windows open and the sun does often break through although, most of the time, it is hazy and behind cloud.

All our summer tubs have been emptied out now.  The Geraniums which normally do so well were ruined by the continual rain that we had and were looking so awful that we decided they had to go, along with the hanging baskets.  I think it is the baskets we miss the most because they were the first thing that caught your eye outside the window in the lounge and I had a beautiful one showing at the bedroom window.

Normally we would buy winter pansies or some other winter flowering plants to replace them but with the ever growing cost of food, gas, electric and fuel, that is an expense and a pleasure we will have to forego this year.  The Government did announce plans to help people with insulating their homes but that is of no benefit to us.  We already have our loft fully insulated as are our cavity walls.  We have double-glazing and we use low energy light bulbs in all the fitments that will take them.  So, no help for us then.  It is a real struggle now getting from one month's end to the next but there are thousands in our situation and some much worse.

We can only pray that we do not have a hard winter this year.  If we do then we will have to choose between heating and eating and because I have to have a healthy diet, we could end up sitting here in coats and gloves.  Ho hum.

We have made cutbacks where we can but the internet would be the very last thing to go.  Let us hope it never comes to that. 

Yesterday was a sad day for our family.  Becky and Dean's little cat, Kizzy, had to be put to sleep yesterday evening. Age and ill-health  just caught up with her.  She was sixteen and a half so was really in her 17th year.  They originally got her on the seventeenth of one month and she passed away on the seventeenth, yesterday.  They will miss her greatly.  Mike and I will miss her as well as we have known her since she was eight weeks old.  The boys are a bit too young to understand what has happened.

The fact that Kizzy was old does not really make a difference.  We get so attached to our pets, they really are one of the family and grief for their loss is just the same as any other grief.  Only time eases that but we never forget.

Becky has requested that I do not put a photo on my journal and I am respecting those wishes.  It is too raw right now as you can imagine.  However, our friend Sugar has added Kizzy to the J-Land Pets Memorial journal and, anyone wishing to, can see her there.   The link to the pet's memorial journal can be found on my sidebar under  Favourite Sites. Thank you Sugar.

I am glad you have enjoyed my last two postings of historical tales and I will try and come up with more in the future.  I was going to do another poll for the weekend but, right now, I just cannot come up with any ideas.  Suggestions welcome.

Well, I really do not have much else to say right now.  I hope you have all been having a good week and that life is being kind to you.




Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about Kizzie, so hard to say goodbye to our lovely pets.  Alfie is sixteen now and seems healthy enough, much better than last year when she was suffering from an allergy to flea bites.  The garlic and omega 3 have worked wonders!
Reading about your tubs and hanging baskets has reminded me that that is what I should be doing right now!  In fact it is much warmer outside than it is in the house!  I am in the process of clearing out my many tubs which have been taken over by those nasty stinging red ants!


Anonymous said...

The price of everything will be awful this winter.  I am dreading the heating bills that will come.  I am sorry about Kizzy and hope Becky and Dean will be ok.  Linda

Anonymous said...

everything is going up these days...  it is going to be rough for so many.  So sorry to hear the sad news.  Hugs around


Anonymous said...

It is good to hear that you are having some nice days to enjoy.  I think everyone is trying to cut back.  The winter months are always more expensive as far as heating the house.  I have little to no insulation in my old house and I know there will be rooms that I do not use this winter.  I really only live in 3 of the rooms of it anyway.  Bed, bath and kitchen, The babes rarely come home anymore so the extra rooms go unused. Though they say you have to keep a little heat all around or you'll get damage.  It is hard to loose our aging pets.  They become such a part of our lives.  My heart goes out to Becky and Dean.  Try to enjoy the beautiful weather while you have it.  'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

so sorry for Becky & Dean...Kizzy probably brought years of entertainment, happiness...and plain ol' love...wishing them the best...

Anonymous said...

The weather has been nice lately, im feeling my mood lifting too.I cant put the heating on at all, i just cant afford it, its either have heat or warm food, my electric is costing me about 10-15 pound a week, it used to be £5.Its crazy, we do get tax credits but if i do any overtime at work and earn more we will loose money next year so were stuck in a situation, i really hope prices stay at a level where we can all be comfortable, well 'ish.Sorry about the cat, thats so sad.Beckie x

Anonymous said...

My thoughts & prayers are with all the family during this sad time.

Anonymous said...

Everyone I know is having to live real tight right now. I myself have been using our toaster oven for cooking a lot of things. It's been a long time since the big over was even turned on. So sorry about Becky and her family losing their kittie. It is very hard to loose pets. Enjoy your day. Hugs, Helen

Anonymous said...

We are struggling here in this country too.  Gas prices just went nuts after Hurricane Ike.  Electricity is sky high.  Food prices - crazy.  Unfortunately the internet is one of the first things to go around here!  Booo.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if I love this weather so much because I am Cherokee , lol have a great day sending you hugs Sherry

Anonymous said...

sorry about cat,pets death is always sad.   good age though.  everything is so expensive jeannette.  i have bought winter pansies for my baskets,when i feel like it i will post an entry,   i paid £3 for 20.  from tescos.but they only seem to have them on a friday.they  are  lovely plants too.  take care  love mort xxx

Anonymous said...

