Monday, October 29, 2007

Medical Monday

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I have not long returned from the breast clinic.  I am so glad I was able to keep my appointment this time.  I did the journey very well indeed with no panics.  Slightly different when I got there as there was a forty minute wait and I could feel the tension rising and rising.  After all this was my first visit back since my treatment and I did not know what to expect.  I felt the tears spring to my eyes.

Becky went and asked how much longer it would be and a nurse immediately came out and took me into the room where I would be examined.  She says I should have been seen sooner because my anxiety problems are clearly on my records.  She made us all a nice cup of tea.

Then Casper came into the room and joked with me and put me at ease.  I showed him all the photos we had taken of my breast and he agreed I had reacted very strongly to radiotherapy, one of those women whose skin is ultra-sensitive.  He then examined me and saw the state my breast had been left in, still red, skin like an elephant all thickened around the nipple and the nipple sunken in.  I hope you do not mind me going into these details.

He told me it might well stay like that for the rest of my life although as time passes there might be some improvement. No amount of cream will help.  He did assure me that it was in no way dangerous and that I had been worrying about it unecessarily.  He said that as my radiotherapy only finished in June I was doing remarkably well.

He gave me a thorough examination and said he could find nothing wrong, no abnormalities.  Unfortunately it was far too early to do a mammogram as the breast is still very tender.   So, no all clear today.  I have to wait another six months for the mammogram.  So I will be having the mammogram roughly around the time I see my oncologist again.

As for medication they still want me to stay on the Tamoxifen as they feel that drug is the lesser of two evils but that I can take a week break from it now and again without there being any problems.  So I shall be doing that for Christmas.  When we discussed what had happened during the year starting with a shock way back last Christmas, my cancer and subsequent treatment, all the problems with Daniel, he feels that the increase in  my anxiety and depression levels have more likely been caused by all that, plus all the worry I have had over my breast and what I went through with that for weeks.  

He said that now I have been re-assured maybe I will find my whole general wellbeing improving.  He is a lovely man and so easy to talk to and listened to all I had to say.

I do feel exhausted now but that is mental and emotional fatigue from going there and not knowing what to expect.  I am disappointed that they did not do a scan to assure me I was still all clear but I guess he knows best and I must trust him.

Daniel will be arriving in a little while as we are looking after him this afternoon whilst Nathan goes swimming.

Becky had a letter from the County Council last week.  Nathan starts school next September.  I can hardly believe it and neither can she.  He will only be four years and around three months old.  Too young in my opinion.  I wish our children started school later as they do in other countries.  Childhood goes so very fast and at just four he will still be a baby. So he will leave pre-school and get taken into the education system proper.  We shall see a lot less of him sadly.

Well, I need to eat now before Daniel arrives.  I know you will be glad I made it to my appointment and will continue to pray that I remain cancer free.  I just wish it was not another six months before I can get the news I long to hear - all clear!  I hope to get back to commenting on all your journals this week.

God bless and have a good week


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Anonymous said...

Was just thinking of you, yesterday & today...trying to decide if to send you a card or not...then I got your alert!  :)  So happy to hear your good news. Have been praying for you. {{{}}}
God bless,

Anonymous said...

I am pleased that everything went so well for you and that that they acted immediately when Becky questioned how long you were expected to wait. Any illness is an emotional roller coaster, but when the C word is included, well that makes things so much worse.  Glad it was good news anyway.  Hope all is still well with Daniel too, he is such a lovely little boy.  Take care.  Eileenx

Anonymous said...

You'll always be in my prayers that you stay cancer free!

Anonymous said...

How nice you have such an encouraging doctor and staff to put you at ease.  You have been through alot this past year and with the good Lord's help you've got many more years to enjoy.  Trusting is so hard, but we know that all are worries are for naught as our awesome God takes care of his children.  You and yours are in my prayers every day.  'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

So proud and glad you made it through your appointment and have such an understanding doctor to listen......
Enjoy the day with Daniel and relax.....
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

Glad your appointment went well. You seem to have a great Dr. I agree about schooling, children in Europe start school much later and seem to do well. Children should be just learning how to get on with others and playing. Louise x

Anonymous said...

I am glad that you are doing very well. I hope you enjoy Daniel's visit and that the rest of the day will be a good one. Helen

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that your appointment for the most part went well for you. It's hard to believe that Daniel is ready for school! You have a great day Jeannette!

Anonymous said...

