Saturday, August 21, 2004

My Grandmother's House


Writing about Johnny brought so many memories back to me of wonderful days in my Grandmother's house.  She loved Roses which is why I have chosen the picture above. Whenever she went into the garden she would always smell the Roses which grew on the only two bushes she had, one pink and one yellow. She also loved Irises which she always grew in memory of her baby daughter, Iris, who lived for only two weeks. Apart from that Lily-Of-The-Valley was much loved as well. She decorated her garden, as you know, with seashells, pieces of brightly coloured glass and unusual pebbles. Well, it was not so much of a garden but a yard.  Down one side she had an enormous chicken run.  I have never since tasted eggs like the ones she got from her birds. They were delicious probably because she fed them on household scraps, they had earth to peck in and sunlight to shine on them and she talked to them.  Even though they were eventually destined for the oven, they all had names.  This seemed strange and heartless to me at the time but Nan believed in giving her birds the best life she could before they rewarded her with their meat.

Her name was Mary although for some reason everyone called her "Nellie" and I have never found out why. She had a tough upbringing.  One of several children she lost her Mother when she was just thirteen and she had to bring up her younger sisters and brother whilst the eldest children had to work to supplement the family income. Shortly after the death of her mother, her father uprooted the family from Scotland and settled them in the East End of London - thus Nan was removed from her Aunts who helped and supported her.  She was not close to her Father and twice ran away from home. On the second occasion she was fifteen and ran off with a Magician to be his "glamorous " assistant.  They had not got far when Great-Grandfather dragged her kicking and screaming home.  She moved out of the house shortly afterwards and took a room in a boarding house.

I have no idea how she came to meet my Grandfather although it is thought he lived in the same boarding house. Well, life is life and she found herself pregnant at the age of nineteen - a great disgrace and stigma in those days.  She was thrown out of her lodgings and tried to return home only to have her Father slam the door in her face. She never forgave him.  Happily things turned out and she and Grandfather married.  Then the second of her tragedies hit her, she gave birth to twins but the boy, Robert, lived only a few weeks.  The other baby was my Mother and, although sickly, she defied the odds and survived. She went on to have two more sons and little Iris whom, as mentioned above, died in babyhood.  Then, at twenty, she suffered the loss, in mysterious circumstances, of her Father . Although there had long been a rift between them it dealt her a dreadful blow and haunted her for the rest of her life.  Later, she had to deal with the loss of her youngest brother and his five year old son within months of each other from Tuberculosis.  Life was much tougher in those days.

So Nan learned to make do and mend.  She could take the plainest ingredients and turn them into a feast. She could make a pound stretch a very long way, she hated waste and utilised whatever she could to make her little home cosy. They were poor people living in a poor district but she had her pride.  Being poor did not mean being dirty.

It was a small terraced house in a street of terraced houses with hundreds of identical properties throughout the area but it was her pride and joy.  On the other side to the chicken run she had her flower bed which she tended with great care and made as pretty as she could.  The rest of the yard was just bare earth, it became a swamp in the winter but in the summer she would spend as much time out there as was possible.  She would sit at a little tablet to peel potatoes, chop carrots and push fresh new peas from their pods.  I loved to help her with the peas although I ate more than ever got into the pot!!

The one thing she hated, we all hated, was the outside toilet.  In those days people just did not have their lavatories inside unless they were middle-class or above.  It was an object of terror for me especially at night-time.  There was no electric light out there.  Once you left the kitchen via the door to the yard, there was only blackness.  Outside the back door and along in front of the toilet was a wooden verandah to keep off the rain.  You had to feel your way along the walls until you reached the toilet door then pull the door open and enter the black interior.  It was like being underground.  Just a huge wooden seat facing the door but luckily it did flush.  Hanging next to the toilet was a wad of cut up newspaper which you had to use for the necessary.  Well, I told you Nan was thrifty!!!  When I was very little it did not worry me because Mum would take me , but when I got older I would hang on until I was in agony rather than go out there.  Can you image sitting on a cold wooden seat, facing a closed door where only a small diamond shaped hole let it in the air???  You coud hear bushes rustling, the wind rattling things around, vague shadows thrown by the moon.  It made it even worse later on when Mum told me she had seen an apparition out there (yes, I must have inherited it - she saw things as well). I learned as I grew older,  to go to the toilet at the Railway Station before entering my Nan's, then not to drink much so that I would not have to go to that place!

There was one place even worse and that was the cellar.  Houses now do not have cellars and I cannot say I am sorry. The cellar was accessed through a door in the kitchen. The kitchen itself was bad enough, stone floor, always freezing cold.  How Nan's poor parrot stood it out there I do not know but the bird cage was on a marble-topped dressed in front of the kitchen window.  The poor bird must have frozen in the winter and how it stood the steam from the washing and cooking I do not know but "Polly" lived to a ripe old age being as gentle as a lamb with women but ripping to shreds the hand of any man that dared try and touch him/her. 

