Thursday, August 19, 2004

A light-hearted poem


When A. Graham Bell invented the 'phone

He gave the world a blessing

Conversation worldwide would sing down the line

Instant contact with no messing.

So there it sits by night and day

But what a bitter pill

A fine invention, aye indeed -

But we can't afford the bill!!!


Anonymous said...

LOLOLOL a great poem, very get top marks for your graphics, looking good. xRx

Anonymous said...

hehehehehe, I liked that, it was lovely. I wonder if they had phone bills when it was first invented???.............Jules xxx

Anonymous said...

I bet phones were even more expensive when they were first invented!  Cool poem!  I love how you write!

Anonymous said...

the words in this poem are so true, I dont know what I would do with out my phone, but the big bill I can do without. God Bless