Decided to do an entry today. Aol was having none of it! The Add New Entry button had disappeared from my journal completely. Nothing could restore it. Someone suggested I clear my cache, I had done that five minutes earlier only to find that all my buttons had disappeared. No Add Entry, no delete entry, no edit entry - absolutely nothing. In desperation I decided to system restore to yesterday. Lo and behold all the buttons came back text has now gone very small and nothing I can do seems to change it. Last time that happened I was able to change the size of the text by using the wheel on the mouse, this time that has not worked so here I am peering at the screen and wondering what else can go wrong!
I have been busy working on the family tree and getting over a horrible flu type bug that I picked up from the family. Received some documents from Germany that make me wish I could speak and write German. Lots of interesting information though and because I do understand the word "kinder" I was able to work out what children belonged to whom. I am slowly piecing it all together.
The rain here has been almost endless. There are great pools of water lying all over the garden, it just starts to dry up a little when another downpour comes along. It is all churned up like a motor cycle scrambling course! The dogs do not mind but him indoors does, having to constantly dump them in the bath.
Not much else going on around here except for last night when in the middle of the evening we heard a rumbling sound and saw flashing lights. It seems that the gas board were digging up the road right outside our house. We have no idea why because there has been no smell of gas as far as we are aware and it all centres on the property directly across the road from us as workmen were going in and out of there. Anyway around 11 p.m. they packed up and went leaving a red and white barrier surrounding the hole. This morning along come two men in a van to fill it in. It had rained heavily in the night. The hole was full of water. We then witnessed the typical British workmen. They stood and looked at the water in the hole, they scratched their heads. I noticed they had a pump with them. They looked from the pump to the water in the hole. They examined the pump from all angles, even looking underneath it. They scratched their heads again. They tried to start the pump. They obviously had no idea what to do. They stood looking at the pump for a long time as though it was some alien creature. They gave up on the pump and came back to look at the water in the hole. They walked around the hole, they went to their van and sat inside for a while. Then they returned to the hole and stood looking at it again as if expecting that some fairy had sucked all the water out for them. Then they shrugged, got in their van and drove away. We still have the water-filled hole with the barrier around it. Obviously far too difficult a job for them.
Nathan and Daniel are coming on in leaps and bounds, Nathan seems to learn new words everyday and Daniel now says "Oh no" all the time, something he learned from his Bob The Builder toy mobile phone and also says "goodbye" very clearly. They are very good boys on the whole and get on well together apart from the occasional spat.
Well, I had better get off here. I intended to come on for half an hour, do a journal entry, catch up on some journals and then go and get some work done. The best laid plans.......... I did not anticipate being on here for hours trying to sort out problems.
Thanks to the other Jeannette (Travels) for trying to help. Whether the buttons are going to stay on my journal or not remains to be seen. I am just glad that I have been able to post this entry. Fingers crossed that I can sort the fonts out now. Have a good weekend dear readers and friends.
I'm glad you finally got your buttons back before paranoia set in! Lol! We've not had too much rain lately. Have you tried an online translator for German? If you type translator into the browser it comes up with some good sites, I use it to type instructions to my staff in Spanish, Turkish, Polish etc! I laughed at your gasmen, they're the same all over the country aren't they?! Jeannette xx
good to hear from you love thet pic up top. Yes the rains have been abundant got a sunny day today gottat enojy whilst we can. Mna if they are gonna dig up they shoudl tell you why!!!!!!!! makes one worry after seeing so much stuff going on
Sorry that you have been ill but glad to hear that you are now over it. Spring is just around the corner (well, I like to sound positive), so let's hope all this rotten weather comes to an end. Good luck with the hole in the road, though I won't hold my breath. Eileenx
I was delighted to see your post this morning. I was about to write you inquiring what was up. The buttons on add entry have been coming and going for me for at least a month now. Without any help from me, they appear one day and not the next . I really don't know why. I just keep trying and eventually they appear.
Glad you are coming along with the ancestry, but I don't know German either and would be quite at a loss.
I think that the word no is quite easily learned as many of my own babes used that word alot. First was always Da then came no. I hope you all remain in good health and some 'sunshine' comes your way soon. I still have mounds of snow here.
'On Ya' - ma
Jeannette glad you managed to post after losing you add entry ~ I have had a few problems with aol File Manager and losing entries ~ will try again later today ~ Laughed at the Gasmen and the water filled hole ~ Good news that Nathan and Daniel getting on well they grow up so fast ~ Ally x
((((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU))))))))))))))))))))))Its goood to hear from you.glad everything is ok.I have had that happend to me recently with my journal,my add entry button wouldnt show up at all,s,I had to keep oening my journal sevral times.But now it works.I hope yours will work to.Have a nice weekend.
