Sunday, April 6, 2008

Snow On Sunday


It is hard to believe.  On Thursday I spent the afternoon in the garden.  It was the first time I was able to sit out there since last September.

The sun was so warm.  I just sat there, did not do any gardening just sat and took in the warmth, the song of the birds, the blue sky, the blossom on the trees and the sprouting of the new leaves.  Mike did some tidying up and I watched him and we chatted. We had all the doors and windows open and it seemed as if Spring had finally sprung.




This morning we woke to snow.  For a while it was quite heavy.  It did not settle as it did last time because it simply was not cold enough.  However, it is cold enough for us to have the heating on!


We have had snow this late before but never so soon after such a very warm day. That is why I say it is hard to believe, Thursday sitting out in a summer top actually putting sun screen on.  Today back to winter clothes and the heating going.

I was very sad to read of the death of Charlton Heston at the age of 84.   I remember going to the premier of Ben-Hur at the Odeon, Leicester Square and being simply over-awed by the film.  I also remember one of his earlier films that I simply loved - The Greatest Show On Earth.  He brought pleasure to millions with his movies.  May he rest in peace.

I do not have much else to write about, it has all been very quiet here.

I do ask you all to pray for me.  I am having lots of trouble with my blood sugars again.  It is not what I eat, I am sticking to my diet.  I simply do not understand it.  I am on the maximum dosage of my two different tablets and they cannot be increased anymore.  Next month I have my hospital appointments and I simply cannot afford to be like this.

I am also due for my diabetic blood/urine tests.  This is such a worry to myself and my family and to be totally honest with you I have been in tears a few times over the situation.  I am now worrying that an underlying cause is keeping them high. I do not need to tell you what underlying cause would worry me - you took last year's journey with me.

I am praying for a miracle and that they will drop.  I know that worry does not help and tension only makes them higher but it is not a good situation to be in, especially at this time above all others.  I am a believer in the power of prayer and good thoughts, so please take a moment to ask for help for me.  You have helped me so much in the past.  I find myself pretty frightened by the whole thing and am also getting very depressed which is why I have not done my journal until today and have not been commenting on any.

Daniel had his check-up at Gt. Ormond Street and all is well. Thank God.  Now I need for things to be well with me. I can only pray and do my best.

On a lighter note, I had my usual yearly flutter on the Grand National.  I missed it last year due to my treatment.  I managed to pick the first and the third horses.  Did not win a great deal as I was not in a position to spend much on the wagers.  But a win is a win.

Wishing each and every one of you a good and happy week.



Anonymous said...

Good Morning !  I'm relaxing a bit before getting ready for Church this morning and have even had my 2nd cup of coffee.  Your pictures of Sprng were lovely.  We have yet to get that far into the season here in northern Ohio.  Our snow has finally all melted and there are tulips and hyacynths popping up as well as daffodills, but just leaves so far. The nice thing about snow in April is we know it will not last.  I'm sorry to hear that you are so distressed and will be praying some special prayers for you today.  Please know that you are in the best hands ever as we know our dear Lord loves and cares for us always.  'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

I've missed you.
I'm so sorry to read you are still not well. It must be a very worrying time for you, but please try not to get yourself into a state, as you say that can only make it worse.  I know that is easier said than done.  I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
I had not heard about Charlton Heston.  I too love Ben Hur and The Greatest Show on Earth. I am sorry to hear he has died.
Good news about Daniel though.!
We woke up to about 2ins. maybe more of snow this morning. We were out at 9am making a snowman.  What fun.!!!
Have a lovely Sunday Jeanette.
Love and hugs to you

Anonymous said...

The weather has been nice the last few days, but luckily no snow here today although it is very chilly. Glad to hear Daniels check up went well, thats very good news. Good luck with the tests and hope it comes back showing nothing serious your doing all you can to control your diabetes, you can do no more than that, keeping you in my thoughts.

Take care


Anonymous said...

Awww Jeannette - I will pray for you! Bless you!

We havent had much snow here! It has snowed but it isnt laying! Too wet!

Take care Love Lainey xxx

Anonymous said...