The cellar.  Once you opened the door your were confronted with very steep steps leading to darkness.  The cellar was where the coal was kept.  No central heating then just coal fires.  The walls by the steps were white-washed to throw some little light but once you got to the bottom. - stygian blackness -  and the cellar went around a corner.  I used to be send down to get a bucket of coal.  I trembled every inch of the way.  Whilst hastily shovelling the coal I was always imagining that "something" would creep around the bend in the cellar and get me.  Obviously it never did but oh how I loathed and hated that place.  There was also always the fear that the cellar door would slam and you would beshut in the darkness.  I have never liked confined spaces and I think it must stem from then.

to be continued




Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is a great read and as good, if not better, than many an autobiography you will find in the local library

look forward to next bit

Anonymous said...

I am loving this story, I can't wait for the next part. You should write and get your stories published :)........Jules xxxx

Anonymous said...

Oh, that picture is sooo beautiful!  Your writing always puts me at the edge of my seat!  Waiting for the next entry,,,,,, Good day to you!

Anonymous said...

Those are some wonderful memories of your grandmother. I love roses also. I planted them right outside my bedroom window. I have also had the unpleasant experience of using an out side toilet. I thank God for modern conviences LOL. God Bless

Anonymous said...

Reading this reminded me of my own childhood visiting my grandparents rather gloomy old house. There was no cellar or parrot but there was an outside privvy and a budgerigar. I didnt like the privvy because of the snappy old mutt that they owned was always outside waiting (as I thought) to bite me! As the story is to be continued I look forward to hearing more........Sandra

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my Journal,  ( you left me a note about my little dog)it was a nice surprise to see that you are in England. ( I have always wanted to visit the famous English countrysides). One of the best things about Journals and the pc, is that you can visit all over the world right from your own home. Love your journal and roses.

Anonymous said...

A lovely story.  It brought back all the memories o my own wonderful grandmother.  Thank you   Pennie

Anonymous said...

Ah, i can't wait to read more.  very vivid -- i could see your memories!

Anonymous said...

Jeanette! I just love reading your memories. My step grandmother had an "outhouse" up until I was about 14 years old and I rememebr those dreaded trips out there! The spiders and snakes are what i feared! And she also had an out side cellar. She kept her homemade canned goods, jelly, pickles and other garden goods she made  in the cellar along with her potato's! It was a dark dank place we would have to spend a lot of time during tornado season in as she lived right next door to us!


Anonymous said...

A great read Jeannette, I love the stories my Mum tells of those old days........the outside loo, know exactly what you mean.  A pleasure reading about your Grandmother. Great picture too.xRx

Anonymous said...

What a lovely memory to share, i never knew my Grandparents and always imagined what they would be like. Thank you, you keep on wrighting.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette. Another engaging bit of writing there. A while back I mentioned a programme I'd been listening to on R4 including real life anecdotal romantic stories. I have a feeling it was on Woman's Hour. You should send them some of your pieces and see what happens. If you want to of course. Keep writing. Dave.

Anonymous said...

Nice journal entry.  You have really brought your memories of your grandmother to life.

Anonymous said...

Your grandmother sounds like she was a wonderful person. My favorite rose is the yellow one also.

Anonymous said...

You have a wonderful journal...wonderful content and very visually appealing! I'm glad you stopped by my anniversary blog and left a link back here to your journal. I enjoyed my first visit here and look forward to returning.


Anonymous said...

Jeannette, what a great story! I can't wait to read the rest. You paint a very vivid picture. & I love the painting of the woman smelling the rose! Happy Sunday! ~Ann : )

Anonymous said...

Hello Jeannette.  I discovered your journal through another journal.  I'm so glad I did.  What a beautiful style of writing you have, and the pictures you choose are also very beautiful.  The story you tell of Johnny is very touching,as is this one, remembering your Grandmother's house.  You can be sure I will be back often to read you.  Oh, I, too, have one daughter, but... no grandchild yet.  Perhaps someday...  In the meantime, I do have a beautiful granddoggy.  

Anonymous said...

This entry reminds me of my own grandmother, a scrappy, fighter of a woman from the French provance of Canada who migrated south to work in the spinning and cotton mills of the east coast. She and my pepere were quite poor but strived to make the best for their growing family.

Can't wait to read more.

Anonymous said...

Your Grandmother had a life that should be remembered for generations to come.  The hardships of everyday life, and the perserverance necessary to put a meal on the table for the family, took every waking moment.  Remembering those details should make us happy during our modern day struggles, when we are confronted with lifes problems.  It is a great read and I will look forward to reading more Jeannette.  I have enjoyed eating my everning meal and putting myself in that old tyme world.    ~mark~