Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Nothing Much

Been a very quiet day so I do not really have much to write about.

We have some baby fish in the tropical tank, so minute you can hardly see them.  This is the second lot and none of them have been eaten by the bigger fish which is unusual because they got eaten when we had fish tanks before unless we put the pregnant females into breeding traps.  So far mostly baby guppies but one or two Platys.  If they do not stop, we will be forced to buy a bigger tank - one small problem, we do not have room for a bigger tank.

Fed the birds are usual today and suddenly the biggest flock of seagulls I had seen it years descended on the garden and took it all.  Oh well!

So quiet on journals, everyone must be franctically busy. Waiting for the results of Strictly Come Dancing - Champion of Champions, not much else on t.v.  Played a few games of Solitaire but got bored with that.

So I am really stuck for something to say, makes a change for me to keep my mouth shut!

I think I have sent some of you the below site in emails before but for those who have not heard this song, it is quite amusing.  So, if you have the time, check it out.

dedicated to you!

That's about all for now.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing that it's really funny :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm gald your little elf won!!

Anonymous said...

Has Nathan won yet???

I know what you mean about the journals being quiet....strange becaus eI have actually been writing in mine more lately!!!

Hope all is well, love Amy xxx

Anonymous said...

Great song Jeannette:) Thanx so much for sharing this God Bless You My Friend

Anonymous said...

Must be soothing to sit and try to spot the little fishes Jeannette.  Hope you are well.  Thanks for posting the site. xxR

Anonymous said...

It is quiet in journal-land isn't it!
Are the baby fish tiny?  You obviously have more luck with fish than I do ;o)
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

That`s really funny ! Someone had sent it to Jim and it got deleted by mistake.  I am an ebay fan too, so thanks for posting it and giving me a laugh...Love Sandra x

Anonymous said...

I love that ebay song..........Jules xxxxxxxxxxx