Well, there we were yesterday sizzling with almost ninety degree temperatures and high humidity. We woke today to pouring rain, grey skies and him indoors decided it was cold enough to put his cardigan on!! At least we do not have to water the garden which makes a nice change.
Well, not much been going on here except the usual things. It was Dean's birthday yesterday so they popped over to see us. Nathan, Dean and Mike played ball in the garden. It is amazing how Nathan can actually throw a ball, lifting it right over his head and sending it to his Daddy or Mike. He certainly is advanced. It was a joy to see them. We are still waiting for his first coherent word. It seems he has put all his energy into walking and learning to play ball. He is also dab hand at turning the tv on and off and using the remote control which he always seems to find no matter where they hide it!
I have got myself a new acquisition. A pair of wooden ducks. My neighbour who throws her garden open to the public has a pair and I fell in love with them so much that I have been using a picture of them as a screensaver. Anyway, I did a hunt on the web and found the firm who makes them out of natural wood and they arrived yesterday. I was going to take a picture for you but the heavy rain put an end to that as they are standing out by the pond. When and if money permits, I am going to order a couple more with a duckling or two and have a little flock of them. I love things made out of natural products and I can also have them in the house when the weather gets really bad. I told him indoors that they were an advance birthday present to myself although my birthday is not until next month. Anyway, he likes them as well so he did not moan.
I notice the leaves are already developing Autumn tints so it looks like it is coming in early just as it did last year. The summers seem much hotter but much shorter. Autumn is a lovely time with all the fiery colours but I do not like to see the trees bare in the winter time. This year seems to have flown by. Wonder if everyone feels the same. Does time go faster as you get older? It certainly seems to.
I am gradually getting around to all your journals as and when I can.
Well, enough waffling. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and that life is being kind to you. God bless.
Glad to have you back!
Happy birthday to Dean! I'd love to see the wooden ducks, I'm sure they are a wonderful addition to your garden. Our weather here is starting to cool off in the mornings and evenings. Definitely the feeling of fall, my favorite season. Hope you have a fantastic day!
I would love to see the ducks when you post a picture. Nathan is learning fast. Bet is smileing to beat the band while throwing that ball. Happy Belated Birthday to Dean. Love your graphics. Have a nice day. Helen
Happy Birthday Dean! Hope things dry out for you and stay cool. Here in Upstate NY, USA the leaves are just starting to show some color. We won't have real color until next month. Linda
Hi sorry to hear it is raining down south we had it all day yesterday as you say we don't have to water the garden. Hubby is waiting for the grass to dry so he can get it cut but we must have had a heavy dew last night as the rain stopped a teatime lastnight so it would have been dry by now if it was the rain. You mentioned time going by fast funny we were just talking about that this morning we have never known the time to past so quickly.It must be because we are having fun being retired. I love those wooden ducks too are they the ones with the wooden name tags. Bye for now and God Bless
Nice to see you! Are you going to float the ducks in your pond?
Hello Jeannette,
We had our rain yesterday, and today is cloudy and a humid 80 degree day. It is nice to get a break from watering the yard. Hope Dean, enjoyed his Birthday. Would really like to see photo's of your wooden ducks. And I have noticed signs of an early fall here, as well. So enjoying this summer as much as possible. Take care, and hope you enjoy your weekend, too. ~Deborah
It's a happy anxious time waiting for a first word, I was always afraid I'd miss it, you hear it often enough after but the first time is special. We don't have any rain.......or have I just jinxed it. Have noticed the leaves are falling off the trees. xxRache
so good to see you have an entry today i have missed it so much. I love the graphic it is so pretty happy late birthday to dean it sounds like you guys had a good time enjoying that cute little nathen. so glad yu finally got some rain i know and you needed it we had a storm come through yesterday but no rain here now today it is 95 and hot and humid so strange i notcied our leaves have a tint of orange to yesterday so fall is coming i can't wait to see all the colors my first fall in in hope you have a good day you and your family are still in my prayers God bless kelley
Yes this year is just flying!! And yes time is definitely going faster now that we are older... Why is that...
Hearing about Nathan gave me a smile :) and awaiting pictures of your new ducks... They sound very nice.
Have a great weekend!
The ducks sound great!!! This year has flown by; I love the autumn as well all those shade of orange and gold...winter is when I want to hibernate!!!!
Good to hear from you! Being disabled, the cold makes the pain much worse. So the summer seems to fly by because I dread the cold so much. But, I will look forward to the holidays!
I love the natural looking garden things, pleased to see you back
It seems to go faster when not thinking about it, but slower when it is too hot or cold or rainey or 2 feet of snow and the car is stuck in the yard into the mud. I have not been on the computer during the day and am just catching up on my alerts. mark
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