Wednesday, February 6, 2008

New Journal

I have told as many people as I can think of.  Today I started a new journal.

It is for all of you, you can all add an entry by using the green ADD ENTRY button at the top.   A little bit of fun to cheer people and make them smile.

Please put on alerts so that you do not miss out on the fun.

Here is the link

Make 'Em Laugh!

Thank you all for providing your journal links thus enabling me to sort out my alerts by deleting and starting over.  The only thing I am having trouble with is Other Blogs.  I have managed to add a  few names and then, for some unknown reason, it is refusing to let me add any others no matter how many times I try.  So I will wait a few days and maybe it will sort itself out.


Anonymous said...

Your new journal looks like fun.
Have a good afternoon.

Anonymous said...

What fun..have just been and seen what it is all about.  This is just what we need to brighten our day...fingers crossed it dosn't get interfered with by the "horribles "
Thank you  Love Sybil x

Anonymous said...

Jeanette, I am not sure but there may be a limit on the number of alerts that we acn have. I have no idea what that limit is but suspect there must be one. I would hate to have to go through my alerts and shut off or delete thoes that I think (?) are inactive or dead but I guess that is what we would have to do if we hit the limit. Have a good day, Bill

Anonymous said...

It sounds like a great idea!  Love the title.

Anonymous said...

I'll be sure to put it on alerts.

Anonymous said...

 I put the new journal on alerts, thanks for the laughs.

Anonymous said...

It sounds a good idea ,have put it on my alerts Jeanx