Well, the appointment is over. I got there o.k. despite feeling panicky in the waiting room as it was so hot and crowded. I do not really write much about my health on here but decided to give you all an update as I know that many prayers have been said for me, I have received e-cards and e-mails wishing me well. It is easier for me to bring you up to date on my journal.
It went pretty well on the whole, good results for my blood pressure, my sugars have dropped over the last week and she was pleased with that, my feet were perfect with no problems and the specimen I had to provide proved to be sugar free. I was starting to feel really good about things. Little did I know that this appointment was going to lead to several more!
For a start they want an annual review done of my blood. Now, I absolutely hate going to the clinic where they take it. For a start they are butchers and I have never come back without an arm that has stayed black and blue for a week or more afterwards. Secondly, you go in two at a time so you are facing a total stranger who stares at you the whole time you are having blood taken. This is also a fasting test so I will not be able to have any breakfast and will not be able to take any of my medication. That is booked for next Wednesday.
Then I have to provide specimen samples for three days starting tomorrow. If the results came back that my sugars have run at an average of eight or over for the past three months I have been told it might mean even more medication. Well, I am not prepared to agree to that at this time and the next paragraph will tell you why.
They think I have an infection, in fact it is pretty certain. Despite being in with the nurse for nearly fifty minutes, she was not prepared to do anything about it there and then. No, I have to go back to the surgery next Thursday morning to have a swab taken. Then it will be several days wait for the results before any treatment is offered. Any infection in a diabetic can put your blood sugars up, we also had a prolonged heatwave and heat can also play havoc with sugars as well. I shall definitely state that I would prefer to wait until the next check in December to make sure any infection is gone. If then my sugars come back high, I will have no option but to go with increased medication. I am hoping it will not be necessary.
So, two definite appointments next week and then, in all likelihood, at least one the following week.
Yes, it does give me two or three more opportunities to leave the house and get out of these four walls however hard that might be for me but I want to go to nice places, places I can enjoy, not the blood clinic and the surgery - places that stress me out!
I got through this appointment reasonably well so hopefully I can do the same for the next couple of weeks. I would much have preferred it though if that had been the end of it and I could truly relax and not have anything hanging over my head.
"Such is life" as my dear Dad used to say.
Anyway, on to other things. We looked after Daniel this morning. He is walking pretty well now and is in to everything. He turned on the washing machine - although he left the door open, he turned on the computer, he did his best to turn on the t.v. but Grandy was too quick for him.
I sat for quite a while combing his beautiful hair, and it is beautiful. From being quite dark is has turned to such a pretty red/blond colour - strawberry blond I think they call it. My mother had that colour hair when young. His curls are adorable and I so loved combing them and twining them around my fingers and he seemed to like me doing it.
Nathan now loves to feed the dogs treats, one at a time and he always does each dog in turn, he laughs so hard to see them gobble them down. So far at nursery school he has made a jam tart (not sure if it was edible), a cat mask (must have had lots of help with that) and a variety of chalk drawings.
Tomorrow Becky and Dean are taking the boys to the Colne Valley Railway. They are having a "Thomas The Tank Engine" day. Nathan is really into Thomas now and he runs around yelling "Whoo whoo" as he hears that sound on the films he watches of that character. The weather forecast is not good but I know the boys will love it and Nathan will be so happy to ride on "Thomas". I have asked Becky to take some photos and I hope to be able to share some with you on here.
Well, that is about all my news. Mixed feelings about the appointment. Glad that everything appears good on the surface, not happy about the upcoming appointments but there are many much worse off than I so I must not complain. I will be glad when the appointments are done and I can settle back into my life without anything in the offing.
I am looking forward to Coronation Street tonight when Charlie gets back from his dirty night away with Maria to be confronted by his live- in lover Tracy with the news that his one time girlfriend Shelley is carrying his child! All life happens on that street.
P.S. It is quite late in the day now, getting near time for the evening meal. I am also pretty tired so I might not catch up on all your journals until tomorrow, but I will catch up.
P.P.S. Jim has re-started his journal. Some of you may know him and some of you may not. He is a gentleman in his seventies with many an interesting tale to tell. He does not get many readers at present so I am sure he would welcome anyone who would like to visit him at the following link.
I'm glad the results were good, {{{{hugs}}}} for extra appointments though xxx
I hope all the tests go well.
Coronation Street. I remember that, is Ena Sharples still in it? Lol.
Linda x.
