Well, actually they are in the middle of our garden, I will show you later.
The gardening goes on. We had a large centre bed in the back garden with a tree in the middle of it. It used to look wonderful all planted up with Impatiens but it got to be so much extra work and very expensive so, about three years ago, we put down weed surpressing membrane and covered it all with large pebbles. Looked quite good. However, neither the membrane or the pebbles stopped the weeds and there was more work than ever. So Mike and I have now taken it all away and I have planted grass seed. It will make mowing much easier and also give the dogs and Nathan and Daniel a bit more room.
In between all the jobs we did find the time to put our St. George flags up at the front of the house and two in the back garden. Nothing like a bit of patriotism
Not that Mike and I are football supporters, well only in World Cup years but we hope our boys do well. Come on England! I have my football mug for drinking tea (courtesy of P.G. tips) and today Mike got me a Peperami fanimal. I love it, you can hit it as hard as you like and it comes out with lots of different phrases
So, if England do well, I shall be watching the games and thumping fanimal in delight. If they do badly I can thump him in frustration and annoyance. If they get knocked out he will be stamped on. No, I cannot do that as I can use him again for Wimbledon, not to mention all those times when him indoors drive me up the wall. I think this is one little mascot that is going to get really bashed!
We got the front garden all planted up yesterday so that is out of the way except we have decided to take the centre bed away from there as well but there is no hurry that job can wait for a while.
Most of my bedding plants are in now except for a very few which will be done tomorrow and that will leave me room in the greenhouse to plant my cucumbers. We found another corner to clear out, one with a broken wheelbarrow and lots of cracked and chips pots so that was all done today as well after we had looked after Nathan for the morning. I have not worked so hard in a very long time and I am so brown (naturally from the sun) that I look like I have been on a cruise.
The Irises in the pond are doing well. Shame they do not bloom all summer. The fish are thriving now that the pond is clear and we found we hardly lost any to the Heron last year when we thought they had all gone.
So, tomorrow we will be out there again. Mike needs to take a trip to the council tip and then we have one large border to cut back and weed and finish off the tubs. I bet when it is all done and we are looking forward to sitting out there eating our lunch or having a nice cup of tea the weather will change again.
Oh yes, those fairies, snapped a photo of them today
I would have more fairies, I do not have the room. I would write more on this entry, I do not have the time. I am starving and already late with the evening meal. ThenI am going to put my feet up for the soaps although I doubt I shall stay awake.
Adieu for now, dear readers.