((((((((((Jeannette)))))))) I am so happy your doctor found no abnormalities. I just know you are cancer free and the mammogram in 6 mos is gonna prove it. This entry sounds so happy. I can already feel that your stress level has lowered. You are a remarkable woman and are needed here on earth. God knows this too. I agree 4yrs old is just too young, they are still a baby at that age. Here in the usa some kids go to preschool at 3yrs old as long as their potty trained. Your entry today made me smile. I needed that. Last night was the viewing of my sister Susie. She looked so beautiful. The funeral home did a wonderful job on her hair and makeup. She looked like an angel. Hope today brings you lots of smiles. Give the kids a big hug for me.
Love to all,
Cindy xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

I know I have not been around but you are still in my thoughts and prayers.  I am having a bit of stuff going on as well.  My Mom is battling cancer.  You have given me hope through your struggle.  I hope you feel better and stronger each and every day.  Always know that I love you and that you have my love and prayers from Texas! :) Barb

Anonymous said...

I'm glad the appointment went well and most importantly that your anxieties regarding your conditions have been largely allayed. I hope things continue to go well until your oncologist appointment.


Anonymous said...

Very well done going for your appointment ,you must have been thinking about it all weekend ,how lovely of Casper to listen to you and to be so reasurring ,I am sure that helps your state of mind ,I have been thinking about you ,I hope Daniel is keeping well ,what a year you have had ! , Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette...things are calming down around here a bit so I'm putting you back on my alerts.  You look great in the pictures.  I love your border collie graphic!  My Dottie is my first border collie and I can't imagine having any other kind of dog from here on out.  Fabulous creatures!  
Looking forward to reading you regularly again.  Stay well!!  
Love, MJ

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette ,glad your appointment went well,and that Casper is a caring thoughtful person who listens to what you say .I bet you do feel exhausted,thinking about it all .Hope you enjoy playing with Daniel while Nathan goes to his swimming class .They do seem young to start school ,but its surprising how soon they take to it and fit in with their Jeanxx

Anonymous said...

Oh I am so glad that your visit with the Doctor went well. They probably want you to wait for the mamo until you have healed, it wouldn't do to put a lot of pressure on something that is trying to heal. Internally it takes time for nerve endings and such to rebuild. So still treat yourself gingerly, use your lotions on your they should help a bit and six months will be over before you know it.  Here, in the states we start the kids off at around four. My twin grandaughters just entered kindergarten in "real school" they were so excited. take, Sandi

Anonymous said...

Praise God for his goodness!!!!  Glad you made it there and back safely.  -  Barbara

Anonymous said...


I am so happy to hear you are doing so well and that all is normal and cancer free!  Yay!  Sending you prayers and prayers for your Grands too!

be well,

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you did so well in going to the hospital Jeannette. I am sure if Casper had any concerns at all he would have organised further tests, so I think you can relax and try not to worry about it too much for the next 6 months. As you say he knows what he is doing.

Anonymous said...

I think 4 is too young.  Ours can go to kindergarden at age 5.
And only then if the parents think they are ready.
But I bet he will love being with other children.
God bless you for being able to fight the panic, and keep your appt.  I know very well how hard this is.
Have a good day and treat yourself for having to do to the dr.
Love, Cassie

Anonymous said...

Pleased to read your appointment went well Jeannette,it's so good when you have someone as understanding as Casper. It makes all the differance.The next six months will be here before we know it ,look how quickly this yr has gone by,I just cannot believe it realy.Have agood evening.Take Care God Bless Kath
astoriasand http;//

Anonymous said...

It's a shame you couldn't have a scan, now we've all got to wait for six months before we know you're OK. I know a lot of us will be praying for you. I'm glad the nurse remembered about your anxiety attacks and got you seen faster, it's no fun waiting! Try and put all this to one side, I know it's hard, and rnjoy Christmas. Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

Jeannette I am so glad you made it to your appointment ~ Casper sounds like such a lovely man ~ and I hope he has put your mind at rest ~ I am sure if he had any doubts he would have had a scan done ~ six months will just fly by and then hopefully you will get the news you so want to hear ~ 4 years old seem so young to be starting School but I bet Nathan will love it ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness that all went well today..Our Lord is sure good he answers our prayers..(.mind you not always in the way we want )  I do hope that you will now be able to try to look forward with a more positive manner.  As you say when the wee one goes to school it will seem he is half grown up ! but it happened to us all at one time I suppose, and we didn't have the oppertunity of having playgroups/pre schools  or the like to get us into the idea of school. I expect he will be looking forward to going to big school !! bless him,  Love for now  Sybil xx

Anonymous said...

Well done Jeanette fo getting through this day.  Well it IS good news.  No more treatment, and not wanting to see you for six months. That's prayers being answered.  The time will pass and you WILL get that "ALL CLEAR" you have been working for.  You take care and have a good rest.  I think children need school at four years. They are all so bright and need continual stimulation I am sure Daniel will love it. Take care Kathie.

Anonymous said...

Hello Jeannette,

I`m glad all was well at the hospital and that Caspar was pleased with you, it must come as a great relief. Well done also for making the journey without any ill effects, I know how hard it is for you. I agree that children start school far too young these days, Kerry was over five when she started, which to my mind was the right time for her. School is not the place for such a young child.

