Wednesday, June 25, 2008



Firstly, I would like to thank you so much for all the wonderful comments that you left under my last entry. Each and every one touched me and it is wonderful to know that so many care.

Secondly, yes I did get flowers from Mike


I also received some from Becky and family


Here they are en masse.  The lilies have opened now and are filling the room with perfume.


So, why have I titled this entry - Emotions?  Because mine are shot to pieces at the moment.

Some of you might think that is a very strange thing to say. When something wonderful happens to you as it did to me last Friday, you would expect to be on a high, you would expect to be dancing for joy.  I was -  for one day and then I disappeared into a black hole from which I have yet to emerge.

There may be some of you who can identify with this and that is the reason I decided to write about it.

As human beings we have great adaptability, we have great strength at times when it is called for.   You will all have heard stories of people being able to lift a car off somebody single-handed in an emergency, of people rushing into burning buildings with no thought for themselves.  There are many examples of what the human body and mind can do when the circumstances call for it.

However, at the end of the day we are not machines. For all things there is a reaction.  The mind is a strange thing and can cope with so much.  Take someone who has ever nursed and cared for elderly or sick loved ones.  The long hours, the same grind day after day, the endless worry.  I know I went through that with my Father.  I was exhausted, the family were exhausted but we carried on because we had to.  We never thought of the pressure, maybe because we did not dare think of it.  We just did what we had to do.

Anyone living under any type of stress for a long while has to.  It might be financial worries, an abusive relationship or, as mentioned, a sick loved one.  We cope, we manage, we get through each day at a time.

That is how it was with my Dad.  Then, one day he was gone. No more daily washing of soiled sheets, no more preparing meals, no more wondering if he wandered off somewhere or set fire to the house.  Then we had his loss to mourn and the arrangements to make.  It was only after all that was done that I shattered.  I did not have a break-down.  I just felt physically and mentally empty, worn down, worn out. It took me some time to recover.

I am experiencing that again right now.  After living for fifteen months under intense strain, after seeing J-Land friends lose their battles, after losing two very close non-journal  friends very suddenly and all whilst battling on myself.  Not being able to make long term plans for the future because I did not know if I had one. Living constantly with fear, tension, worry.  It was always there at the back of my mind no matter what I was doing.

At first I could not understand it myself.  Why could I have not kept that feeling of elation?  I have done a lot of thinking and realise now that is it because of all of the above.  As I said, we are not machines.  My cancer counsellor once told me - and I remembered her words today, that often people face their diagnosis and treatment with great bravery and courage, many even managing to retain a great sense of humour and being good examples to others.  She told me that often,  only when the pressure is lifted, that is when they fall apart. She said she has had people come back to her as much as two years later in pieces when the reaction has suddenly hit them.

Well, it has hit me much sooner.  That does not make it any easier to bear and certainly does not detract from the good news of last Friday.   However, my family are finding it hard to understand why I have shed more tears in the last few days than I have in months.

My emotions are a mixture of relief, guilt, exhaustion, emptiness.  As if I am not capable of anything right now.  I suppose I am lucky it has hit me now rather than much later down the line.

I hope these feelings do not last too long, I am trying to deal with them as best I can.  I take each day as it comes and hope that each day sees an improvement. If not, then I will contact the counsellor again and talk things through with her.

I hope you have been able to understand what I have tried to say.  Some things are very hard to put into words but I have done my best.

I have a feeling that some of you who will read this can identify and have been through similar things yourself.

Anyway, thanks again for all the wonderful words of congratulation, they mean the world to me.

We have a little man's Birthday coming up soon and I am going to try and concentrate on that.




Anonymous said...

God Bless real good!!!!  you are having natural reactions...the high...the relief...the knowing...I have another day....and as the song says...."One day at a time...sweet Jesus"  and that is all we can those grandsons...precious little men LOL....and family....(for you it was Dad...for me it was sister)...but it is all the same...whomever it is...we are blessed that we were there for them....and we are blessed to be here within ourselves today...happiness and hugs to ya....Ora in KY

Anonymous said...

