Thursday, November 15, 2007


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No, we have not bought another cat and as Leo is no longer able to reproduce, we do not have kittens either.  Let me explain.

Many of you know that we set up an aquarium for tropical fish a couple of years back.   When I was many years younger I used to breed tropical fish in quite a big way - mainly Lake Malawi Cichlids.  I was able to sell the fry back to the fish retailers so apart from watching with joy the mothers carrying their babies around in their mouths, the glorious colours etc. etc. I also made a little money.

However, I had one fish kept purely because I loved it.  A Plec (Plecostomus).  People either love them or hate them.  I love them because they are like creatures from prehistoric times.   They are basically a mouth in a fish body that suck all the algae from the tank.  I named mine Dino because he reminded me of something from the age of Dinosaurs.  He grew to be a very large size and sadly I had to part with him when we moved here because we did not have room for his tank.  Believe me, they can get pretty big.

Well, not long after we set up our tank, algae formed.  That is natural.  I did not want to put chemicals in the water.  I thought of a Plec but knew that there would never be room for one like Dino.  Then I remembered a smaller version, one that never gets beyond five inches.  It is called Ancistrus or Bristle-nosed Catfish.


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I sent him indoors out to get me one.  Well, the aquatic store only had babies and he brought one of those back.  No problem, I knew it would grow with a plentiful supply of food, so into the tank it went. That was the last we saw of it, or so we thought.  No matter how much we stared at the aquarium he (for it was a male)  was never to be seen, never hanging on the glass sucking away which seems to be their favourite occupation and the algae did not seem to diminish.  We assumed it had not survived.  After a few months Mike went and bought another, again a baby.  Into the tank that went.  Lo and behold the original one appeared.  I knew there was certainly room for two of them in there so that was not a problem.

Well, they grew and they grew.  A couple of weeks ago I was sitting at the computer and glanced across at the tank.  I was puzzled to see something like a leech hanging on the back of it.  I went across was a baby Ancistrus.  Who would have thought that, months apart, buying two very young fish they would turn out to be a pair!

The conditions in our tank are not ones suitable for breeding catfish, bright lights, few hiding places but nobody bothered to tell Shaggy ( named for the character in Scooby Do who also sprouts bristles on his chin ) or Shaggrina that.  They carried on regardless. At the latest count we have over twenty baby Ancistrus in the tank.  They are so cute, too small to photograph but perfect replicas of their parents even to the white dots on them.  The aquatic retailer has told us when they are bigger and we catch them (no easy job) they will take them off our hands.

However, this left us with a big problem.  What has mated once will mate again and Shaggy was busy chasing his beloved around and around the tank.  They had to be split up or we would have hundreds of baby catfish.  I could not bear to get rid of him, I had grown so fond of his ugly face and his very long bristles.  I could not bear to get rid of her as she always seemed to stick with her babies and care for them.

So, what did we do.  Yes, we bought another tank.  Out went our old sideboard in the lounge.  In came a new tank.  It took us a couple of days to set it all up and then we let it in stand for a while with just the water.

Then came the job of catching Shaggy.  This meant emptying out our original aquarium.  Catching all the fish (who are also breeding like mad).  Eventually we saw Shaggy hiding behind the black plastic filter pipe  and we very carefully netted him.  He was placed in the new tank.

Boy did he sulk!  He went into a large ornamental pot and refused to come out.  We knew he was eating because the algae wafers we put into the tank always disappeared.  Then one day we saw him just sitting there, glaring at us, probably staring with longing at the tank on the other side of the room.  Shaggrina did not seemed bothered, after all she has her babies.

Well a few more days went by and we thought it was silly to run a tank for just one fish so - yes we bought some more.  You may ask why we did not just transfer some over from the other tank.  No, we did not want to give them any more excuse to breed believe me. Baby Guppies and Platys are being born there on an almost daily basis.

So I decided on fish that were very pretty but very unlikely to breed. I decided on Rainbowfish.  We have two varieties, Praecox which are blue with red edging to their dorsal fins and tails and Bosemani which are blue at the front and yellow farther down the body.  When the light catches them, they are stunning.  We also put in three Clown Loach which are orange with black stripes.

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Remember how we had a breeding explosion in our garden pond, countless goldfish and koi?  In our original tank they are still "at it".  I have tried to ensure this does not happen in our new set-up.   To start with Rainbowfish need a much bigger tank if they are going to breed  successfully and they also need moss to lay eggs on so I have ensured that none of that has been included.  But time will tell, time will tell.

In the meantime they are giving us such pleasure, I spend more time watching them than I do the t.v. especially the Rainbowfish because they are like little jewels.

