Monday, December 20, 2004

He Called Early

We had a visitor the other night.  We heard loud music and the tinkling of bells and could not make out where it was coming from.  Then there was a knock on the front door and we opened it to see and elf standing there.  Behind him was


Santa who had come to see if any of us could spare a little bit of money towards giving those in need a much better Christmas. He had brought several elves with him to help.

We do not have many children in our road but the few we have soon eagerly clustered around his sleigh and he talked to each and every one of them. It was a delight to see their upturned faces bathed in the glow of the lights from the sleigh.  Their eyes were alight with wonder and one little one clapped her hands with delight.  Even the adults came out to watch and everyone was chatting.  The child in each one of us surfaced again.  Just before Santa left, Mike grabbed the camera and was able to quickly take this picture.  Santa gave us a big wave and a "Ho Ho Ho - Merry Christmas."

This year we have had more carol singers than ever probably because we are one of  a group of homes that is festooned with lights.  Lights draw carol singers like a moth to a flame!  We are averaging about three visits per night.  A couple of them have been a bit cheeky and called twice because we recognised them.

It is always the same songs - We Wish You A Merry Christmas and Jingle Bells.  We began to wonder whether any of them knew a carol, so one night Mike asked.  He was greeted with blank expressions.  The next night, I asked a set of carollers if they would sing me a carol.  I was told "we don't do carols at our school".  I said surely you know about the Christmas story, about Mary and Joseph. Blank faces. Then "we don't do Mary and Joseph at our school".  What a sad reflection on our times.  Britain welcomes all nationalities and all faiths and we respect their beliefs and traditions.  Yet, because of political correctness, we have become ashamed or perhaps worried to show our own.  So, the generation of today are growing up not knowing the joy of carols or the Christian meaning of Christmas.  Of course, it might not be the same all over, but it is definitely like that around here.  I felt sad.

The following night Mike opened the door to see two little lads whose mouths were not moving and yet beautiful voices were resounding around our home.  Mike cottoned on right away.  "Where is it", he asked.  One of the boys then took the tape recorder from behind his back!  Mike told him to switch it off .  He did.  Mike then told them that if THEY sang us a Christmas song, he would give them some money.  They promptly legged it as fast as their young legs could carry them.  We had to laugh.  Mike said afterwards that he should have given them something for their cheek!

Even my Christmas Cactus has gone mad this year, never known so many blooms

We took this picture a few days ago and there are even more blooms since then.  We had to take it into the garden and stand it on a box to even take the picture. We actually have two of them.  The other one is much smaller but it still covered in blooms of the same colour.

The last of our Christmas presents arrived this morning. We only have to wrap that and add it to all the others.  Then sometime this week I shall be making mince pies.  It is coming around so fast that it is hard to believe that in one week from now Christmas will be over for another year.

In the meantime, here is a site that you might enjoy if you have the time.  It only takes a couple of minutes and you can decorate your house by moving the slider slowly along. You can also add snow and the moon.

So, have fun!

Deck the House




Anonymous said...

ours hasn't bloomed at all this year

Anonymous said...

Great photo of Santa. I was just thinking the other day that it would be nice if we would have carollers. We don't get them here. Your cactus is beautiful.God Bless You My Friend

Anonymous said...

A wonderful entry Jeannette.  I giggle at the cheek of the two with the tape recoder, puts me in mind of fiddler on the roof, the little scamps.......ingenious though.  I'm wondering if Santa belonged to the Lions club since his sleigh bears an emblem.  It's good that people think of others.  Your cactus is gorgeous.  The red is so vivid, you tend to it well and it's showing it's gratitude.  Have a wonderful day. xxR

Anonymous said...

    What a warm and Christmassy entry Jeanette, nice photo of Santa there. Here Santa comes through our neighborhoods on a firetruck instead of a sleigh, he throws candy to the neighboring kids and always has delighted faces following him down the street.  
    Very seldom will we have caroler's, how nice that you've had so many and the Christmas cactus is absolutely beautiful this year ... thanks for sharing a little of your Christmas in England.

                            *** Coy ***

Anonymous said...

I miss carolers!  Nobody does it anymore. When I lived in North Carolina a group of us would carol every Christmas, but people were not very receptive.  Some even told us to just go away.  How sad.  Your cactus is gorgeous!!

Anonymous said...

No carolers for us!  Too more week to Merry Christmas!  JAE

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful entry! I sooo miss carrolling! A bunch of us used to go door to door when we were kids and carrol for all our neighbors. Since I live in the country, NOBODY carrols at all around here!
Love the santa photos! I showed the pic my oldest boy and said see! Santa is on his way! He'll be here this weekend! Now he's running through the house to inform his brother of this news! HeHeHe.... Thanks for sharing!
Have a great day ((jeannette))!
HUgs & Blessings,

Anonymous said...

Santa comes through our neighborhood every year riding on a fire truck. He passes out candy canes to the kids. I was hoping to get a photo, but he came while I was sleeping and my hubby forgot to take a photo. Ah well. Maybe next year.

Anonymous said...

We used to have a Santa, complete with sleigh and elves, that used to come around our neighbourhood every year handing out lollies to the children, when I was a girl :o)  This entry brought back so many memories, thankyou Jeannette!  I feel sad - and a little angry - that children can't celebrate Christmas as we used to, because it's seen as offensive.  I doubt that anyone would be offended by us calling the school play a nativity play, or singing Christmas carols.  The children learn about other religions at school after all.  Oooh, this is one of my rant subjects, in case you hadn't already guessed!!
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Wow - I haven't seen santa on the back of a lorry for ages!!  

Anonymous said...

Lovely photos!Its magical for the little ones to see Santa on the street.True about the politically correct brigade.Where I work we have had to tone down christmas so not to offend ethnic families.Instead of the traditionalNativity we had to have something that would keep everyone happy,despite us not forgetting to celebrate all the other religious festivals on the calendar.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous flower!!!  Oh my goodness, that is very funny about the carolers!  It is very sad, but we are having alot of the political correctness here and they are taking Christ out of Christmas and I am very unhappy about it.  Now it is The Holidays and not Christmas, or so it seems.  So sad.  Seems they make room for other religions now in the name of being p.c., but try and squelch the true meaning of Christmas.  I love your pics today, Jeannette!  Hugs, Val xox