Jeannette-Bless your heart, I am so gladto hear that the appointment went well!! As far as the others go, they will go okay also. I will continue to pray about that. I will drop you a email later today or tonite after revival @ church. Keeping you uplifted by prayer-Your sister in Christ-Michele (glensfork4@aol.com)
Good to hear things seem to be on the straight and narrow for the moment Jeannette. Hope it stays that way for your next few appointments.
I am glad that things went well for you today Jeannette but sorry that you are going to have to have all those test done. I pray that everything will go well for you during this time and that the results will turn out good. Hugs, Helen
Sorry about all the doctor appointments..I don't like to go either. The only positive thing I can say is, I'm glad I'm living in this day & age and not a hundred years ago, none of my ailments would have been cared for. I know now why people didn't live very long in those days. All the little boys love "Thomas." I can remember when my grandson (now 15) had "Thomas" everything. Including bedding. Now it's Bob's little 2 1/2 yr old grandson that's crazy about "Thomas."
Rest and come back when you can....Linda in Washington
Glad the appointment went well .Dont think about the next one till nearer the time ,lol at Daniel into everything ,they certainly are quick arent they ?Oh how they will love Thomas ,my Grandsons always did ,I look forward to Beckys pictures Have been reading Jim ,he is a great character isnt he ?,.,.,.,Jan xx
Hello Jeannette,
I`m glad the appointment well, though it would have been better if you didn`t have to go back again before they will do anything else. I personally don`t have trouble when they take blood from me, apparently I have very good veins! It must be lovely to comb Daniel`s hair for him, so relaxing for both of you. The dogs must love Nathan as he feeds them their treats. I do hope you get some pics of Nathan with Thomas the Tank Engine, I`d love to see them. LOL at the antics in Corrie, I haven`t seen it for a long time but you can keep me informed about tonight...lol! :o)
Sandra xxxx
I hope the next two appointments will go OK for you. I always end up battered and bruised after blood tests! Daniel's hair sounds nice now, I was going to say pretty but being a little boy he may object! They really do love to explore everything at that age don't they?! Jeannette xx
I am glad that appointment is behind you Jeannette and glad everything seemed OK ~ I know how you hate going to the Clinic so am sorry you have several more ahead of you ~ but I do know you will cope somehow ~ we will all be thingking of and praying for you ~
glad you enjoyed looking after Daniel ~ their little fingers get into everything and they certainly keep you on your toes watching their every move ~ bet Becky ~ Dean and the boys will enjoy their trip to see Thomas the Tank Engine hope the weather holds out and they get a bit of sunshine ~ Ally
Glad everything went well today. I think that is a barbaric practice taking you two at a time for blood tests. Stuart was there this morning but it was not like that. I was told to take my medication even if I was giving a fasting sample maybe you could check this out Jeannette. Love Joan.
Hi Jeanette~
I'm glad that the appointment went well, with good news for you. I think it's awful that they take two of you in at a time....very rude of them and sorry that you have to go throught that. I will continue to say my prayers that your next appointments go well.
Don't you just love being a Grandma and watching them grow up? I love it too! We have a one little baby granddaughter who will be two around Chritmas time. Very, very busy little gal she is..LOL
Take good care,
Glad the appointments went well, Charlie wasn`t a happy bunny tonight was he?lol!! do you have a link for your friends journal so that I can visit?
Thankful you have had good results so far! Praying that being "forced" to get out for these appointments gives you the courage and strength to get out for some recreation. - Barbara
I think your decision, to delay upping the medication, is a wise one. Have experienced the same probs with hubby, even changes in other prescribed medications alter his blood/sugars temporarily; usually for about 4 weeks. Have an enjoyable and restful weekend.
Love Sylvia xxx
Hey, Im glad that your appointment went well, but Im sorry you still have a few more to go to. I hope those will go weel also. *hugs*
We'll just keep praying that all is well with those levels and infection...I know that the clinic is not very much fun for any of us. I've been blessed with good health so far other than the general aches and pains that come with age but I'm not good at going for regular check ups. My last was about 6 years ago and the two doctors I saw were not very nice so I won't go back to them. I need to find a new one, but since I feel fine, I'll probably wait til I don't feel good and it will then be a necessity. I will be seeing 5 of my grand'babes' tomorrow at the festival. It seems the only time we get together is for a special occassion so I never have the one on one time like you do with your two. You are so blessed to have them nearby. 'On Ya' - ma
I am so happy the test you did have done, came out fine. I know what you mean about butchers. Hope the next appointments go well. I bet Daniel keeps you busy, with his walking now. Such a cute stage. His hair sounds beautiful. Nathan sounds like he just loves to be helpful with giving out the biscuits. Sounds like Becky and Dean are going to have fun...Thomas was one of the favorites here too at one time. Hope you have a very relaxing weekend. Many hugs and love,
So glad that this appointment went well for you this time,
from one diabetic to another can I say please keep your appointments I understand it must be hard for you at times but they are so vital at times, when I go for my blood test they have two in at a time so I know how uncomfortable it can be for you,
I cant understand them not investegating your infection now instead of leaving it till next week, but stick them out on the increased meds if you want to wait untill the infection has cleared and see how your sugars are then do so, they cant make you take them,
PLEASE try not to worry to much about your future appointments as stress will affect your sugar levels aswell.