Praise be !our prayers for Daniel were answered ,and continue to keep you in my prayers too  ,No snow here thankgoodness ,I hope I havent spoken to soon ! ''melts my heart like April snow '' remember ? Your garden looks lovely ,roll on the warm sunny days Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I miss your posts, Jeannette, but I understand why you are posting more slowly.  I stopped and said a prayer for you while I was reading and will continue to keep you in my prayers, honey.  I know how powerful prayer is.  I do!!  We haven't had a warm day here yet, so I am waiting!  I love your pictures.  I can almost smell the blossoms.  You take care, and know I am praying and always here for you.  Hugs and Love, Val xox

Anonymous said...

 We are expecting snow also this week, what's going on with that.  I want spring to stay.  I will keep sending positive vibes for your sugars to get under control.


Anonymous said...

I hope all that snow and cold doesn't damage you flowers and trees. I am sending up prayers for you to get better. I am glad that things are well with Daniel. I remember Charlton Heston in The Greatest Show On Earth. Have a good day. Hugs, Helen

Anonymous said...

(((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU))))))))))))))))))))))))))))Just know,I am alwaying praying for you.I am glad Daniel is dong good.

Anonymous said...

I am having crazy weather here too.  This weekend is supposed to be in the '70s but I know that another cold front is creeping its way around.. I can't wait till spring is truley here, I want to do some planting this year and I miss my roses.

I saw that Charlton Heston died too and at first I was very sad to hear it.  He was amazing and biger than life on the screen.  He will be missed but deeply remembered and what more could any actor ask for.  I believe he is with the Lord and that I should be joyful for him.

As always I will keep you and yours in my prayers.

Much Love,

Anonymous said...

(((((((((Jeannette))))))))))) I always have you in my prayers. I am so happy to hear the good news about Daniel. Now as for the snow, BRRRRRRRR, what is going on with Mother Nature? Isn't it Spring? I can't say much for our weather here. It's 49 degree's outside and raining. Try not to get so upset about your sugar level. It could just be that the pills no longer work and you may have to use insulin now. I have seen it happen with so many people in my family and alot of my friends too.
Love ya,
Cindy xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

sorry you're getting snow...   we are finally getting nice weather...  hopin no more snow!!!!   Good to hear about Daniel... and of course prayers and good thoughts going your way.

Anonymous said...

So glad to see you back with us again. miss you when you are not around.  Yes we had snow here this morning as well, however it didn't last and at the moment behind the glass  lol    it is like summer although outside there is a really cold wind. Glad that the wee one got on ok with his last hosp. appontment.  Now about you. You really must try not to worry dear friend it won't help any at all...I know thats easy to say !!   You are doing all you can diet wise and that is a good thing. and I am sure all will be well with your hosp. appointment as well. I have you on our prayer list so lots of folks here in the village praying for you...keep positive Much Love  Sybil xx

Anonymous said...

The palm tree and the snow play games with my mind!! Love it!


Anonymous said...

Lovely pictures of your garden. The weather is definitely weird even across the pond...we seem to have jumped straight from winter to summer here in Florida. You are in my thoughts and prayers. My Mom has diabetes and recently had to be put on the injections cause the pills do seem to stop working. She is doing so well, lost weight, sugars very stable and she feels really good. Stay Sandi

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear  about your problems with your blood sugars. Glad Daniel is ok . We have a bit of snow here but it didnt settle.Take care Louise

Anonymous said...

I read in a few other journals about snow! Weird!!!
Sorry you're not feeling well, will send up a prayer for you today. Have the Drs check you out throuly, to be sure there's nothing else there. I know what you mean, with every illness, I worry!
Glad Daniel is ok, now. {{}}
Wishing you a lovely & blessed week.

Anonymous said...

My MIL is diabetic and we worry about every blood sugar dip or I totally understand.  I'll keep you in my thoughts and hope that it's just something simple....

::big hugs::


Anonymous said...

Jeannette, you can rest assured that I'll be holding you up in prayer.  Looks like your snow was not as heavy as  Jeannette's (Welcome to my Travels) but any snow means cold temps.  So stay warm and snuggle up with Mike and watch a good movie.  Thoughts and prayers going up for you.   Linda in Washington state  

Anonymous said...

Will say a prayer for you right now that God will send his healing angels and your levels will stabilize.  I hope you get to feeling well soon.  God's blessings on you!

