Friday, November 23, 2007

How Can We Treat Them Like This?

No graphics from me today, it would not be appropriate for what I am about to write.

I was horrified to read in the newspaper this morning that a group of our wounded troops had been treated in an appalling manner.

As part of their recovery - as part of a hydro-physiotherapy course, a group of wounded soldiers had been taken to a swimming pool in Leatherhead, Surrey.   Some had lost limbs and other had been very badly burned.  They had served in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Special swimming lanes had been  set aside for them.

They were abused and jeered by the regular users, told that they did not deserve to be there.  The men had to leave the pool.  Those other swimmers should hang their heads in shame.  Their behaviour was disgusting.

MP Patrick Mercer, a former infantry commander, said "It may well be  that these people had paid for the use of the pool and these men did not, but our soldiers have paid so much more for their country."

It beggars belief  that this could have happened and to be honest, today I feel ashamed that I live in a culture where servicemen can be abused like this, where any disabled person can be abused in such a fashion.

Last night on the t.v. news we heard of the plight of American veterans.  Apparently one quarter of the homeless in the U.S. are veterans.  I was shocked at that.  I thought through reading many American journals that the U.S. honoured their servicemen and treated them very well.  To see a group of Vietnam and Iraq veterans sitting in a shelter in Boston , a shelter they had to make and run for themselves, was very sobering.  Everyone else was celebrating Thanksgiving, but these men looked sad and broken.  One young man said he had contemplated suicide several times. 

Many in the UK have become increasingly concerned as to how our troops are treated.  Sent into combat zones with boots that melt in the heat, insufficient body armour, lack of ammunition.  Their families in married quarters are living in bad conditions.  These service homes are not being maintained.  Troops interviewed in both war zones have stated publicly that they do not feel they are appreciated "back home."

Then we are told that our armed forces are at an all time low.  Young men and women are just not enlisting anymore.  Well, is it any wonder?  Our troops are stretched to the limit and what does the government do - nothing as usual.  They are too busy giving money away elsewhere.

War is a terrible thing. War has always been a terrible thing.  Many thousands of people did not support the war in Iraq as many did not support the war in Vietnam.

But whatever people's views, this is no excuse to treat our servicemen in a shoddy and dishonourable fashion.  They did their duty to their country.  Many did not come back.  Many that did come back are permanently damaged in mind.  Many are damaged in body and will remain so for the rest of their lives.

Both England and the U.S. should honour their troops. Both of our governments should support the servicemen and women  and see that they do not fall into poverty or hardship.  That they have adequate housing and all the help they need. They are all heroes and should be treated as such.

As for me, if I had been swimming in that pool in Leatherhead, I would have got out and thanked each one of those men personally for making such a sacrifice.  I would be proud to know each and every one of them.

It is a pity that our governments do not feel the same.


Anonymous said...

Hear hear Jeannette.  It never ceases to amaze me just how cruel and thankless some people are.  They should have been shown the door and the troops left to enjoy the pool in peace.  Eileenx

Anonymous said...

I do not wish to make a post on this subject it might be too much for some people to read,what i write of  how I felt about this topic,when I watched and have heard the same today. Kath

Anonymous said...

I'm shocked to be sure. I didn't see the report you are talking about, but have heard some things that aren't so nice too.  Respect seems to be lacking and what our troops really need is our support.  I've a son that's been proudly serving our country now for over 17 years.  He loves his job and is proud of the opportunity to serve.  The outcome of having seperations from his family (3 children ) has not been easy for him.  Thankfully, he's not been injured but has been in harm's way.  I support our wonderful service men and women .  No I don't like war or it's terrible plight, but we do live in a place that is safe and secure.  Good for you and your entry today.  More people should be aware of what is happening.  
'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

all this government do is cut corners and just seem to make do with wheatever the situation is, chuck money about and waste it on ridiculous things like the millenium dome, while the NHS Suffers and worst of all our troops.I know a lad who comes in my shop who has just returned from Iraq.Hes off to australia for 6 months for a break.Says it all really. Take care, Beckie x

Anonymous said...

well said Jeannette. ots a pity our government dont show the troops the respect they all deserve!
love Joanne

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with you, it never ceases to amaze me how awful people can be. Thanks for your lovely comments on my journal and it was nice to chat to you, I have been unable to get in chat since! Not sure if its me or AOL. Louise x

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Jeannette. Helen

Anonymous said...