Hi Jeannette...
sorry to hear you have been ill and i hope you are feeling much better... so glad you've got your computer sorted out...Best wishes and have a great weekend!
I am glad that you are feeling better and was able to make this entry. I can read your entry fine but I do have my fonts larger anyway. It keeps me from having to wear my glasses to read journals. Glad that the boys are doing good. Hope they get that hole in front of you house fixed soon. Hugs, Helen
Hi Jeanette. Its so nice to hear from you I do miss you. The grapgic is beautiful and will be glad when I am able to get some. Glad to hear you are coming along with the family tree. Idris and I have been to Germany several times, Idris was a member of Caldicott Male Voice Choir for 35 years and we were twinned with a choir in Germany and spent many happy weeks there. I cannot help you with the lanquge though it was always a mistary to me. Glad your two boys are getting on, its so lovely to watch them grow and progress. They grow so quickly today and know so much, but they are such a joy. Sorry you are having problems hope things will pick up soon. Hope you are now feeling better. The continual cold weather don't help. Love Kathie.
Hi there...sorry to hear you've been ill. Hope you're feeling better soon. I laughed & laughed at your description of the two workman who came to fill up the hole in front of your house. The only difference here in the U.S. is that they would have sent at least 2 trucks and 4 workman out for that "fill up the hole" project. They would have done the same exact same thing...except they would have all been drinking coffee. I've witnessed it with my own eyes...exactly the same scene. Still laughing in Washington.....Linda
Hi Jeannette, Nice to hear from you again. Nothing new here either. I do not know if I told you before, but if you need any help with German, please do not hesitate to contact me. I have a degree in German and lived there for over 8 years before moving to Enagland. Have a nice weekend.
Hello Jeannette,
I`m glad you`ve got your journal back in one piece, I wonder why these things happen so much, or at all for that matter! I`m glad you`ve managed to get so much work done despite being so poorly, I know how dedicated you are and it seems to have paid dividends, even if some of them are in German. Hasn`t it been wet? I just hope the water boards don`t give us another hosepipe ban this year, you can never tell with them! LOL at the workmen, Bernard Cribbens springs to mind! I`m so pleased that Nathan and Daniel are doing so well, I have so much to tell you about Roman but that can wait for another time. :o)
Love Sandra xxxx
I have been having that trouble off & on for about 2 weeks. I emailed Joe reply on the first, the second he replied telling me it was not their fault & I needed to reinstall my AOL software! GRRRRR Well, I don't want to, I have before & lost many many things. So sometimes, when I go to my journal, it things I am a stranger & I can't add an entry or anything. Other times it recognizes me. VERY FRUSTRATING! I can only post when it lets me. (this is on all of my journals)
I have cleaned & deleted & did all the stuff you normally do, but to no avail.
Hope you have better luck.
I'm still having trouble with Alerts. Only one or two are coming through a day, which is very frustrating! Hope you get everything fixed soon, and we get some brighter weather! Have a good weekend.
Best wishes,
Leigh :-)"
im sorry that u have been having problems with ur journal and sorry u've been sick. ive been sick too, hope ur feeling better
Hi, I am glad to be back and reading news of all my friends again. Thank you for your recent comments. I have had a wee look at your latest journals and LOVED the photo's of the SNOW...mind you I am glad that we missed it,,but it is nice to admire on a photograph. THe look on the wee ones faces is gorgeous bet they had some fun. Look after yourself. I had a good laugh at the story of the Gas board men..typical isn't it.
Sybil x
Hi Jeanette, it's so good to see an entry from you! Sorry about all your computer problems, but I'm glad you were finally able to make an entry.
I've missed hearing from you. Stay warm and safe.
Good to hear from you again Jeanette!!
luv bella xx
Aha, you did get your entry buttons back. That's good - welcome back :-)
sorry you are having trouble with aol. It so often happens these days! Glad to read an entry after so long. Love conniex
There you are--so good to hear from you! Glad to hear that you are making at least a little progress on your family tree. Your grandchildren are at the sweetest age now. My grandson had to write a little report for school about one of his favorite places--he wrote about his grammy's house--he melts my heart! Take care until we hear from you again.