Anonymous said...

I'll be keeping you in my prayers that your sugar levels have dropped.  Enjoy your week.

Anonymous said...

You are in my prayers, no need to ask!  Good luck on the Grand horse was 5th!  Eileenx

Anonymous said...

I`m sorry to hear that your blood sugars are causing you problems Jeannette, I`ll say a prayer for you and keep you in my thoughts. You have been under so much strain over the last year so maybe that is why they aren`t settling down. I am glad however to hear that Daniel is well after his check up, he looked so happy in the photos of him playing in the snow that you would never know he had been through so much. The snow that fell here was quite deep and it was bitterly cold too.  Kerry and Slava were here with Roman and when we went out this morning I was surprised at how cold it was. Sadly the snow disappeared by the afternoon but is was lovely while it lasted. Take care.

Love Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette,
I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble with your blood sugar. I know you have been under alot of stress. Maybe that is the cause. Will be keeping you in my prayers and I hope you are able to relax today and take it easy.
Good news about Daniel. He's a strong little boy.

Anonymous said...

Jenette you are in my thoughts and prayers always dear.  Your spring flowers and trees are beautiful, the snow just highlighted the beauty of the spring flowers even more.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jeannette,

Like you I am also diabetic and it can really get you down at times.  I know that feeling too.
I hope and pray that your worries are unfounded and of course I will pray really hard that this turns out to be so.
Thinking of you and caring about you too.
Much love
Jeanie xxx

Anonymous said...

i have missed your postings.  i am glad to hear daniel is fine.  and i know you are concerned about yourself, but don't worry about things over which you have no control.  also, don't worry about something that isn't proven yet.  i have problems getting my suger levels under control as well, and i take 2 medications.  sometimes our bodies just go haywire for no reason.  but know that you are in my thoughts and prayers...........


blessings, dear online friend,


Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette.

Owwwww tell me about the snow........ we had a good couples of inches here in London....... we made a small snowman and put him on the wheelie bin..... but it had warmed up by late afternoon and off he slid.

Glad to hear that Daniel's appt went well, but sorry to hear that you are having problems with your blood sugars, please try not to worry to much as i know this will not help ( easier said than done i know ).
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
hugs Jayne

Anonymous said...

Lovely Spring pics of your garden Jeannette, yes typical English weather, isn't it?  We were supposed to expect snow over the weekend, we had about 30 secs. of hail lol!
It was a bright but sharpish day yesterday - I had jumper and warm coat on whilst son was in short sleeved shirt!
Yes, the heating went off and then back on again :-(
Good to hear of Daniel's progress :-D  Best of all wishes are  yours always - look forward to hearing of your progress too :-D
take care
all the best

Anonymous said...

I am sending you prayers and hugs Jeannette.  I hope that your docs get to the bottom of the diabetes difficulties, and quickly.  Please keep us posted and know that you are in my thoughts.

be well,

Anonymous said...

Mark won £15 on the euro the other day, he was acting like he won a million bless him, sunday was a strange weather day, about 5 inch of snow in the morning then bright sunshine in the afternoon!? crazy!The body is a strange thing.My mum since having her kidney transplant keeps to a strict diet yet her potassium levels go up and down , try not to worry, i know its easy for me to say.Beckie x

Anonymous said...

Sending you warm wishes & Prayers.  Your photos are lovely!!  I was sad to see Charlton Heston passed as well.  Please do take care.

Anonymous said...

Hello Jeannette,
Good to hear from you - it was quite a contrast between Thursday and Sunday anywhere in the UK. Diabetic control can be an elusive aim, and there may well be no definitive cause for your brittle diabetes. I hope something can be sorted on that front.


Anonymous said...

Yes, weather is crazy here in NY too.    I don't know which clothes to keep out, put away, bring out....well, you know!  It's nuts!


Anonymous said...

Sorry your blood sugars are giving you problems again .Your garden pictures are so pretty ,thank goodness the snow didn't last long .Is that a Pieris in the photo its a lovely big one ,we had one at the other house and bought it with us when we moved and it at last looks like its here to stay  and not going to die on us .So pleased Daniel is doing so well .I hope all will be well with you when you go to the hospital next month Jeanxxx

Anonymous said...

