Saturday, November 6, 2004


I wanted to share the latest pictures of Nathan with you.  The ones in his green "hungry crocodile" outfit were taken by me this afternoon.  Bottom right hand one was taken by his Daddy and shows him sitting in the new nursery.  As you can see, the colours they chose for the paintwork on the walls exactly matches the animal border.

He is not actually in the nursery yet because they have been let down with the delivery of his cot/bed and are still waiting for it, then it will be all systems go.

What a busy day.  Mike had quite a lot to do so I got on with all the washing, putting the vacuum around and so forth and so on.  Then I decided to do a different recipe and spent ages chopping courgettes, broccoli, leeks, tomatoes etc.  All weighing out this and weighing out that.

Becky and Dean stayed much longer than we had expected because Dean was trying to put right some computer problems I have been getting like constant error messages.  However, I am not complaining. Love having them here and spending as much time as possible with "super babe"!  So I grabbed the camera and snapped away.  He smiles on demand normally but as soon as you pick up a camera....... then we get the stern "I am not going to co-operate with you" face.  Anyway I have posted the best. We do not know why his hair always has a reddish tint in photos. He is actually very fair and his eyes are grey-blue (like his Nan as well as his Dad!)

When our delightful family left, it was time to actually cook and eat what I had made and I am pleased to say it was delicious.

So all my plans went a bit haywire and I have not yet been out - really had no opportunity.  We cannot go now because it is like the blitz around here with fireworks and there is a big organised display right near us that does not end until 9.30p.m.  We just cannot leave the dogs because of the state they are in.  Becky suggested we put them in the back of the car but Mike says it is too dangerous.  We have no dog guard for thiscar and they would be loose on the back seat. When the first big bang went off tonight, Pip launched himself at me and nearly knocked  me senseless and accidently hurt both my feet.  If he launched himself like that when Mike was driving........does not bear thinking about.

However, I am determined to get out so it might be very late, him indoors will just have to stay up.  When it quietens down we will either go for a drive or a little walk.

Hope you enjoy the pictures and hope you are all having a good weekend.


Anonymous said...

I love the pictures Jeannette, Nathan is such a handsome boy, I know you are proud of him. The colors and the border in the nursery are very nice. Have a wonderful Week End. God Bless You My Friend

Anonymous said...

Darling little guy!  I hope you get out today.  I understand about the dogs freaking out over fireworks.  Mine do, too.  Have a great weekend, yourself!  JAE

Anonymous said...

He is sooo cute I cant believe how big and alert he is!!! Love the pics as always!!!  I am so glad that you had a wonderful visit with the family!!!  I to am trying something new for dinner I am making beef stew........I never have before!!! I hope its YUMMY <hehe> talk to you later
Thanks again for sharing them picks of the "super baby"

Anonymous said...

Daffy is waving at Nathan :o)
He is such a little cutie isn't he, you must be a very proud Nanny!
Hope that you enjoy your trip out later this evening.
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Aww he's a darlin Jeannette.  Love the colours on his 'hungry crocodile' outfit, wouldn't mind something for me in those shades..........without the crocodile on of course.  So your a chef as well, hope someone else did the washing up as a thankyou to a lovely meal. Good thoughts sent for your next trip out.  Have a good weekend too. xxR

Anonymous said...

He is so cute. Brook's hair shows red in it too when her picture is taken.

Anonymous said...

He looks so cute!!  Bless him .........

Anonymous said...

Good piccies of a really cute baby, glad to hear you got out again, good on yer!

Anonymous said...

He is indeed adorable, and you take great pictures. Do I hear a bit of eagerness about grtting out? I hope so-keep up the good work and I'll be keeping tha candle lit. Blessings, Margo

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette.  Nathan is so precious.  I can see how much he's grown since the pics you posted a while ago.  You are so blessed to have your precious daughter and your precious grandson.  I'm so glad you had such a good day with them.  I hope I'll get to be a grandma someday, too.  I am so ready for it now.  Still, I know I am blessed to have my wonderful daughter and her wonderful husband.  I guess you and I are two very lucky ladies.  I look forward to your next entry, as always.  

Anonymous said...

Nathan is just precious, and growing so quickly!  Babies should stay babies a while longer so gramma's can enjoy them!


Anonymous said...

He is a real sweetheart Jeannette. What lovely eyes he has....Sandra x

Anonymous said...

what a precious little boy!  very nice photos and story!

Anonymous said...

he is so gorgeous, and I love the red tinge in his hair. Hope you managed to get out :).........Jules xxx