Saturday, June 28, 2008

Sorting Out Confusion

It seems there was some confusion yesterday when I put at the bottom of my last entry (since amended) that if you wanted to use the graphic on your own journal then please ask Sugar or myself.

The graphic I was referring to was the tribute one to our departed friends and not the signature graphic.

So if you would like the J-Land Remembers graphic for your own journal - the one on my sidebar that lists names, then please let me know and I will send it to you.

If you prefer to just *snag* then please add a little note saying that you have done which is the polite thing to do.

It would be nice to know that this will be showing on a lot of journals.

Hope this clarifies things.


Anonymous said...

It's a great tribute Jeannette and Sugar did a great job.. of course I'm snagging ::grin::  love ya

Anonymous said...

I figured out which one you meant.  Have a terrific Saturday.

Anonymous said...

I figured it out Jeannette....maybe some of those that are very new were confused, not knowing what it was all about.  Linda in WA

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sending it to me too. I still have to figure out photobucket and stuff I haven'/t done too much with my journal recently. Ebay has been taking alot of my time getting stuff ready to post and well. love, Sandi

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Jeanette I didn't see your alert earlier when I sent the email. It must have been there even then and now I found it. Bill

Anonymous said...

(((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU))))))))))))))))))))Thanks for the info.I would love to have the graffic and put it in my side bar.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Jeannette, that is a lovely graphic and I would like one for my journal. gehi6  I also helped celebrate my grandson Dante's birthday today, but plan to post a photo tomorrow. I always know that you will show a lot of devotion to your grandchildren.  Gerry  

Anonymous said...

I love the way you add a graphic to everything, opening your page is like christmas, its exciting to see what picture you have used.Beckie x