Hello my friends,
My last entry about Mike's Grandfather sparked us off on research again. I had finished my own family tree and put everything to one side. However, we decided to see if we could find out a little more about Mike's family.
We had already received, a few years back, quite a lot of information from Mike's second cousin Wilhelm in Germany but I have written to him again asking for further details. I have also been researching online as we discovered a little mystery about the second husband of Mike's aunt. I think I have managed to track where he came from. I have also managed to find Mike's two half-sisters. Both are dead now but I was able to add that information to the family tree. Mike never met them through circumstances that occured in the family and neither of them ever married so there is a full stop under that one. I also want to find some information about the place the family originated from in Germany.
I have also been applying for certificates which will give more information. Once I started my journal, the family tree got sidelined. However, now we have Nathan and Daniel it is important that all the information is put together correctly and printed off as well as being saved to disc. The boys are the inheritors of all who came before them.
One day they will be grateful for all the information and I hope they will add to it themselves and keep it going.
So, for a while I am going to put this journal on "hold" so that I can concentrate on getting that done. I am still limiting my computer time until my neck is really better. I have to look after it. Once before it got so bad I had to have physio for three months and could do practically nothing for around four months. I do not want to go down that road again.
I know you will all understand that I shall obviously not be commenting on journals. The family tree has always been very important to me. The people on it are no longer forgotten names, they are individuals again, individuals who had all the same hopes, dreams, problems we all do. I hope their names will echo down the years and give future generations an insight into past lives.
I hope to be able to share some further information with you about Mike's family, if he is agreeable.
In the meantime, please do not think I am ignoring you or do not wish to comment or that I have lost interest in my own journal, it is just that I have "got my research hat" on right now and that is taking all my computer time.
Have a good week everyone.