Think we had your share of the heavy snow here Jeannette. Sunday all the family celebrated my birthday with me - down by the river: Feeding ducks, building sowmen and having snowball fights with nanny. I've never had such a happy birthday for years. All my little grandkids gathered together to play snowballing, because nanny said she love to get out there and act daft. (not hard in my case).
Ron's very poorly, but having tests soon for Parkinsons. We are happy though, in our lovely little bungalow. I love living here. Hope you ae enjoying what bit of Spring we've got so far - next week I'm having my kitchen pulled out and replaced. Will stick Ron in the car every day, complete with flask, food and medication - and leave the builders to the dust!
Take care.
Love Sylvia xx

Anonymous said...

british weather         no comment  lol        my best wishes for  you,  hope evrything is ok            take care  mort  x

Anonymous said...

Jeannette I know how much you worry about what may be going on in the background ~ (that underlying cause) you have been through so much and I can understand that ~ I know I used to worry just before it was time for a checkup and thought the most awful thoughts ~ but they turned out to be groundless as I am sure yours will too ~ keeping you in my thoughts and prayers ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had the opportunity to spend some pleasant time outside!  Remember, we are all praying for you and "whereever two or three are gathered in My Name, I am there with you".  -- Barbara

Anonymous said...

Prayers going out for you Jeannette. I do hope they can find out the reason for your fluctuating blood sugars. The snow was awful wasn't it? Thankfully it was soon gone, we had five hours of blizzards and still had snow laying around the next day. Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

Dear Jeannette,

Such beautiful pictures.....Praying for you and the situation of health which as we age seems to rise to the top of the surface.



Anonymous said...

Try removing aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal) from your diet.  It is found in diet sodas and many other products.  I believe that may help you.  Be well.  Sincerely.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jeannette !!!!!!!!

Its me Monae. I wanted to come by and say hello. You might want to know that you finally get to see me and my family on my newest entry. Earlier this evening I went for a birthday celebration with my family at the Hard Rock Cafe in Atlanta which was fun. We all had a great time and I enjoyed myself. The food was a little so so but the sights and the place was great. We took pictures and it was all fun fun fun. Do come and check it out. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette, just wanted you to know that I've been missing you and thinking about you a lot.  Also offering up prayers for your health situation.  It's still weird winter here in Washington...a daily mix of sun, sleet, hail, rain and even a little snow from time to time.  I'm anxious to get my hand in the dirt and get some petunias, etc planted.  Take care dear friend...remember to keep looking up ^.
Linda in Washington state  

Anonymous said...

You know that having so many friends thinking of you Jeannette means that you are not facing your problems by yourself, so do not feel depressed.    I know how depressed I can get, and how much of a difference those around me especially, can make.     Just yesterday, my neighbor Paul VonBusch, aged 85, who I found passed away on the day I returned home from the hospital, had his only family here.    His niece Lori came with 3 other women and they had a vehicle with a trailor to take his possessions and clean his trailor.    We made such a good contact and understanding, as my neighbor Paul had only me and one other person that he was friends with.    It was so sad each day walking back and forth on my walks with Salty, passing his trailer, remembering finding him that day.    My other neighbor that was taking care of Salty, told me the mailman had not seen him for several days.     I was his closest friend to be able to let myself in his trailer.   I have felt so relieved now that the women have been in his trailer and the bad memory no longer depresses me.     It is a wonderful feeling to know how much a person is loved by one's family and friends.    I do appreciate you so much as a friend Jeannette.    Hugs, Mark

Anonymous said...

I see you haven't posted in a while, Jeanette.  I pray you are okay.  Please know you are in my prayers.  I know how depressing it can be to feel sick all the time.  Hang in there, dear sweet lady.  I am believing positively for you.

Hugs and prayers!~


Anonymous said...

Hi hope your feeling ok and back blogging soon miss reading your stuff

Anonymous said...

I sympathise about sugar levels.  It does not seem to matter what I do mine keep rising.  I am thinking of trying to find a nutritionist to see if I can improve things, as I have been threatened with insulin in a couple of months, if the levels do not drop.

I am glad everything went well at Gt Ormond Street, I am off there on Tuesday with my grand daughter who has been treated there before for her excema.
