Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Tongue Twisted

Well, after receiving warming support, I have decided to continue my journal.

I promised a funny story .  Well, it is hilarious still to us and hopefully you will feel the same.

My husband is a wonderful man but he has never had a way with words, frequently getting things around the wrong way or coming out with strange things.  He is not only Dyslexic but I think tonguelexic as well!!!!!

His most embarrassing gaffe (and I have his permission to relate this story) happened one early evening a few years back.  I had seen a video advertised that I quite fancied watching.  I am not usually into sci-fi but this seemed to appeal to me.  So off we went to the local Video store.  Well, the video store is quite large with hundreds and hundreds of titles and I could not find the sci-fi category and was not having much luck locating what I wanted.

The film in question was called "Enemy Mine"  As time was passing and we had not eaten, in desperation I turned to Mike and asked him to go to the counter and ask for it.

Well, he duly marched up to the counter and asked in a very loud voice for a copy of "Enema Nine"!!!!!!!!!!!There was a deathly hush and then the staff broke into gales of laughter as the manager said "I think you might find that under the Adult section".  I had to swiftly explain, with burning face, the real name of the film we wanted.  They gave us a copy and we exited very fast.  Guess who never went back to that shop again.

Mike I love you darling but............


Anonymous said...

Oh yes very funny, it brings tears to my eyes thinking about an enema nine!!! OUCH.....very unpleasant...No wonder you never went there again, mind you I hope you liked the film!

Anonymous said...

Had to laugh at this, jeanette.  I loved the film 'Enemy mine' I love Science Fiction (provided it's got a story and isn't just 'bug eyed monsters') and that one is a bit 'different'.

Lyn x