Thursday, September 9, 2004

Another Year!

Yes, it is that time again.  Today finds me another year older.  Where does the time go?!! Ninth day of the ninth month. When I met Mike he was living at no. 9 and we got engaged on the 9th and Mike's birthday is on the 9th - in December. We have always looked on it as our number although we have not noticed it being particularly lucky.

I have mixed feelings today. I have often thought that when you get to a certain age, Birthdays should no longer be celebrated.  I mean Birthdays are really like Christmas and much better enjoyed by children.  Every birthday now finds me comparing myself with the last one and noticing how many more aches and pains I have developed since the previous year!!! It is also a very sobering thought that I know or knew far more people that have passed away than I know now.  That comes with the passing of the years.

However, this year is more special because we have little Nathan.  My first Grandmother's card!! I have been writing so much lately about my own Grandmother that I find it hard to believe that I am now in her shoes. Whilst I was writing those memories I felt like a little girl again.  Now, here I am, a Grandmother in my own right and in the Autumn of my life.  A strange feeling, a little scary.  When you are young, a day can seem an eternity.  As you get older the days seem to fly by.  So, mixed feelings today, a little sad, quite happy.  Had some wonderful cards, a cousin has at last come up with long promised photos for my family tree, I was even surprised by internet cards that I did not expect!!!!!!! Even better, for a change on my Birthday, the sun is shining brightly and the birds are singing.

So dear friends, I am putting aside my aches and pains and my worries for today.  I am going to enjoy it to the best of my ability. Had some lovely flowers from Mike, a helium birthday balloon and a book I cannot wait to read. Another present was supposed to be here but has not turned up soit looks like my Birthday will stretch to two days or maybe  more!!  The family will be over later and I hope to have lots of laughs and happiness bathed in the warmth of their love.  I thank God for another year and pray that the year ahead will see improved health.  I thank God for my family and my friends and for all the little kindnesses received from other people. I thank God for all the wonderful people I have come to know through the computer.

Oh, I will not tell you exactly how old I am.  Let me just say that if  I had a cake and if  we put the correct number of candles on and if we lit them - the heat would drive us from the room!!!!!!

On that thought I will leave you now and enjoy my Birthday. God bless all of you.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Jeannette! Birthdays are FAR preferable to the alternative, aren't they?  Your writings about your grandmother are a treasure.  My father recently wrote down his memories about his grandmother and gave his writings to all of his kids.  Enjoy that grandbaby.

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful Birthday Jeannette,God Bless You:)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wow, Happy Birthday, Jeanette! I am glad you are having a good B-Day, and wish you many, many more-with no fires, of course! Margo

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to you Jeannette!  You're a Virgo, no wonder we get along famously.  I'm a Pisces and although we are direct opposites on the chart, Pisces and Virgo get along well.  My husband and daughter are Virgo's also.  Don't worry about getting older.  Think of the alternative. Take care.

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....................STORMIE

Anonymous said...

I wanted to thank you for taking time to share part of your special day with me!

Anonymous said...

Hope you enjoyed your day!

Psst! You not the only one who feels this way. :-)

Take care,