Completely 100 percent understandable!!  
Sorry you're crashing, but it will pass....then you can celebrate once again.


Anonymous said...

Oh, I think it would be impossible to remain on a high for any length of time.  I think you will find that some balance will return..........but at the moment you are experiencing the opposite of that euphoric day.  Maybe you are still a little afraid of being too happy and don't forget, your nerves must be shot to pieces, and you may still be in a state of shock, so I can truly understand where you are coming from.  Even those of us who haven't faced such an ordeal, are not ecstatic all of the time, we all have our down days, tiredness, depression, that's just life.  Don't beat yourself up about it, people understand. Eileen x  

Anonymous said...

Whilst it is all happening ,you are coping ,sort of ! but like a wind up clock ,you are being wound up like the clockwork mechanism,then you relax and its all over ,and whirrrr the spring in the clock goes ,I hope you fweel better soon Jan XX

Anonymous said...

So happy all is well for your and sure you will be back to your old self very soon.  Enjoy your grandsons birthday  Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

All the flowers you received are just beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Your flowers are beautiful. Sending up prayers that you soon will feel better. Hugs, Helen

Anonymous said...

Beautiful flowers, Jeannette, I enjoyed reading this entry very much as I identified with a lot of what you had written about, and for you it was to be expected all the worry and stress of the last fifteen months taking it's toll, it will improve in time.


Anonymous said...

The flowers are lovely!  And I can almost smell them from here. As each day passes, the tears of joy will be replaced by smiles.  You've been on a huge emotional rollercoaster for over a year. It's bound to take time for you to feel that you can live a normal life again. Just take it one day at a time, Jeannette.  Linda in Washington state

Anonymous said...

Dear Jeanette,  One day at a time...just these last few weeks the hymn with words saying..."one more step along the way I go.".has been echoing in my head and it has kept me going each day another day nearer to actually recognising the changes that are in front of dear friend keep taking all the courage you have and take one step each day..we are all carrying you along  Love Sybil xx

Anonymous said...

I can't say that I relate, but I do think I understand... hopefully writing this all out helped to ease your emotions, even just a little. We're all here for you.

(And the flowers are gorgeous, by the way.)


Anonymous said...

My Dear Dear Jeannette,

I SO understand what you have written and thank-you for being so transparent with those raw emotions...
It is easy for me to say "trust in the Lord" and then ask myself so how come you are not Lori?
Just know that everytime I talk to the Lord to help me in this fear you are always the other part of me because your battle is like mine...
Those flowers were so beautiful...
Thinking of you and sending much love and blessings,

Lori (from Alberta)

Anonymous said...

Because you understand what is happening to you, you're half way to getting over it.  I pray that it will be soon and you can get on with your life with enjoyment.
Jenny <><

Anonymous said...

Emotions are crazy things that run rampid over us sometimes.  Stress is very hard on our bodies and minds.  I've had cause to find that out in more than one way for sure.  Over the years I've built up a recovery system of faith and trust and optimism.  I work hard at it too.  Better this way than the other for sure.  I have a motto on my desk that says Nothing is going to happen today that you and God cannot handle together.  It's so true.  I've learned that living moment by moment and grasping at anything positive helps.  Relax, God has EVERYTHING under control has been my theme in my journal this month.  Crying is good for the soul and releases our worries.  Laughing is also good and I know you will be doing some of that too with your grandsons.  Everyday is a blessing!  Don't worry about those have had good cause.  You and yours are in my prayers always.  'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

 I understand completely.  It hits you like a ton of bricks and I think this hole is a way to purge the unspoken feelings of stress and fears of a bad year from your life.  I think the sun will start finding a way to get to the bottom of the hole and light up your passage out of it.  Maybe the scent of fresh flowers from someone who loves you will be one of the rungs.  Take care


Anonymous said...

(((((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU)))))))))))))))))Oh,I so understand why you are feeling this way,I would probllay feel the same way.You have been through so much and still going through so much.Just know,that I am praying and I care.