Please pass on my sympathy to Becky and family... Kizzy will be missed I am sure of that and sixteen and a half is a good age but that doesn't lessen the blow.
We too, are having a touch of Indian summer today...........not sure just how long it will last though, fingers crossed at least over the weekend and beyond.  Eileen x

Anonymous said...

  Sorry about Kissy.   Hopefully she is chasing mice in kitty heaven.


Anonymous said...

Sorry about Kissy.

Hugs, Rose

Roses Are Read Journal

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about Kizzy. Know what you mean about heating and eating..Chin up! Suzy xxxx

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about Kizzy.  It's a decision we all have to face, and somehow we know when the time has come.  Doesn't make it any easier though.  I'm sure she will be mourned with great love.
Bunny xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette, we too have done all those things to keep our heating cost down remember, our winter fuel payment is up this year so that should help.  As we are so much further north our climate is that bit colder all year long at the moment we are down to 12C during the day and it is still September so we too hope we are not having a hard winter.  Our bedding plants too are past their best I even have Lilies that have not flowered yet and have little chance now.  My tomatoes have been a disaster this year with all the rain and little sun they are turning black before they ripen what a waste of money.  Now our bank has been taken over and that's a big worry not the best week for us either.  Take care Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette,  The nice weather has brought in the customers at the garden centre today, something that always happens when the sun decides to shine.  The rest of the week is forecast to be fine which is giving me the chance to work on my garden. Luckily my flowers are still blooming desprte being battered by the rain. I have dahlias and cosmos and they have lots more buds on them, hopefully they will go through to the beginning of next month. We have just received an electric bill that is ridiculously high but has to be paid....sigh. Also we have all the insulations, the low wattage bulbs etc. I just hope they make a difference to the winter bills but I won`t hold my breath. It`s so sad about Kizzy, and I feel for you all. Take care.

Love Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

I understand the financial concerns.  Bob & I have been second guessing this trip we're about to take but so much money has already been spent on the cruise we have planned, that we feel we have no choice but to go and like he said yesterday, this may be the last time.  My baskets and pots are still blooming beautifully but I will take them all down and put them on the patio so my neighbor will be sure & get them all watered for me while I'm gone. I hope they are still blooming when I get home the end of October.  I have the old single pane windows but have mini blinds & insulated drapes I can pull over the blinds so feel pretty comfortable that I'm doing as much as I can to keep out the drafts. I've been using the flourscent bulbs since they first came out.  I even have them in my porch lights on the front of my house. Take care...I'm so sorry about the family's loss.  Linda in Washington state

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about your Kizzy, I know she brought much love and enjoyment to your family.  Arlene (AJ)

Anonymous said...

I'm so very sorry to hear about, so, sorry. I do understand the pain that goes along with losing a pet and I totally agree....they are one of the family. I will certainly keep Becky, Dean, and you in my prayers as you all go through the dark days ahead, I hope that Peace will soon help shoulder the loss.

Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about your lovely cat Kizzy. Awwwww our pets mean so much to us and it is very hard when we have to part from them!! My thoughts are with you. Love Laine xxxxxx

Anonymous said...

very beautiful entry I am touched about how pretty it is there now
and I do hope that it is not a hard winter!

Anonymous said...

((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU)))))))))))))))))))))))I am very sorry for the loss of Kizzy,I know its hard loosing a pet,just like you said,they are a part of your family.I know what you mean,that everyone is having hard times right now.I was told that this year is the wors year for everyone.

Anonymous said...

So sorry for the loss of Kizzy.  I know its hard. Marlene

Anonymous said...

Ah, for a bit of Indian Summer here. Autumn in Vriginia is here to stay.

Anonymous said...

I think Autumn is here to stay for us in PA.

Anonymous said...

Just heard on the news that we should be having sunshine this weekedn Jeannette, better late than never i guess, even though it would have been much more appreciated before th children went back to school.

I know what you mean about the Government insulating homes, mine is rented and they have checked the loft which in their eyes has enough insulation, but living in a 3 bedroon semi detached Victorian house has its drawbacks, even with draught proffing its still cold in the winter, we have 4 radiators in the whole house, so i might be joining you with the coat and gloves. Energy companies must be having a good laugh at our expense.

Awwwwww I am so very sorry to hear about the death of Kizzy, please extent my condolences to Becky and Dean. It is so so hard when we lose a pet, recently a neighbour lost one of the kitties who was just under a year old to leukemia.... so very sad. I guess Kizzy had a great life with Becky and Dean and was loved by the boys too........ RIP Sweet One.

Have a great weekend
hugs Jayne

Anonymous said...

It is still sooo hot here in Florida.  acckkkkkk...I want cooler weather!!  Sorry bout Kizzy.  May she rest in peace. : )  Love, Shelly

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear about Kizzy, my heart goes out to all of you as I know how difficult it is to lose a member of our furry family.  Most of my animals have passed at a ripe old age as well and it is no easier nor is there much consolation in the fact they lived so long.  Their presence is still absent and missed.  I too hope we don't have a harsh winter.  Here in the States people are already feeling such a huge financial burden.  It is predicted if we have a bad winter some will not make it through financially.  What a sorry state of affairs.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry about Kizzy. (((((hugs))))))
Love ya,
Cindy xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry about Kizzy....
Special thoughts...

Anonymous said...

Sorry about Kerrys cat ..they become part of the family Jeanxx