Monday, February 26, 2007

Are You Having Problems?

Hi everyone

From the comments under my previous entry, it seems a number of you are having problems with journals.  Either you are lacking Add New Entry Button, some were lacking all buttons, one person had a problem with text size and others could not add pictures.

Joe, the Journals Editor has now done a posting asking people to notify him of all such problems. I have emailed quite a lot of you pointing this out but this is for all those of you who have not received an email.

Please go to the following entry, be sure to state your problem and be sure to leave the link to your journal.  Joe wants to know just how many people are affected.  Here is the link:

In the meantime I have had to access my journal by downloading another browser and going into my journal that way.  It is not an ideal situation but until the problem is fixed that is all I can do.  Please do send in your journal problems as it will hopefully enable them to pinpoint the problem.

Thank you

Saturday, February 24, 2007

One thing after another

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Decided to do an entry today.  Aol was having none of it!  The Add New Entry button had disappeared from my journal completely.  Nothing could restore it.  Someone suggested I clear my cache, I had done that five minutes earlier only to find that all my buttons had disappeared.  No Add Entry, no delete entry, no edit entry - absolutely nothing.  In desperation I decided to system restore to yesterday.  Lo and behold all the buttons came back text has now gone very small and nothing I can do seems to change it.  Last time that happened I was able to change the size of the text by using the wheel on the mouse, this time that has not worked so here I am peering at the screen and wondering what else can go wrong!

I have been busy working on the family tree and getting over a horrible flu type bug that I picked up from the family.  Received some documents from Germany that make me wish I could speak and write German.  Lots of interesting information though and  because I do understand the word "kinder"  I was able to work out what children belonged to whom. I am slowly piecing it all together.

The rain here has been almost endless.  There are great pools of water lying all over the garden, it just starts to dry up a little when another downpour comes along.  It is all churned up like a motor cycle scrambling course!  The dogs do not mind but him indoors does,  having to constantly dump them in the bath.

Not much else going on around here except for last night when in the middle of the evening we heard a rumbling sound and saw flashing lights.  It seems that the gas board were digging up the road right outside our house.  We have no idea why because there has been no smell of gas as far as we are aware and it all centres on the property directly across the road from us as workmen were going in and out of there.  Anyway around 11 p.m. they packed up and went leaving a red and white barrier surrounding the hole.  This morning along come two men in a van to fill it in.  It had rained heavily in the night.  The hole was full of water.  We then witnessed the typical British workmen.  They stood and looked at the water in the hole,  they scratched their heads.  I noticed they had a pump with them.  They looked from the pump to the water in the hole. They examined the pump from all angles, even looking underneath it. They scratched their heads again.  They tried to start the pump.  They obviously had no idea what to do.  They stood looking at the pump for a long time as though it was some alien creature.  They gave up on the pump and came back to look at the water in the hole.  They walked around the hole, they went to their van and sat inside for a while.  Then they returned to the hole and stood looking at it again as if expecting that some fairy had sucked all the water out for them.  Then they shrugged, got in their van and drove away.  We still have the water-filled hole with the barrier around it.  Obviously far too difficult a job for them.

Nathan and Daniel are coming on in leaps and bounds, Nathan seems to learn new words everyday and Daniel now says "Oh no" all the time, something he learned from his Bob The Builder toy mobile phone and also says "goodbye" very clearly.  They are very good boys on the whole and get on well together apart from the occasional spat.

Well, I had better get off here.  I intended to come on for half an hour, do a journal entry, catch up on some journals and then go and get some work done.  The best laid plans.......... I did not anticipate being on here for hours trying to sort out problems.

Thanks to the other Jeannette (Travels) for trying to help.  Whether the buttons are going to stay on my journal or not remains to be seen.  I am just glad that I have been able to post this entry.  Fingers crossed that I can sort the fonts out now.  Have a good weekend dear readers and friends.

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Thursday, February 8, 2007

Snow! Photo Entry

It is such a rareity in this little corner of South East England, I just had to post these


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Alas it has all turned to freezing slush now but it was pretty whilst it lasted and Nathan and Daniel had great fun as did Jesse and Jack. Jack could not make out what it was.  Mike only took video of them though.


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Friday, February 2, 2007

Popping In

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Hello my friends.  I thought it was about time I put in an appearance.

Still busy with research.  At the moment I do not know my Heinrich's from my Wilhelm's!  Mike's cousin in Germany has been very patient sending things through to me and I have reciprocated with copy marriage and death certificates. I have had to translate words for him and vice versa.  I still cannot get the tree to tie up and lead directly to Mike.  A mistake has been made somewhere but it will be rectified.  A surname change was found as well and we have no idea why this gentleman should change his name after his marriage or why he choose the name he did.  As he had no children there is nobody we can ask.

I have been held with doing as much as I would have liked because we all picked up some bug.  Strange thing it is as well.  Not flu but more a stomach thing but very vague.  We only know there is a lot of it around this area.  It starts with aching all over so badly you can scarcely move, feeling boiling hot one minute and freezing the next, complete loss of appetite and nausea, almost having to force food down and feeling very weak and very tired.  We have lived mainly on soups but thankfully we are all picking up now. 

We never did get any snow to kill off all the germs.  Apart from that it is the same old housework, scanning photographs to send to Germany and adding ones our cousin sends to our tree.  It will be a job well done when it is finished.  I have also been re-checking on the internet for information about other lines of the family as new information is coming online all the time.  I have not even started printing things off yet.

So, that is my update.  Nothing exciting.  Well exciting to us but maybe not to all of you.

I shall not be turning my alerts back on yet because this is something I really want to finish and I cannot cope with that plus all the alerts.  However, I will visit those of you who read this entry and leave your journal address. That is only fair.  In the not too distant future I shall be back to commenting regularly.

I hope that all is well with everyone and that life is being kind to you.  Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

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