Monday, February 26, 2007

Are You Having Problems?

Hi everyone

From the comments under my previous entry, it seems a number of you are having problems with journals.  Either you are lacking Add New Entry Button, some were lacking all buttons, one person had a problem with text size and others could not add pictures.

Joe, the Journals Editor has now done a posting asking people to notify him of all such problems. I have emailed quite a lot of you pointing this out but this is for all those of you who have not received an email.

Please go to the following entry, be sure to state your problem and be sure to leave the link to your journal.  Joe wants to know just how many people are affected.  Here is the link:

In the meantime I have had to access my journal by downloading another browser and going into my journal that way.  It is not an ideal situation but until the problem is fixed that is all I can do.  Please do send in your journal problems as it will hopefully enable them to pinpoint the problem.

Thank you


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Jeannette!  I haven't tried today.  I had no problem yesterday but I am still going to e-mail Joe.  Love xx Chris

Anonymous said...

i havent had any problems like that but AOL went down on me suddenly a few times which never happens and in a few journals i could not get the comment i was writing to work and i had to email that comment. UGH!

Anonymous said...

I do hope these problems are cleared up soon.  I will leave a note for Joe. 'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

I have emailed him although I am working again because I reformatted to last week which was a pain because it has changed some other settings.  Its strange how it only affected some of us.  Hugs.  Terry x

Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting us know Jeannette - so sorry you have had such problems - mine seems to be ok - I've not had many readers as I used to get but not sure if thats alerts or not. Lainex

Anonymous said...

(((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOOU)))))))))))))Thanks for letting us know,I was having problems,but,now I am nor.Have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

There sure was problems! I trued 3 different browsers and nada. I don't know about today.

Anonymous said...

hanks for that, as helpful as ever!Beckie.xx

Anonymous said...

Thank you hon, I believe Guido has printed an answer to all our moans and groans in his journal today. Sigh, personally I wish they would just leave well enough alone. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

Do hope your journal problems are fixed soon...I've not had any problems with mine but i've not being making many entries lately due to other circumstances...Hope you are well   Caff xxxxx