Welcome back Jeanette and its interesting to see you have been having button trouble too. At the moment I can't add anything to my journal and its been like it for a day or two. I might try to go back a few days on system restore to see what happens too. Its so nice to see one of your entries again and as always its an interesting one. Glad to see that you are getting along with your family tree and I look forward to hearing about the interesting facts you uncover. Hugs. Terry x
God bless Jeannette! Hope you are feeling better. Funny about the workmen and the hole! I have just the thing they need sitting in our patch: a jagger pump. Will suck that water right out of that hole. Perhaps your city workmen need to establish an info exchange with the rednecks in our oilfields. - Barbara
Hi, about the rain, we seem to be having the same problem up here in the pacific northwest. Alot of places are even getting snow, thank goodness we don't have that here but it is cold. Family stuff is interesting but does get frustrating sometimes. Your grandsons are at a really cute age glad they are close enough for you to enjoy. Good to hear from you. Joni
I've been having the same problems on and off with my journal too. One time the buttons are there to use, the next they're gone. Who knows with AOL. Have a good Sunday.
I had problems with the font in my last entry Jeannete but only with a couple of lines of it(STRANGELY ENOUGH). I find every evening I cannot add entry's and it is so frustrating.Well seems the workmen down your way have the same system as West Yorkshire where I moved from 2 yrs ago..They too leave water filled holes at times for months.Which I think are often a danger to small children if parents let them play out in these area's.I have reported many in the past but it is like talking to a brick wall sometimes ringing these authorities.Take Care.
Hi Jeanette..good to hear from you.. my buttons disappeared the other day too but only for a short time...sorry to hear you had the flu...LOL @ British workmen..Americans are the same..
Have a good Sunday..
Jeannette, I got your e-mail, and my buttons have disappeared more than a few times over the past couple of weeks. I did nothing because after a few minutes they would reappear but it was driving me crazy. I've also had to restore all my alerts once again. I will definitely e-mail Joe.
Hope you're feeling better and certainly hope that huge, water-filled hole gets taken care of soon. Love xx Chris
AOL has been acting odd lately a lot. Glad you have survived the flu. We've been sick here too in the middle of unpacking. Hugs,
hello friend sounds like you have had quite the morning and alot of rain we are getting rain and snow mix freezing rain and had lost power last night all night hope you get to feeling better and cant wait to see more pics of the boys they are so cute take care and God bless kelley
i agree aol seems to be a right pain in the behind lately, ive had to change my password again, i cant edit my journal and get the nasty photobucket writing all over it and it is soo slow to load, ive got little time to do anything, with the baby so when i get on here it winds me up, one problem after another.Although its better than Bulldog broadband.My dad always looses emails and sometimes cant log on fordays at a time.anyway keep well.Beckie.x
i chuckled at the vision of two men not knowing how to suck water from a hole.
I hope it is all resolved. hugs,lisa
Glad you are feeling better. LOL about the British workmen. American workmen act the same. Maybe they belong to the same union. LOL.
AOL had been messed up lately. I gave up fixing mine. I use my e-mail to put texts in my journal and photobucket to load pics. I can't complain though because I am getting the service for free.
Hugs to you and your family.
dear jeanette
what alovely entry despite all of your troubles! youae a gifted writer my friend! glad that Jeanette helped so much! hugs those grandchildren for me!
Nice to read an entry from you inspite of AOL giving you problems .Hope they come back to fill the hole in !!!!......Love Jeanxx
Hi Jeannette -- pardon me for borrowing your Journal's comments, but if anyone else is having problems with Journals buttons displaying sporadically, can you please e-mail me directly at I posted an entry just now with the information that would help us figure this out:
Thanks -- Joe
Trained monkeys could do a better job than some workmen, couldn't they! Anyone for a swim? Love Angie, x
Oh Jeanette I could almost visualize those workers as you were describing them. Must be I've seen something like that before over here in America somewhere. Humm, now where could that be. I was admiring your graphic in the beginning of your post and when you said it had been coming down nonstop I get the picture. Just wanted to take a moment to pop in and see how you were doing.
Blessings to you,
Marlene - A Poet's Point Of View
I hate when you plan just a quick stay on the computer and it decides otherwise.... Hope all is working now...
Too funny about the men and the hole full of water....
Hope you are feeling better soon!!
Enjoy your geneology search!
Linda :)
How frustrating! You don't get a chance to do an entry very often and when you try you seem to have a lot of problems. I hope AOL has fixed everything so it will be easier. I hope you are over that nasty flu bug very soon. Take good care!
Hugs, Kathy
Those workmen sound pretty funny. Glad the boys are doing well. Hope it dries up soon. Linda
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