No graphics from me today, dear friends and readers, for a reason which will become obvious.
For the last week I have been so tense about this appointment that it started my neck off, I had stayed off the computer in the hope that this would not happen but it did. Last night I got no sleep with the pain and felt shattered when I rose this morning but was still determined to go even if I had to go wearing my neck brace.
We were ready to leave the house when Becky pointed out it was chillier than yesterday so I had better wear my jacket. I went to the bedroom to get it and the next minute I found myself on the floor! I can only assume I had not tightened the strap on my sensible sandles enough, it did feel a bit loose. I must have turned my ankle which threw me off balance. I had no time to try and save myself. I missed smashing my head on the bookcase by a tiny margin. There I was on the floor stunned. Then the shock set in and I went to pieces. I did not know whether I had broken my arm, I knew I had taken the full force (and I am not a small woman) on my left elbow - right on the bone itself and also on my left knee.
The family were in a panic, trying to get me off the floor, not knowing how much damage I had done. Becky said she would phone the hospital and explain and change the appointment. I told her no, I had had this hanging over my head for too long I wanted it out of the way.
So after drying my tears we set off. I did the journey with a packet of frozen vegetables pressed against my left elbow and my knee throbbing like hell.
Becky and I went into the clinic as Mike could not find a parking space. He joined us about ten minutes later. They knew something was wrong the minute they looked at me, I must have been white as a sheet with swollen red eyes and a packet of veg pressed to my arm. Would have been funny in any other circumstances. What made it worse was this was the arm I always have trouble with when my neck is bad and also the side where I had the breast surgery.
They immediately asked if I needed to go to A and E. I told them I would see how I was AFTER I had had my appointment as I was not going to miss it. So they had a word with the nurse and they saw me within fifteen minutes.
As luck would have it I did not have to see Dr. Robinson, she who must be obeyed. She was in the next room but it was her young female registrar who did the necessary, a lovely Chinese lady. She examined both armpits and breasts very carefully and said she could not find any abnormalities but, of course, only the mammogram will really give the answer to that one.
She looked at the bruise on my elbow and asked about my fall. She asked again if I needed to go to A and E. I pointed out that I could move my elbow and my arm and also my knee and I thought it was just bad bruising. She agreed with me. She was very gentle when lifting that arm so as not to cause me more pain. She ran backwards and forwards between myself and Dr. Robinson passing all information on.
Only one small problem arose. They have decided to change my tablets now. I simply cannot cope with Tamoxifen no matter how hard I have tried. The only way I could manage was to take one tablet about every three days otherwise I just laid and cried all the time and shouted at everyone. I was honest about it. They decided therefore it is time for me to change. Now, this means having a bone density scan because these other tablets can cause osteoporosis and they need to check the state of my bones.
I did point out that I already have degeneration in the neck, lower back and also to some extent in the knees now so they considered it even more important in case I have to go on a supplement.
So this means that on the 9th June, I not only have to go for my mammogram but also for a bone density scan which they are going to try and arrange for the same day to save me making an extra journey.
I do appreciate that they are trying to help all they can but this has put more pressure on me. The bone scans are done in the big main hospital X-ray department which is always full to capacity and very hot. The breast unit on the other hand is at the back of the hospital in a small separate building and cooler, airier and nicer.
So now I need to go one place and strip off and then to another place and strip off all over again.
This is the appointment that really worries me. It is only the mammogram that will show whether I am cancer free. That will be bad enough in itself without the bone density scan. Oh well, it cannot be helped and if it is to my benefit I will do it somehow.
I do so hope and pray the mammogram will be clear after having got this appointment out of the way. If not, they will call someone immediately, there and then. If nothing shows they will send it for evaluation I and will have to wait two to three weeks possibly longer before they write and tell me.
At least when the 9th is out of the way we have our new windows to look forward to, they will be going in a few days later.
I do so wish they could have done the mammogram today and I could have known both my that and my examination whether I am in the clear. The endless waiting is the worst thing and very hard to bear.