take care have a good weekend Lynne xxxx
hi Jeannette...
pleased your blood pressure and blood sugar results are good news...my aunt "D" is having probs with infection at moment, she gets it regular and she is Diabetic, I hope you don't have the infection, i know it can be very uncomfortable...best wishes coming your way!
Hello Jeannette......You will be happy to know that I went over to Jim's journal and introduced myself. I am glad that you introduced me to someone new. It will be nice reading a new journal so thanks for sharing his link. I will continue to come by and visit you at your journal. I do hope that you get to feeling better soon. Take care my dear friend.
I think sometimes patients know more than the doctors and nurses do. In this case, you are better informed about why your sugars are high. You are so right about infections and heat making them go up. Stress will send the soaring, too. I will send supportive prayers and positive thoughts your way!
Hugs! Kathy
Its good that the appointment went well. Hopefully all will be well next time you go. Onwards and upwards!
So sorry you have so many health problems, but I can tell you are a special person. You are so lucky to have those little grandkids to care for, they are special gifts. Your Journal has such beautiful pics and stuff on it, i love to look. Take care
Jeannette, my mother and brother are both diabetics. So many little things that wouldn't bother someone without diabetes can really wreak havoc in a diabetic's blood sugar. Many times my mother follows her own instincts. At least the first round is over and your testing was good. It's a shame they just didn't give you something for your infection and treat it while you were there. Nice that you had your little "guys" around to keep you busy. They are lovely little boys. xx Chris
Being a diabetic myself I can understand your feeligs about the intrusive elements of some of your treatments. I too have to spend time at clinics but after about ten years I suppose I am hardened to it by now. I shrug off eye tests and the other things and like you find comfort in my family. Mind you, although they are a tribe of villians who i would not wish on anybody else, as I have said elsewhere, not one of themhas brought trouble to my door. Thank you jeanette for your writings,and always remember they can be a source of comfort to others
I am sorry about your health problems. Seems like we all have something huh? These bodies of ours...sheesh! Just think of the follow up appointments as a continuation of your care to keep you going. You'll be ok. I know it's a pain...but we have to maintain ourselves like we maintain our homes and cars.
Keep us posted and thanks for sharing your story.
Hope the kids enjoy Thomas Day. My son used to love trains when he was little too.
I'm sorry that your having health problems. It sucks doesn't it? Those little boys are getting so big aren't they? I hope you get pics of the little ones at the train. I miss that stuff now that my two are teenagers. They don't particularly like Thomas any more. Have a good weekend.
I hope your blood sugars are brought under control and having the prayers from so many readers shows the concern we have for you. You take the time and effort to help people along with starting their journals for which deserve a sense of accomplishment. I am glad that I have the medical care that I have and doctors that listen to my report of the level of pain I have been experiencing. There is a sense of well being knowing that I am being taken seriously by professionals and I am taking the advise that I must not do activity that can worsen my spinal problem. I hope you are able to get out and enjoy going to places that increase your sense of well being. We all need to enjoy participating in events that enhance our daily sense of wonderment. mark
Glad your appointment went well..sorry you have to have more.. I know all to well about diabetics..we have many in our clinic and my father in law is diabetic too...it is a terrible disease and effects one in ways others would not believe.... You seem to have a good head about all this..I will keep you in my prayers..thanks for sharing...maybe it will help someone else...take care..have a great weekend..loved reading about your boys too...
Keeping you in my thoughts as you get through all of your appointments...
I can't believe Daniel is walking all ready!!!
And what a great day for the boys to see the trains!
Linda :)
OH ihate going to drs and I know you do too and wish you could just get this out of the way witht his one visit will. keep you in pryaers.
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