I will be back writing when I can think of something to write about! I really do have writer's block at the moment which I suppose is only to be expected considering the length of time I have been doing my journal and that I posted every day. I am sure you do not want to read about how miserable the weather is, the newspapers full of gloom, doom and tragedy. So, I am waiting for the muse to hit me again as it will, no doubt, eventually.
In the meantime I have posted a new chaper to
Hope you are well, take care Caff xxx
I hope you're well, nice to see an entry from you again. I sometimes start an entry and my mind goes blank!! Jeannette.
nice to see you ,Ive been wondering if you are ok ,know just what you mean about going blank,take care .........Jan xx
I was beginning to wonder what happened to you. It seems like all of J-land is pretty quiet right now. I haven't had many new post alerts lately. I don't feel like the day is beginning unless I add my journal entry. It has become a habit that I hope I don't have to give up. I'll check out Pips story later today ! 'On Ya' - ma
Jeannette glad to know you are OK....Hope the muse hits you soon....still can go and read "Through a dogs Eyes" thanks for that....Ally
I noticed you haven't been posting as much. It is a relief to know you are suffering from writer's block, and nothing more serious! I'll be waiting for your next post...take care of yourself! JAE
I haven't been posting in a journal as long as you and I think I already have writters block.
Hiya Jeannette, I`m sure the muse will come back to you soon and we will have one of your interesting tales to read. Take care my dear friend. :o))
Sandra xxxxxx
I know exactly what you mean Jeannette, I've been finding it very difficult to think of something to write about in between walks!
Take your time. We all need a bit of rest from the computer every now and then. Will be here when you update.
Hey Jeannette.........We all get that way sometimes. I thought you would like to know that I posted your journal on my journal page. I wonder what will you tell us next I wonder..........hmmmm
May the muse fill you with all sorts of inspiration. Take care
Hello friend hope to have you back soon take care God bless kelley
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