You cannot know how painful it has been for me to sit and type this with my elbow which is black and blue. My knee is throbbing fit to bust but I am putting Arnica cream on the bruises and should feel better after a few days. That is the reason for no graphics and no signature.
I would like to thank you all for your love and support and also thank those who e-mailed me. I took your thoughts with me despite the pain of the fall.
I hope to be doing a more colourful entry in a couple of days when the bruises are less sore.
oh Jeanette !! these things are sent to try us arent they, hope you will be feeling better soon and that they can fit the bone density scan in the same day as your mammogram.
keep your chin up xx
Hi Jeannette, I can only feel for you. As if you weren't worried enough! Hope your bruises will be better soon. Try to be positive and take one day at a time. The 9th June is not far away. I'm sending you positive thoughts and all the prayers I know from the deep of my heart.
All the best.
Oh, Jeanette,
I feel so bad for you. I know all about waiting
for test results. It is terrible, but you have this
other stuff going on, too. I am suffering now
(knees) from a fall two years ago. Pain is
worse because of a recent fall at Expo Center.
I cannot remind you enough of the enormity
of falls to us who are seniors. And it is usually
when we hurry. Take care and I will pray that
you have good news and feel better soon. Pat
Oh Jeannette when I read that you had fallen, I did immediately think of your neck as I remember you telling me about, must have been such a shock for plus the further worry that, it may be more than bruising. The examination went well and at least they're going to change your medication as you clearly have a bad reacation to it. 9th of June is not that far away, and at least your bruising etc. will
have subsided by then, and although worried but be in a better frame of mind than today. My thoughts are with you at this time, and thankful you have such an amazingly supportive family around you.
Take care
Yipee jeanette, has managed to get to hospital..and all is well... well, we hope all is well....well, all will be well !!! well hows that !!!! am I mad or what?? don't answer that lol...serioulsy Jeanette, that really was a wonderful accomplishment you had today. I am so so sorry about your fall..still you didn't have to sit around and worry for yet another day or two to find out if you had done anything serious so we TAHNK GOD FOR THAT. as for the next appointment try..I know how that sounds...but please do try to put them out of your mind till the time...just one day at a time is enough to worry about.. I will be away next week Mary and I are going to llandudno Mon-Frd. it is a coach tour and they have said the wheelchair will be ok. so fingers crossed. much Love God Bless Sybil xx
Oh my, so sorry about your fall. Yes color is nice but not black and blue. Hopefully all will be well with your next visit and test results will be just fine. As always you are in my thoughts and prayers. Take good care ! 'On Ya' -ma
I hope you heal quickly, my friend. Keep the thoughts positive for the mammogram and bone density test. You CAN do it! :) ~~Kath~~
You poor love!!! I feel terrible for you!!! I hope the pain and swelling go away quickly....
Poor Jeannette, I do feel for you. The stress of waiting is hard to bear, and I do think you were right to go ahead as planned. I have sailed through my checkups for the last nine years, but I KNOW that on the tenth and (hopefully) final one, next year, I shall be as scared as the very first time. It's only human!
Hope your bruises fade quickly,
Bunny xx
Oh Jeannette how awful ,poor you ,I am pleased the checkup went ok ,and they are reaccessing your medication ,Jeannette please take good care of your self ,you will be in shock after a fall like that ,the fall it self is bad enough ,but something like that shakes you up more than you think ,Thankgoodness for a good husband and family to take care of you ,with my love Jan xxxxxxx
Its a shame you had a nasty fall, the last thing you needed.Hope you are not seriously hurt and it is just bruises, take care, beckie x
(((((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU)))))))))))))I am sorry you have been through so much and I am sorry you had a bad fall.I hope and pray you feel better soon.
