Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Alerts Problems

I had a comment posted under my last entry about the problems we are having with alerts.  For those who missed the comment (it was one of the last ones) I thought I would post it here.  Forgive me if you have already been told.

Hi folks -- I don't have all the technical details, but for some UK users, the Alerts content is going to the wrong template (so it's not a spam, ad or scam).

In AOL Alerts, there are three delivery methods -- Online, E-Mail, and Wireless Device (a really short alert that goes to cell phones, pages, PDAs, etc).

For some reason, some AOL UK Journals Entry alerts are going to the wrong template -- they're going to the wireless template, which is only about 100 characters, which is why it looks so odd. It's also why it has that "Register wireless device" link.

It's an ongoing problem -- apparently it happens sometimes when the Alert content exceeds a certain length.

I will ask Susan to blog about it when we get more details -- also, please keep in mind, if you have any problems to report, please let me and Susan know, either by commenting in our blogs or sending e-mail -- you can vent and perform a useful service that helps your fellow Journalers at the same time.

Thanks -- Joe
Comment from journalseditor - 30/01/06 19:13  

I will be back writing and commenting on your journals soon.




Anonymous said...

Well at least we know we're not going mad <ggg> All the alerts i have had like that do have the name of the journal on them so i know to go and read...This is first alert from you that i've had recently that wasn't the wireless kind LOL   Caff xxx

Anonymous said...

I know I'm not getting all my alerts! And at times have GREAT diff just getting onto journals or can get on but not letting me leave comments! Weird!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this info Jeannette ..at least we know they are aware of it ..waiting for your entry lol .........Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the information Jeannette, I hope they manage to sort things out soon.  Look forward to your next entry, Take care. :o)

Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

Thanks for explaining that.

Anonymous said...

THANX Jeannette! ~Diane~

Anonymous said...

It did make me wonder what was going on!!  Thanks for posting that!!

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to hearing from you ....Love Jeanx

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info!  JAE

Anonymous said...

Thanks for clarifying that "register a wireless device" alert.    mark

Anonymous said...

Thank you Jeanntte. I'm glad that you wrote this. :o) I've been having problems too. I'll let you know if I have troubles. :o)

Anonymous said...

ohhh is that what that was.. i was wondering why I was getting an AOL Alert but no text and a funky link... ya I thought it could be spam but I didn't block it.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this entry Jeannette. I had already contacted aol - sent their latest wireless alert back to them, leaving them in no doubt how irate I was. Due to the fact they cant get our journal alerts right. Received an answer from the appropriate dept. saying they had taken my comment on board and were looking into it.
Take care
Sylvia xx

Anonymous said...

Linnys Days....thanks for the info......Linny

Anonymous said...

HI Jeanette..just wanted to let oyu know that I tagged you at my journal =)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the information Jeannette.  Just leaving (((( warm hugs )))) they come in handy sometimes. Rache xx

Anonymous said...

Hey Jeannette.......I just thought I would come by and tell you that I was here. I always try to drop by your journal and let you know that I enjoy reading it. I hope that you are doing well..........I can't wait to read another one of your entries as I usually do.........

Your friend, Monae