As for Shaggy, he has happily settled down with his new tank mates.  I think he is glad he is no longer alone.  He now sucks the glass of the tank just like he used to and has adopted the ornamental pot as his home. 

We are still knee-deep in catfish of course, and it will be several months before we can catch and re-home them.  Whatever we are doing with our fish, we are doing it right, they are certainly very happy.

Have a good day everyone.

***Please note, the ads now appearing at the top of this journal are NOT endorsed by me in any way.  They were foisted onto us with no warning and no chance to refuse them.  AOL strikes again!  I also do not like the new idea of allowing other people to add entries to our journals under the new "Manage Writers" button.  So much for the AOL slogan of "your thoughts: your blog".  What is the point of allowing other people to add entries to your journal?  It is then no longer your journal.  I have voiced my opinion on the Magic Smoke journal where the new changes were announced at 2 a.m. UK time this morning.***

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Anonymous said...

I have two plecos in one tank, they fight all the time so I have a centre barrier put up! I'm glad yours are more friendly towards each other, a bit too friendly! I love rainbowfish and clown loach. I'm just letting mine run down as I find the cleaning out to much for me and my back now. Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette, Love this entry about your fish tanks. Wonderful photos! We have a small tank as well and my daughter adores it. We would like to have a catfish too, but I am not sure it would be ok with goldfish and fantails...
Hope you feel wll and Dan Dani is getting better too.
All the best from Antonella

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanett well what a story and wonderful pictures that was so interesting, I didn't realize you knew so much about fish it must be such an interesting hobby. I have always been facinated with the beautiful coulour all the different fish have. A lovely entry thanks for sharing that with us. Kathie.

Anonymous said...

I love the names you have given 'mum & dad' sounds very apt for what they have been getting up to, lol, not that I condone the use of that word in company haha!!! The new fish are lovely and I hope you don't have any unexpected events with them!!! love jOAN

Anonymous said...

Oh, Jeannette!  The fish are beautiful!  Especially the rainbow fish!  Absolutely gorgeous!  I have often thought about getting an aquarium but never have.  One of the reasons is b/c I was afraid Michael would climb it and fish around in there, LOL!

Krissy :)

Anonymous said...

That is great!  What size tank do you have?  Linda

Anonymous said...

love  that you named your fish :)   Interesting names too.  Great entry my friend

Anonymous said...

I can see the fascination ,with your fish the pictures of them are lovely ,My daighter Kate has some lovely ones, also my Grandson ,and yes they are very theraputic to watch Jan xx

Anonymous said...

wow what a lovely catfish, they are my favorite too, our one was nearly 12 inches when he died. We have a candy plec called spike and i bought 2 angel fish the other day and called them Den and Angie.Frank and Pat passed away, 2 drawf gouramis.Sid the loach is busy digging up the plants which means ill have to roll up my sleeves and dive in. If I could drive i would of definately bought a plec off you, i think they are the cutest fish.They do love to hide though, I only see spike when he gets hungry, he mostly comes out at night.I love your pot, where did you get that one from, the stuff in my local shop is mostly tacky looking or over priced.Anywya, hope the tank goes well, I love my tank like a dog?! Does that make sense?!!lol @ shaggy and shaggalina, dont say that after a few sherries! Beckie x

Anonymous said...

Your fish tanks will give many hours of pleasure and now that the winter weather is on the way it'll be nice to have indoors pleasures for sure.  We in the US have those ads above our journals for quite some time now and aol put a note on them that they are not endorsed by the journal folks.  I was glad to see your lovely entry this morning.  'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

ps i love it when the clown loach sleep on the bottom of the tank, its soo cute!!

Anonymous said...

I have a Pleco that's about a foot long now, and I hope he doesn't get any bigger!  I, too, love staring into our tank, it's so relaxing!  Thanks for sharing, I hope your back is feeling better!  ~~Kath~~

Anonymous said...

Your fish are so pretty. That was a very interesting story about the catfish. I feel like you do about letting others make entries to our journals. What is the point to that I would like to know. I made a comment similiar to what you said in another journal. Have a nice day, Helen

Anonymous said...

Fear not about the ads.  We've had them for more than a year here in the states.  It's not pretty but you get used to them.  My 4 year old asked if the top graphic was a fairy home!  I thought that was sweet.

Anonymous said...

A fishy story indeed I loved it!! good luck to the fish in their new home....bella xxx

Anonymous said...