Oh my, I am so sorry about your fall. I hope it all heals very quickly for you. The bone density test isn't bad if its the same as here in the states. Just take care and keep icing
Hi Jeannette sorry to hear you fell over just before going to the hospital ,you were brave to carry on and get it over with ,well part of it anyway .Hope everything turns out well for you .Thinking of you and sending my very best wishes Jeanxx
What an awful break (or bruise)! After a few days on ice, try putting heat on the bruises. The ice is to keep down the swelling, but then you have to warm the bruises to help your white blood cells remove the dead micro-tissues. (Sounds yucky, but most bodily functions do.)
Anyway, as to the bone scan, if they have the mini-MRI as the clinic here does, you will actually be quite comfy and will not even have to disrobe, except for metal belt buckles, etc. It's a good thing they did not do my hands as I can't get my wedding ring off for any reason.
Hope you have all good answers to your tests and SOON.
;^) Jan the Gryphon
You were marvellous Jeannette, it would only have taken a split second to have said you're not going but you braved it all....excellent :) Hope those bumps and bruises ease soon. Rache
Keeping you in my prayers that you heal from the fall quickly!
Sorry to hear of your harrowing time, I hope you recover soon from your fall. Keeping you in my Prayers.
I am so sorry about that fall and the injuries that you recieved. I pray that your body soon heals and that the mammogram and the bone density test come out ok. The new Doctor sounds so nice and caring. Hugs, Helen
Jeanette sorry to here about your fall, thankfully you didn't break anything, just take it easy for a few days so the arm feels better. Know you are so concerned and worried about your mammogram, will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. My Sis Mary Ann is a 2 time survivor and doing great, just had her mmao and all was well again, I wish the same for you also. Try to keep as calm as you can while waiting for your next appointment dear, know you wish you could have had it done while you were at the hospital. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers. Arlene (AJ
Wow Jeannette what an awful morning you had. I'm so sorry. Hopefully now that this appointment is over you can relax and start feeling better. Yes, you have the other appointment in June but that's several weeks away. We'll all be praying for the speedy recovery of these bumps & bruises and that God brings you a wonderful peace in regards to the appointment on June 9th. Take care dear friend, Linda in Washington state
How awful for you Jeannette, as if it wasn`t bad enough you having your appointment today and being in pain after the fall. Thank goodness you didn`t break anything. I`m so glad the doctor didn`t find any abnormalities and once you`ve had the mammogram I`m sure you`ll feel much relieved. I hope your knee and elbow soon feel much less painful, cold compresses should help reduce the swelling. Take care my dear friend.
Love Sandra xxxx
oh (((Jeanette))), I've done that myself turned just a bit too fast and found myself down on the ground. Thank God you did not break anything. Heal fast and well my, Sandi
Wow Jeannette, I'm so sorry you had such a hard time of it! I can't even begin to imagine the angst and pain you must be in. Please know that I am sending you love, prayers and light!
Grrrrr so sorry about the fall and I do hope both elbow and knee feel better soon. I am proud that you went on to the Dr. ... sending good thoughts your way
Oh Jeannette....what a tough time you're having. I'm so sorry to hear of this. Here you are, hurting from a bad fall and now you must anxiously await test results for something else.
Please use all the support around you that you can to get through this.
Awww, Jeanette I'm so sorry.... I really hope that you are feeling better very soon. saying prayers for you.
oh jeanette i am so sorry for you. hope you feeling better. hope mammogram is clear,and you are ok. in my thoughts, take care mort xxxx
OMG Jeannette.......... I am so very sorry to hear the news of your fall, but grateful that you missed the bookcase and did not injure yourself anymore than bruising, even though i know how painful this can be....... poor you.
I am so glad that the appointment went well and you didnt have to see the dragon :o)
It is a shame that you have to wait again, especially after you psych yourself up to make the journey which i know must be a nightmare as i suffer from anxiey, panic attacks, agorophobia etc myself and it is very, very hard to get out.
I hope that you feel better soon......... take care
hugs Jayne
Jeannette so glad you were able to make it thru the appointment, what a fighter you are! So sorry about your accident, hate it when I hit my elbow, they call it the funny bone but I don't see anything funny in it at all! God Bless!
