Thursday, July 22, 2004


This month marks the third anniversary of the very sudden passing of my dear brother.  Hard to believe - three years since the Police broke the news.  Sometimes I still cannot take it in.  Now he has another Grandson - the second he never got the chance to see and and of course our Grandson Nathan. He would have been so happy.

He was my big brother, my protector, my friend, my confident. He took me out with him even when his friends laughed at him. He used to take me rowing on a local park lake. He did all the rowing whilst I lay with my fingers dangling in the water dreaming my dreams. They were magical times and helped to make the rest of what went on in my childhood bearable.  He was witty, clever, artistic - a wonderful painter who also wrote great prose.  A very kind and gentle human being. I miss him and always will.  I would like to share with you this poem I wrote for him on the anniversary of his passing last year.

For Buddy

I see it still -

Those sun-bronzed arms dipping the oars in steady rhythm

Into the sparkling water.

The light catching the short golden hairs

As your muscles flexed.

The unruly mop of hair that fell forever

Across your forehead

And the chipped front tooth - the

Only flaw upon your radiant smile.

Oh, but to be back in time for just a little while,

Golden days upon the golden lake

An arrowhead of ripples trailing in our wake.

You, like a young god who could tame the fiercest lion

With a shoulder strong that all who knew you could rely on.

With you I saw my first film,

Sitting so proudly by your side

Safe in the knowledge that you would

Protect me from all harm

And that your arms would defend me

Against life's storm.

Bedtime stories came alive with you

We were Robin Hood and his Merry Men

Sinbad, Aladdin, Cinderella - we were transported

From our humble home into a world of magic.

The troubles of the outside world could not impinge

Upon our joy

Nor dim my love for you, my golden boy.

Suddenly, you were no more -

From life to death in but the blinking of an eye,

No time to voice unspoken thoughts

To speak from the heart

No time for us to whisper our Goodbye.

You left a void, a black and ugly place

That none can fill nor ever take your place.

The years have passed yet still my heart could break

At memories so strong which I embrace

Of all those golden days upon the golden lake.




Anonymous said...

Such a lovely poem. I love
'Golden days upon the golden lake
An arrowhead of ripples trailing in our wake.'
And a great photograph.
Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Hello Jeanette!
I was wondering where you got to, as I saw you haven't been posting very much on Oasis and was a little worried.
This is a lovely idea! A personal way of keeping in contact with your friends and family - much better than just your old e-mails!
Sorry today is such a sad day. I do remember when your brother passed on and how upset you were. But remember, although he may not be with you in the physical sense, he will always be with you in the spiritual sense.
Congratulations on the birth of your grandson, he looks a bonnie lad  must say!
Well, that's all for now. Nothing terribly interesting has happened my end, except that the heat today is unbrearable in this neck of the woods and we're in for long haul apparently. I shall esconse myself in the basement with the comp till it has passed!
Love, Julie (Julistars) XXX

Anonymous said...

Thank you for letting me know about your journal

Anonymous said...

What a great journal you have to promote it a bit :


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If it is a problem just email me and I'll help ;-)

Anonymous said...

Incredibly touching poem - you have a talent. I shall return to your journal often. ;o)

Del xxx

Anonymous said...

A beautiful poem straight from the heart.  A sad month but hopefully the good memories will help you though it.  A lovely picture to cherish.  

Anonymous said...

Beautiful entry.  You must miss him terribly.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this beautiful poem.It brought a lump to my throat and a tear to my eye.He will always be with you in spirit and live forever in your hearts.Thank you once again.

Anonymous said...

  A very moving piece of, no I won't say prose it's more than that, your heart. Yes, a much better way to describe this poem. Lovely, sad, and wonderful all at the same time. fun thoughts abound bringing smiles, heartache lurks to trail the tears. Memories are what keeps the souls of those beyond this world close.