Nice entry! Beautiful fish, I love looking at nicely setup aquarians. they can entertain for hrs & hrs. :)
The U.S. has had those ads for years! Just ignore them, we do. {{}} I agree about the "manage writers" button...seems silly to me. They need to add things we really need & want!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that was interesting...and yes you are knee deep in catfish...
The fish are beautiful...makes me want a fish tank again...loved this entry.
Many hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

What beautiful fish, and Ilove the way your tanks look, i've always loved tropical fish, but I don't really have tha space unfortunately.


Anonymous said...

Jeanette, you and hubby have a very special gift when it comes to raising fish or growing beautiful things. I used to have fish years ago, loved them but because of various moves had to stop..but I do know the joy of happy fish. Sorry that you have joined us "yanks" with the ads on top of the journals..when it happened here we lost so many good writers. I have to check out what you mean by a "manage button"? Can't see any point in someone writing in your journal...the comment section is good enough...hope the whole family is doing, Sandi

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures.  Enjoy your day.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for telling us all about your fish Jeannette, I myself know absolutely nothing about tropical fish and I found it all really interesting. What a shame about the love-birds, or should I say fish, having to be separated, though if it`s true that fish have 3 second memories I`m sure they`ve both got over it by!  Also the photos are really pretty too, so colourful. As I have an American journal I`ve had the ads for ages, I found that I didn`t take any notice after a while though I wasn`t at all happy that they were forced on us at all.

Love Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

Very interesting fish story.  I think they are beautiful and great to watch.  But have never been interested in having any of my own.  I hope Leo doesn't decide to "go fishing."  But perhaps you have a cover on your tanks.   Linda in Washington state

Anonymous said...

How pretty they are..I love fish, so relaxing to sit and watch.
Poor ole Shaggy was is funny how they got attached to each other.  I enjoyed the story and the pictures.
hugs, cassie

Anonymous said...

Jeanette,  You sure have "fish fingers !!" never mind "green fingers"  I so admire all your lovely fish.  My niece and her husband have a couple of tanks.  But have never heard them speak of breeding the fish...maybe they have will have to ask..loved all the photo's.  Does Leo take much notice of them ?  Thanks for sharing.  Love Sybil xx

Anonymous said...

Jeannette...I just love your fish! Very beautiful! I bet it's relaxing just to wactch. :o)

Anonymous said...

Awwwwww you are just a big softie.............fancy buying Shaggy a new home, what a little love you are.  Eileenx

Anonymous said...

Love that catfish. He is so ugly he's beautiful!!!!!
My cats would be trying to scoop them out of the tank.
Adam likes clown fish.
Hope you are all OK.
Love Carolxx

Anonymous said...

i hate fish period they are boring if i cant play with it i dont want it. if its not real companionship then it doesnt need to take up space in my house my pets have to earn their keep when they live wit me lol like smokey my only pet know he is a cat. He comes when im upset when the nurses is around me and when my boyfriend is around he is my watchdog..fishes cant do that lol. Plus they never lived long for me any how i always got my heart broken by fish. :(

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette !!!!!!!!!

I wanted you to know that I'm back and I am glad to be back reading your journal. I missed my J-Land friends. I do hope you are doing well ??? Its nice to be back. Take care my dear friend.

Anonymous said...

what button? guess i am in the dark again lol love the fishy story


Anonymous said...

Jeannette how lovely you bought another tank for Shaggy ~ felt really sorry for him being on his own ~ we have a catfish in one of our tanks definitely won't be getting another one after reading this ~ the other fish in the tank are breeding and there are masses of tiny little fish ~ no room for any extra cat fish ~ loved the pictures ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

love the fish and another cat you will need a bigger bunglow soon hugs Anne

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pix, nice chatting w/you today!  CATHY

Anonymous said...

    Glad Shaggie is happy again. Your home must be oriented towards making the little fishies feel real comfortable with their surroudnings.

Anonymous said...

    And you know something? It's a good thing you mean catfish and not cats. That would be a very stinky proposition!

Anonymous said...

I love aquariums. When I move I am setting mine up and adding some colorful fish to it. I love watching the fish swim, it is so relaxing. Have a wonderful relaxing weekend. (((((((hugs))))))))
Love ya,
Cindy xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

Love the Shaggy story and the fish look beautiful. Very calming i can imagine.

Have a great weekend
hugs Jayne

Anonymous said...

I had no idea there was any kind of catfish other than the ones who live in the river and make such a great meal!  Perhaps you could sell some extra fish to a pet store?  -  Barbara

Anonymous said...

How interesting ,your fish are so colourful Jeanxx

Anonymous said...

The pics of the fish are fab...I had a right giggle reading this entry especially about shaggy sulking with you :o)   Caff xxxxxx