Hear Hear, we owe these men and women so much, and to see them direspected in such a manner is appaliing. As for those ppl in Leattherhead they should be ashamed.


Anonymous said...

Terrible behaviour from those people to the soldiers, if they stopped and thought that without them where would they be? and I agree we don`t do enough for the soldiers, especially aftercare, we have organised the SOS Christmas boxes for the troops it`s only a small thing for us to do but one way of saying thanks for what they do.
bella xx

Anonymous said...

IN TOTAL AGREEMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our U.S Servicemen have NEVER been honored as they should be. Yes, it's true...MANY of the homeless are Veterans! So sad.
God bless each, as I include them in my prayers today & every day, as should we all.

Anonymous said...

Yes, terrible behavior. It seems very few remember the phrase "there but for the grace of God, go I" and we have an Indian one too.."Walk A mile in My Moccasins". I wonder what age group the people were, I've felt recently that the younger generation in their twenties lack compassion and the ability to put themselves into another's plight mentally. I live in a state where a lot of homeless people migrate to because its warm during the winter months, so our street population grows tremendously during the winter.  We have store front soup kitchens, and job placement places for them, day laborers etc. You really can't force a person to live correctly, or work for themselves it just doesn't pan out. As someone who has worked my entire life I find it hard to accept that some people will not do anything for themselves when they are capable of actually working. Then there are people who have been through terrible times and still manage to pull through life's tough times. I admire them.  love, Sandi

Anonymous said...

Yes Jeannette I agree ,I would give them a hug ,they all belong to some one ,and we should acknowledge their worth, God bless em each and everyone Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I was shocked to read your entry Jeannette!
This is the stuff of horror stories.   I hope those who booked the swimming pool are pulled up and ridiculed themselves for booing our soldiers.  How dare they!!!
These men and women are there for our sakes as well as the Afghani's or Iraqies.
They are holding up the law and honour of our country's belief in what is right.  Even though many don't agree with war this is no way to treat our soldiers.
I have just come back from the hairdressers where my hairdresser is a young woman from Chicago.  She met and married a local lad.  Her brother is on his fifth visit to Iraq and he is only young!!!  I think she said he was 19.  Five times for this young man to defend his country's honour.  How sad that they are not honored themselves when they return home.  What on earth is happening to our values?
There is something seriously wrong  infecting our society, if this can happen spontaneously and without shame.
Shame on those people...shame!!
Jeanie .

Anonymous said...

There are days when I get livid. I'm glad to see I'm not alone.
My post on my blog today was on the same subject.

Good luck to you.

Anonymous said...

Amen to that!  I think that all soldiers should be honoured for their tremendous courage to fight for our country.  

All the best,
Leigh :)"

Anonymous said...

Thats APPALLING!!!! I cannot believe that those women did not tell their children that these men are our HEROES. . .but for them they might not actually be enjoying the freedom of a swimming pool. . .I hope those woman were put in their place.My friends son has just arrived back from Afghanistan. . he is very poorly and seems he has got some kind of uranium poisoning and the government say it is not their fault and have basically left his Mum to nurse him and shes been told hes never going to get better.Shes heartbroken and seems no one cares about him.

Anonymous said...

Can't believe such disrespect was paid to any service person who is fighting for all of us to have freedom......what has our world come too.  Where is the compassion and caring, they give their lives, suffer such terrible wonds/limb losses, etc. and they are treated like this. Hope those who showed such a lack of respect come to realize how cruel and ugly they were though I doubt they will.  God bless all the service people who have given of theirselves for all of us....Arlene (AJ)

Anonymous said...

That is appalling, Jeannette. People forget that it's not the troops that decide where they are going to fight, it's the politicians. If anybody should be jeered, it's the politicians in Westminster who sent those poor sods out there back in 2003. Putting it more objectively - don't blame the soldiers, blame the politicians that everybody voted for.

Anonymous said...

It is awful isn't it....

be well,

Anonymous said...

The latest "scandal" is that Iraq veterens who have been wounded are now being billed for their medical care after they return home.  That's disgusting.  As far as I'm concerned, the second you put on that uniform, you should have a free ride for anything you need.  There are no citizens more noble than our soldiers.

Anonymous said...

(((((((((((((((((JEANNETTE))))))))))))))))))))I couldnt read anymore,I think its all just so sad.Have a ncie weekend.

Anonymous said...

