Tuesday, September 28, 2004

For My Father

Following on from yesterday's entry:-



So much I've learned across the years
Of pain and hardship, joy and and tears
Yet now I find I'm learning still
And realize I always will.

You taught me well about life's school
And how to be nobody's fool
Your guidance lingers wth me yet
Your teaching I cannot forget.

You were so full of wisdom
And strength and truth and pride
You showed me how to use my gifts
And you fought on my side.

You made me see and understand
That if I made a gain
Hard work would be the price to pay
And strength would withstand pain.

I miss the talks I shared with you,
I miss your secret smile
I'd steal the sun, the stars, the moon
To have you back awhile.

Yet I am not without you
Your spirit is around
Giving me the courage now
To stand and hold my ground.

For everything you taught me
I hold and use it still
However hard the going gets,
Through you, I always will.


People think I look like my Dad. I leave it to you, dear readers, to decide if you agree.


Anonymous said...

How lovely to have had a good relationship with your Dad.

Anonymous said...

Lovely :)  Can definately see a resemblance around the nose and mouth area, can see that in yesterday's photo too.  I like your poems, this one could be describing my Dad too.
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Beautiful tribute to an obviously much loved and treasured man!

Anonymous said...

Very nice tribute, Jeannette. Maybe we should all take time out to do something similar.

Anonymous said...

I loved the poem. Its a beautiful way to remember your father. I also think that you look like your father. God Bless You My Friend

Anonymous said...

that is so wonderful. It brought tears to my eyes.

Anonymous said...

I think you do :)

Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful tribute to your Dad......and yes, I do think you resemble him.
You are lucky to have such fond memories and able to share them with your readers.  Continue your writings because you have a wonderful way with words!!!