Love Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

So glad you were able to keep your appointment today Jeanette. It was great news really and I'm positive you will get the all clear when you go back.
Nathan is going to love school, even if he is still a bit young.
Well done for today Jeanette
Love to you
Carol and Adam xxx

Anonymous said...

(((((((((((JEANNETTE))))))))))))))))))I am glad everything worked out for you,I am glad you made it to the app.Have a nice day.By the way.trick or Treat.

Anonymous said...

Well done Jeannette :) am glad it went ok.  Casper sounds a delightful man. Rache

Anonymous said...

Im glad you managed to go to the hospital appointment.It will about April when you go again?. . .bet the time flies round again for you. I am sure that you will get the all clear.Just think. . .this new years eve you can kick your 'annus horribilis' right out the door . . its been a tough year for you and your family .You are doing well Jeannette and you have a loviing family who are always there for you too.

Anonymous said...

Jeanette, even though they couldn't do the mammogram, I am glad that everything seems promising, and looks good from the outside.  Sorry you have had so much anxiety. I go through that from time to time.  I had a bad attack the other day.  I almost started crying.  I had to go in my room and shut my door.  Even in front of a house guest.  I had to ask John to close the door.  I don't know what the guest thought.  I said, I am just so nervous John, please close the door.  I forgot about it a little, until he mentioned it today.  Oh well.  It used to happen a lot, but I have been much more calm lately...  


Anonymous said...

YEAH!!!  I'm jumping with joy.  I am glad you made that appointment and I am so glad all looks good.  I do hope your mind has been put at ease my friend and you know I'm sending good thoughts and prayers

Anonymous said...

I'm SO excited for that good news!!!  So very happy for you!!  Congrats!!


Anonymous said...

So glad your appointment we well.  I will keep my prayers coming for you  and for dear Daniel.  We want an all clear for you in 6 months and for that sweet little boy to be well. Hope your time with him went well while his brother swam!
Hugs, Kathy

Anonymous said...

The Lord will be watching over you during the months that you have to wait! I agree with you.children don't get to be babies anymore...which is so sad.
love ya,

Anonymous said...

So happy to hear the appointment went well for you (other than the long wait).  Hopefully with all the hustle & bustle of the upcoming'll be able to put all worries aside and enjoy. That's a beautiful graphic, Jeannette.  "Cast all your cares on Him, for He careth for you!"     Linda in Washington state

Anonymous said...

I know how difficult it must have been for you to go to this appointment but it is very reassuring to read that Casper says everything is normal and that you are doing well.  I know it must be worrying not to have had a scan or anything but at least you know that you will be having the mammogram in 6 months.  Relax now dear Jeanette and enjoy these coming months with no hospital visits.  You have had such a hard year with your health and Daniel's too.  Sending you an extra special hug my dear Jeanette. Tells x

Anonymous said...

Oh...the wait is over.  And from what I can tell, it's rather postive news....I'm thrilled!  Keep the faith...


Anonymous said...

I am so happy to read this girlfriend in UK got her all clear last month...

Anonymous said...

I am so very happy to hear that news Jeannette. I am so proud of you for being able to tackle the appointment and get through it . Well Done

hugs Jayne

Anonymous said...

Have been off line for a week due to computer problems, so sorry for being so late in replying Jeannette. Glad to hear that your appointment is now over with for a while.  Try not to worry about the next scan and concentrate on doing your best for yourself - ie cut back on the stress!
The weather has been lovely here, quite amazing for November, hope it is as good where you are and you're still able to get out into your garden.
take care
all the best

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you made your appointment, Jeannette.  I know waiting has to be the hardest part but you are well taken care of.  I say my prayers for you and your family all the time.  Hope you have a peaceful weekend.  Love xx Chris

Anonymous said...

They seem to be so very nice at that clinic; certainly nice to make you a cup of tea.  I'm glad you did have some good news today, and only hope that the next six months you are able to stay as stress-free as possible.  Please take care!

Anonymous said...

Jordan started going to pre school at 2 years and 9 months, still my baby, but he is soo bright now, i thnk it may ahve been a good idea, although Isuppose it depends on the child.I dont think your being to grphic with your detail, having your stomach sliced open and a baby pulled out sort of makes all things like this the norm, doesnt it, maybe its a 'woman thing'.Im sure , ahem, i know, you are a very beautiful person, inside and out.Take care, Beckie x

Anonymous said...

So sorry I am behind Jeannette...I reset my alerts for you, want to make sure they get through.  You are one strong lady, and you did well getting through the appointment.  Each appointment will show improvement, count on it.  My prayers are always with you.  Wow, Nathan in school..where did the time go??  I remember when he was born.  I am so happy for your grandkids, they have one awesome set of parents and grandparents...have a great week.
Hugs and lot's of love,