What a horrible incident.  I blame this attitude of indifference on the liberal press and government officials all around the world.  The kids in public schools here in the U.S. don't even learn the Pledge Allegiance to our flag anymore becuase it's considered offensive to some.  They can't sing "God Bless America" because it's considered offensive to others.  I've been at public gatherings and when the flag is brought in, people are laughing & talking instead of standing in reverance.  It seems patriotism is a thing of the past.  Consequently there is no regard for those who serve our country in the armed services. I don't believe the majority of the people feel this way...but what I discovered is that those who are the loudest are the ones who get the most publicity in the liberal press.  We need to get the message out that no matter how we feel about war....we must support the men & women in the armed services.  They are the reason, the unpatriotic can get away with what they some countries they'd be inprisioned and no doubt executed.  Over the years they have fought & died for that freedom, among others.  Linda in Washington  

Anonymous said...

Jeannette, so sorry to hear about what happened to your troops.  
I don't know a lot about what goes on here in the US.  


Anonymous said...

I totally agree Jeannett!  So many service men are still in pain, if not physically, then emotionally and mentally.  It has been a slow visual for our government to see that care for our troops needs to extend beyond their duty.  It is slightly improving.  As far as people and their ignorance, well I think it will always be around.  You're right, shame on them for their cruelty.  I wish I could give each of them four wishes, three for them and one for a huge boot that could connect to each one of those yaks posteriors to serve them some common sense!  

Anonymous said...

That is shocking and shameful.  I am ashamed that veterans are treated that way.  Thank you for writing that.. Linda

Anonymous said...

I didn't see this article in the papers. Jeanette. But I am not surprised at it.  A lot of people these days show a total lack of repect for anyone or anything.
I agree totally with everything you've said.  We treat our troops appallingly and as usual it is down to money.
I had heard about the Vietnam vets, they were treated like garbage when they returned from the war.
Thanks for bringing our attention to it.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you 100%!!!!  God bless our troops, and God bless America!  I hope you and Mike have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

how sad and unescessary what cruelty on top of cruelness

Anonymous said...

What happened at the pool is wrong on so many levels I wouldn't know where to start.  A good soldiers duty is to obey orders and go where sent.  If people have a problem with where they go or what their orders are, well, they should take that up with the government that  issues the orders and sends the troops.  I, for one, sincerely believe they are fighting an enemy in terrorists that is a big a scurge as democracy and liberty has ever faced.  You'd think that where the veteran affairs failed these folks, welfare and such would at least keep them surviving.  And then there is some lazy bum who has never done an honest days work eating on the government and somehow has things I don't have.  -  Barbara

Anonymous said...

My Jim is a Vietnam veteran and the stories he has told me about how he was treated, makes my skin crawl. I am greatful to all the vets and those now in war for all they have done and still are doing for us. God Bless those fighting in this war and god bless those whom are veterans of other wars. (((((Hugs)))))))
Love ya,
Cindy xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Jeannette ,how sad that they were treated in this way Jeanx

Anonymous said...

all I can say after hearing of this myself is...hear hear !!

Anonymous said...

Those men certainly did pay to use the pool ~ with their courage to fight so that the scum who jeered them can carry on like the sicko's they are. Surely the ones who were causing the upset should have been ejected from the pool and should be prosecuted, it was clearly discrimination and that's against the law. Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

I'm catching up here. I hadn't heard of this story. I'm just appalled! It's just shameful how the vets are treated. I just don't understand it.

Anonymous said...

I was as you are in shock of how they
are treated here in the US.

My family serve in this WAR and No not
everyone wanted them too go.

This coming Friday Blue will be worn it is
too show our service men and women they
are Deeply Appreciated for what they have
done for the World as a Whole while serving
from Everywhere.

Please stop by and see what i posted and then
rearranged for anothers comment to be seen
as a whole of how they would HONOR ant of
the HEROES who SERVED not 1 but ALL.

Your right they should be treated better than they
are. Being homeless is not the only problem they
face as a challenge. Some get really bad medical
treatment at times as well for US Military harmed
from the War. God bless Jeannette.

Anonymous said...

OMG Jeannette........... that is appauling.

I actually feel ashamed to call myself British/English when certain people carry on like that ......... that makes my blood boil.
Those poor people have given up their lives to serve their country only to be abused by people who probably would not have the courage to do it.


Anonymous said...

I am shocked to hear about the homeless veterans as well... so much is kept off the media... even people against the wars have given support to the young men once they are sent off to be in harm's way...still others are against the war, for whatever reason, and especially against the killing going on, no matter the perceived end result of the war. I will email you the rest of my response. bea