Thursday, June 15, 2006

If It Aint Broke.......

I am certainly not impressed with AOL's new welcome page.  As soon as I log on the first thing I always do is check the news headlines and often the weather.  News was always at the top of the list.  Now it has been relegated to way down the page as though it is unimportant and you have to scan down for it. Blogs has disappeared from prominent view and are now listed under "Tools and Services".  I have lost count of the times people contacted me because they found me through the old welcome page.  They were intrigued to know what blogs were and found my journal that way.  I am happy and proud to say that I  have helped quite a few people start their journal because of this.  I  now see no encouragement for new people to maybe start a journal on this new-look  page. I think the whole thing is awful.  I was very pleased to see our Jan of Serendipity listed under the top ten blogs but that is about all.  It is true that nothing stays the same forever, everthing changes, that is life.  Change, however, is not always for the best. Progess often seems to make things worse.  As my title says, If it Aint broke then don't fix it!


Well, despite the raindrops falling on our heads and the occcasional rumbling of thunder, we did get the border finished yesterday.  Of course it does not look much at the moment, the plants have to settle in and start to grow and at the moment there are lots of bare patches.  We have also sown seeds and it will be a battle as to which comes up first, the seeds or the weeds.  To name but some we have planted Achillea, Helenium, Oriental Poppy, three varieties of Rudbeckia, Perovskia, Campanula, Allium, Creeping Jenny, Sedum, Cosmos, Geranium, Matthiola, Lamium plus cornflower and marigold seeds.  All we need now is some nice warm sunshine to spur their growth along.

So, here is the border we have been working on together with some other flowers pictures from our garden:-

The blue cable along the back runs electricity to our garage and it will not be visible once the plants grow.

The bare patches in the grass are where bushes overhung or tubs had been standing.

I just adore the magnificent Allium flower

Now for two shots of the Cosmos

Water Lily in the pond

And finally

A pity that the sun was not shining but we are still pleased with the way things are looking.

Dean popped over yesterday. They had a rug they had no use for now they have the new carpet down.  Pretty large and they thought we might have a use for it.  We certainly did.  We tried it in the sunlounge at first and when we saw how bright it looked, it was immediately taken from there and put into our lounge.  It covers nearly the whole of our carpet and makes the room look so much brighter. Almost like having a new carpet ourselves. It was nice to get an unexpected gift.

Anyway, that is enough from me today.  Have to catch up now around thehouse, all the things that were neglected due to the intense heat and then the gardening.

Have a good day everyone.  Good luck to our England team with their match today.  I shall be thumping fanimal again.


Anonymous said...

Love your pics Jeannette. I agree, they have messed around way too much with the Welcome page, plus when I have done searches and clicked on the red cross at the end I lose the welcome page!!!! I then have to click on the side toolbar to get the Welcome page back and I am afraid I am totally fed up with it!!! Do aol want to keep their customers, or do they want us all to quit in anger? Thanks to aol we have lost some lovely people from J-land and although I have said I won't go....I am beginning to feel my patience is well and truly being tested!!!

Anonymous said...

Your garden looks lovely Jeannette, very colourful! I can see you and Mike have been hard at work there. I don't like the new welcome page either and they messed up our YGP too for a couple of days. I'm not at all impressed with AOL! Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

Thankyou for your kind words ,I was so surprised to find myself on that list especially as I have been having a good old whinge lately,not very upto date was it Paul Daniels went elsewhere ,Your garden is looking amazing ,I can see you have both worked hard ,but well worth the effort  it looks lovely ........Jan xx

Anonymous said...

wow that aluum is awesome and your other flowers are beautiful too. I dont know how your welcome pages are but ours here flash or scan across.

Anonymous said...

Your garden looks amazing!  I'm really impressed with it!  Lots of work went into it thats for sure!  Linda

Anonymous said...

How lovely everything looks.  You will be able to sit back and enjoy it all now.  It is rewarding watching a garden grow.  Have a great day and enjoy the cool before the heat is on again.
'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

I think that your flowers look like heaven on earth already. How pretty!
Hugs,lisa jo

Anonymous said...

Your gardent is looking superb just now Jeannette much farther along thin mine. Still don't like that new welcome page but suppose we will jus have to grin and bare it. Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

WOW Jeannette, what a beautiful yard you have.  A little bit of paradise right there in England.  Your pictures are beautiful.  Don't you just love this time of the year ?  Linda in Washington  

Anonymous said...

Those flowers are sooo beautiful!
I love your yard/garden. I remember when I had one... :(
Blessings dear,

Anonymous said...

I love your garden. It is so pretty and I can see where you and Mike have put a lot of hard work into it. I have never seen an Alluim flower before. That is outstanding. I am wondering what the bunch of white flowers is you have pictured. It is beautiful also.Thanks for taking us for an early morning stroll through your garden. I bet the rug looks beautiful in your home. Nathan and Daniel will notice it the first thing when they come again and will be wondering why you have it now. LOL. Hope your afternoon goes well. Now just sit back with your cup of tea and watch your garden grow. Hugs, Helen
P.S -guess it was just the welcome page over you way that changed. Ours look the same. I have never seen anything about blogs on my welcome screen.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful garden, Jeannette, breathtaking. By the way, you don't need to post separate alerts for long entries any more. One of the positive side-effects of the new set-up for journals is that they have fixed the problem that prevented proper alerts going out on long entries.