Anonymous said...

Jeanette,  I'm SO VERY HAPPY for you!!  I'm sorry that I wasn't here when you delivered the good news.  What a blessing you have been given... Congratulations!!  Now live life to it's FULLEST!!!!


Anonymous said...

Glad you got the flowers from MIKE.  Not sure where I got Tom!  LOL  Thanks for stopping at my journal.

Stay strong.


Anonymous said...

(((Jeanette))) I understood exactly what you meant, I tend to stay strong for the course and then collapse when everything is over with. I think it's a normal human reaction to stress. You have been under tremendous pressures during this past year, what with your illnesses, the baby's surgery, your friends being sick etc...if you think about it, it has been non-stop. But being surrounded by love, flowers and good thoughts should help you push those dark thoughts out into the sunshine dear.
Be well my, Sandi

Anonymous said...

Dear Jeannette ,its not surprising to feel the way you do  right now ,I'm sure in time you feel better and more like your old self ,till then know your dear family and friends care for you ....with love Jeanxx

Anonymous said...

I understand absolutely how you feel, Jeannette.  It's very natural, and will pass.
Bunny xx

Anonymous said...

Blessings to you!  I can't imagine what you are going through.  Just know you are loved.

Anonymous said...

Jeanette I totally understand where you are coming from, we go through whatever it is and keep our strength up because we have a goal we need to complete or handle and put our emotions aside to be able to carry on and do whatever we have's after when we have our meltdown from whatever we had to find the strength to handle.  Just take it one day at a time dear and do talk to the counselor if your emotional ride continues on. The flowers were beautiful dear and hopefully your little one's birthday will be a pick me up for you.  Know we all care about you, understand and will keep you in our special thoughts and prayers.  We're here for you.....Arlene (AJ)

Anonymous said...

Jeannette I can relate to how you are feeling ~ but so glad it is happening so soon ~ Now you can unwind and learn to relax and enjoy your good news ~ you are in my thoughts and prayers ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

We all cope with deep emotions differently Jeannette and who could blame you for sinking again after the initial elation. You can`t stay on a high for ever and after being on edge for so long it must be a huge shock to your system. I had similar feelings to you after my Dad died, I had been with him everyday for 3mths knowing that the end was near but as you say, you  carry on because you DO.  About 6 weeks after he died I was out shopping with Jim and I saw a man who looked so like Dad, that`s when I realised that he was gone from us forever and I broke down.  I`m sure you won`t feel like this for too long though you do have the all important councillor to help you if you need her. Of course it is Daniel`s birthday coming up in August. Roman is 3 in July and I remember Dan being born not long after. I can`t believe they are 3 already though, where did the time go?

Love Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

PS:  The flowers are gorgeous! :o)

Love Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy about the good news, I think once it settles in you'll be ok. It's ok to break down.

Anonymous said...

'get through this and you could do anything', thats what i used to say to my mum when she was ill, thats what i tell myself when im struggling, so i wish you well and hope this cloud lifts soon.beckie x

Anonymous said...

(((((((Jeannette))))))))) I can so relate to your feelings. I am on my third year now of being in remission, but it still scares the hell out of me that my cancer could return someday. My biggest fear is leaving Jim with a little girl to raise alone, and leaving Rebecca without a mommy. I know what it feels like to lose a mom at an early age. Mine died when I was just 9 years old. But like you, I take it one day at a time and pray I wake each day cancer free.
Oh and I did not get this alert. Alerts have been so crazy lately. I have hardly any comments like I use to get anymore.
Love ya,
Cindy xoxoxo
ps. the flowers are just so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

((((Jeanette))))  I know from reading your Journal that you are a strong person.  I know you will get thru it.  And ........the flowers are beautiful.         Marlene

Anonymous said...