Hello Jeannette.....I will be praying along with you that the results are good when you have your mammogram. Sorry to hear about your fall you must still be in a lot of pain. Eileenx
What an awful thing to happen Jeanette, you certainly didn't need that fall on top of everything else. Crossing fingers that you get the results you want and that your bruises heal soon.
Did you have the veg for tea, or put it back in the freezer just in case? I've usually got a bag of frozen peas in the freezer and they have proved to be very useful!
take care
all the best
Jeannette I am so sorry about the fall you had ~ I am so glad you made your appointment though ~ at least that one is behind you now ~ I hope the Mammogram results will be good (I am sure they will) ~ You always have our love support and prayers ~ Ally x
I am so glad you didn't break a bone. Also happy to hear no abnormalities were found. I will be waiting anxiously for the results of the mammogram. Your in my prayers. (((((((((hugs))))))))
Love ya,
Cindy xoxoxox
I am so sorry you fell.....
but so proud of you for getting up and moving on to the appointment, I know how important it is for your peace of mind.....
Just another week or so and it will be done and you can enjoy your summer...
I feel everything will turn out fine....
Always special thoughts!
Linda :)
{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}} what an awful time you have had this week...Pray that the mammogram is clear and that the scan is also clear...Seems since christmas a fair few of us here in J land have been tripping and falling and bashing ourselves around :o( Caff xxxxxx
Sorry to hear about your fall Jeannette. You must have got a terrible fright. I will keep you In my thoughts and prayers for positive results from the mammogram. I also noticed that you won the Sentence of the Week with Val. So well done on that. Love Pam xx
oh poor you!! this must have been awful for you with the pain of your fall plus the stress worring about your visit; your examiner seemed like a very thoughtful person, gentle and caring, I'm sure you appreciated that very much
I can only hope you are feeling a bit better today and will continue to feel better with each and passing day
I did want to congratulate you on winning Val's weekly sentence; that was a great sentence for sure!
Jeannette, congrats again on winning the Weekly Sentence! You had a fantastic submission! I see you put the graphic in your sidebar =). I will be posting six new letters here in a little while if you want to play again this week. I am sorry you are having bad weather this weekend. I hope you and Mike are doing well. Pet the pets for me! Love, Val xox
I do hope you can stay positive, you have been through so much. I am sure there must be good news waiting for you around the corner, thats what you deserve, my fingers are crossed for your next appointment. So I send my love & best wishes
Dear Jeanette my thoughts and pryers are with you at this time. I am so sorry that your sufferering continues one thing after another. Its makes you think what have you done to deserve it. You are such a kind and caring person just sharing your journy with us all take such a lot of courage. I do hope that you will continue to battle on as you have already done. My thoughts and prayer are with you Kathie.
so sorry to hear about your fall and the pain you are in and I do wish everything could have been done for you on that visit rather than you have to wait. I am keeping everything crossed that you are feeling a bit better and for good news when you do you have mammogram and bone density test. If the tamoxifin is making you feel so ropey, no-one can say that you haven't had a good go at it. I hope they find a good medication for you. Hugs, Terry x
Jeanette.. I'm sorry to read about your fall, and how long you have to wait for tests, and x-rays and mamograms... :( My mother fell earlier this month and actually has a small fracture in her neck! Very scary stuff. She is feeling better though, and frozen veggies really helped with the pain. I'm glad you didn't break anything. My prayers are with you---I hope all is well. Julie
Go easy on the caffeine (none is best), especially during this time before your mammogram. Cysts have been associated with caffeine intake; best to avoid such needless complications. Be well.
I am saddened to read of the fall you took before your appointment. I hope you get the best news about your cancer being in remission. I will keep you in my thoughts this June that you will be cancer free. mark
Hi Jeannette. I'm behind here. Catching up on you here. I'm so sorry you fell! What a relief you didn't have a more serious injury. Falls are notorious for landing people in the hospital with awful injuries. Please be careful!
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