Anonymous said...

Flowers and Garden look lovely ~ and those water lillies are beautiful ~ lovely to receive an unexpected present and glad you could make use of it~ Ally ~

Anonymous said...

Your garden looks very pretty already even  before the other plants start to grow,you and Mike have been busy the Allium is beautiful and the Cosmos too......Jeanx

Anonymous said...

The *new* welcome page isn't new...As a large part of AOL has just gone HTML web based then what is now our welcome screen is actually the webpage you get at you go to the member services message board you can complain there officially   Caff xxx

Anonymous said...

Whoops forgot to say love the pics of the flowers...Really like the purple spikey one :o)  Caff xxxx

Anonymous said...

Cosmos are one of my favorite flowers and so easy to grow!  Your gardens are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Your garden is so beautiful!  Jae

Anonymous said...

You and Mike certainly have a beautiful garden, and some lovely flowers, we have got a lot of hard work ahead of us when we move, our new one looks like a building site at the moment

take care
Lynne xx

p.s. You and Mike dont fancy pretending that you are Alan Titchmarsh and Charlie Dimmock do you? and giving my garden a make over LOL

Anonymous said...

Hello Jeannette,

I don't like the new layout either!  If you scroll down a bit on the first page there is the opportunity to let AOL know what you think of it, I've already done so (in no uncertain terms!)  and I urge everyone else to as well, they may change it back then.

I love the pictures of your garden, I can see you and Mike have both worked very hard in it but what a lot of pleasure it must be to see the results of your hard work!  Your ducks look quite at home by the pool too!

Blackfen, Kent

Anonymous said...

How great your Garden is looking...someones been working hard.
A typical English must be very proud!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette,  your garden looks smashing already, I can`t wait to see the flowers when they are fully grown.  I wish I had a rich, dark soil like yours.  Ours is mainly clay and either bone dry or completed waterlogged.  I wondered what had happened to the journals on the front page, I thought AOL wanted to promote them even more, it makes you wonder.  I suppose this is what they call progress...sigh.

Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

The garden is looking fantasic!! I love that ball thingy

Anonymous said...

hi Jeannette...

love the graphic...I don't like AOL's welcome page at all, I can't find anything! your garden is really gorgeous, there's a lot of hard work gone into that, so, well planed! I can see you will spend a lot of time sitting in your beautiful garden...Take Care!


Anonymous said...

Garden looks fab, daren't show pictures of mine - well not in uk anyway, hoping to goodness that French one isn't too grown over by time I get there again.  Quite agree about blog thing, thanks for the pictures tip - not quite perfected yet, but getting there. Jenny

Jen's euro-ramblings

Anonymous said...

Your garden is absolutely beautiful.  The colors and variety of blooms is so lovely.  I am very impressed with how nice you and your husband have designed it.  The hard work has really been worth it!!!    Love,  Kathy

Anonymous said...

Jeannete you've got yourself a little paradise there.  I love the cosmos and the allium. Rache

Anonymous said...

Hello Jeannette !!!!!!! Its nice once again to come and read your journal. I have to say that AOL should not have changed the page. I'm glad you posted this I feel the same way.

Here in Atlanta, Georgia it was reported that it was 89 degrees but it felt warmer than that. I noticed a bench next to some plants in your garden I wish I could come and take a nice visit in your garden it looks amazing. Your garden must be liked by many. Your journal certainly shows how love you have for your garden I have a black thumb when it comes to plants. I wish I could come to your neck of the woods for a little visit. I certainly would love to come and see the garden up close and personal. Take care and thanks for welcoming me to J-Land some time ago. You are loved by us all here at J-Land. Give a hug to the family for me. Take care my dear friend. Good night.

Anonymous said...

hello friend love the pics thanks for sharing you and hubby do have the green thumb i cannot wait untill we can start getting our yard done first a fence very important wish i could come over and have some tea and enjoy ths garden have a great day God bless kelley

Anonymous said...

I agree with you on the AOL welcome page...why mess with a good thing.  Your flowers and gardens are just beautiful.  I love the lily pond.  So pretty and relaxing...hope you had a nice day and that the weekend will bring you cooler temps and relaxation.  Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

Oh yes more than lovely!!
I still do not like the welcome screen for aol, just too big, so I always close it, plus since it is constantly moving, makes things open slower...
Enjoy your garden!!
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness your garden looks just lovely.  I would love to have a variety like that!!  I better get busy!!  Did you do all of those from seeds?? You must have quite the green thumb. I could enjoy my back yard much more if I did something to it. Hugs,

Anonymous said...

You're yard looks just absolutely beautiful!!  WOW!  I'm so impressed!!  Can I hire you to come here and do mine?!!
Beautiful pictures!

Anonymous said...

The pictures of your garden are phenomenal.  The GARDEN is phenomenal!!  Thanks so much for sharing.  

Anonymous said...

Oh Jeannette,

You have the most amazing garden!!  It looks like something out of a's beautiful!!  I absolutely love it all....what a piece of heaven on earth you have and your husband's hard work sure paid off!!  Thank you for sharing the wonderful pictures.

Take Care,

Anonymous said...

Your garden is lovely, just beautiful. I know how much work something like this takes, doen with much love.....Sandi