I often get asked how do you cope or get told by people they couldn't do it...It being caring for my lads and how they are...I always tell people who say that 'yes they would cope because you have to, because they are your kids'...I also say am used to it and it's just how our lives are but i do get down and i do let my emotions get the better of me at times...I don't always cope as well as i let the world see...As you say we're not robots and our emotions will play a part at times...3 weeks ago i was struggling to deal with the point we're at now as a family...But i've put that behind me and am back to my persistant (sounds better than bolshy) best to get what they need from the professionals...I believe how you are feeling just now is fairly common...When waiting for results of some kind of test or other (especially medical) we build up so much emotion towards getting the result that when we do then we're left with that black hole. {{{{{hugs}}}}}} Cathy xxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Honey, I can understand where you are coming from.  I mean I can't, but I can from knowing what John is going through right now.  He talks to me about this.  He still has that feeling in the back of his head that he may, you know, not make it.  It colors everything he does.  He also realizes how precious life is, and sees the good everywhere.  This whole big ball of emotions can throw you, of course, and make you weepy - or right out bawl.  John asked his doctor yesterday why tears still come to his eyes today, frequently.  No, the man doesn't go around bawling or anything, he is a man, but tears come to the surface.  And he hates it (which I don't think he should, it's not a big deal, he has to cry before he heals).  Anyway, his doctor said that in his case John may just have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.  You could perhaps have that too.  If not, at least a HUGE amount of stress no less.  Ask your counselor if you should get PTSD counseling.  Meanwhile, believe that someday you will get some kind of footing.  No, you will NEVER be the same, because you have stared immortality in the face, and stared so much MORE in the face, but Jeannette, you will be okay.  Not only will you be okay, you will shine.  

Email me anytime, Krissy

Anonymous said...

I'm that type of person too.  When the preassure is on, I am fine, later, alone, I fall a part.  When I was younger, the falling apart could last a while.  As I got older, I had to deal with to many things one on top of the other.  So I had to hold it together for the other things and not fall apart for the things I wanted to.

I found a couple things helped me to not fall apart.
~  I would take time alone.  A day, or two days or sometimes a couple of hours.  A retreat.  Something to remind myself that it was OK to breath.
~  I would spend a little time each day saying to myself.  There is no tomorrow.  There is no future.  There is only right now.  Deal with that.  Hope for the future but don't expect it.
~ I would continually say to myself "This too shall pass! Now would be good!!!"  :D

Sometiems I did well.  Sometimes I didn't.  I will keep you in my prayers.


Anonymous said...

So sorry you are under such strain...wishing you peace and love...hugs and love to you my friend...

Anonymous said...

It's understandable Jeannette. When you had so much to think about you just had to carry on and be strong for the family, now it seems under control you can just fall apart. It happens to a lot of people. Soon this will be behind you and you can make plans for the future. Take care. Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

Having nursed Pierre through a year of pain with lung cancer (undiagnosed until only 3 weeks before death) I can understand the having to bear up when you are close to one very ill and dying so it is very understandable there should be the same strain when the one who is very ill is yourself.  It was a real ordeal you want through. Besides having to cope with fear for your future, so I think that finally you can let all that was involved hit you and try to heal from that, too!  Best of luck.  I know you have many wishing you well.  Gerry

Anonymous said...

I do understand what you are saying and you have said it very well.  Having not experienced cancer myself but dealing with it while my mom went through her treatment I've seen much of the same emotions in her.  She was a brave soul and you would not have known anything was wrong with her while she was in treatment but as you state, it was after the treatment (and good bill of health) she became a different person.  Not different in a bad way or anything I can particularily put my finger on, but different.    I was confused as well and wondered why she was not doing the happy dance...after all she came through that horrible ordeal.  Rather than try to explain in detail she simply said you wouldn't or couldn't truly understand not having lived it yourself.  I took that and left it alone after that.  Your entry today has given me some clarity as well.  I know your family means well, it may just be difficult for them to fully comprehend as it was for me.  Lovely flowers.  Take care,  you are in my thoughts & Prayers.

Anonymous said...

The flowers are beautiful Jeannette.

I can imagine that at the moment you are on a roller coaster of emotions, I hope and pray that you are able to find a place of calm.
Keeping you in my prayers
hugs Jayne