Thursday, August 31, 2006

Some Pet Hates And Questions

View from our back window this morning.

I could not think of much to write about today and then remembered that just before the J-Land anniversary several people were asking others if they cared to put any question to them.  So I have decided to follow suit by way of a change and throw open the challenge for you to ask me some questions. That will come later at the end of this entry.

But first I decided to air some things about myself that maybe you do not know.  I think we all try and show the best side of ourselves to others, but we all have a different side and we all have things that we dislike.  So I am going to share three pet peeves with you.  I ask that nobody takes offence at this.  It is not a "dig" at any person in particular and it is not meant to upset or hurt anyone.  Well, here we go then.

1)  I dislike being called "Hon".  Not that there is anything bad about the word.  I know our American friends use it often and it is a term of affection to them.  However, I am not an American and this expression is alien to me.  Maybe it is an age related thing.  In a few days time I will be sixty-three.  Would I feel different if I were younger?  I do not know but I do know that it reminds me of the days when I used to shop a great deal.  How I hated going into those places and have the assistant ask "Can I help you, love?"  Or "Do you need serving, dear?"  It used to make me so mad.  As far as I am concerned, the only one entitled to call me "Hon", "love" or "dear" is my wonderful Mike.  There, that is something you did not know.

2)  I dislike being called "Jen".  My name is not Jennifer, my name is not Jean.    Yes, Jeannette is a mouthful to say let alone type, but nonetheless that is my name.  I had a person who caused considerable trouble in my life who used to call me "Jen".  When she found it annoyed me, she did it all the more.  So, if you cannot call me Jeannette, then please do not call me anything,  is how I feel about it.  I only shorten someone's name if that is how they are generally known to people  and they feel happy about it.

3)  Forwarded mail!  Sometimes I could kick the computer across the room.  Now, I like things that are inspiring and uplifting, I like things that are funny, I quite enjoy some of the quizzes.................but if I get one more forwarded e-email telling me that unless I pass this on to at least ten people within the hour, something awful is going to happen - I shall scream! 

I know why people do it, because I know why I used to do it.  There is always that little niggle in your mind that says "what if I don't".  In other words - superstition.  Oh yes, I used to forward it on as well but not any more.  If only everybody would delete it when they receive it and not pass it on, it simply would not exist.  "If you pass this on to ten people within the next hour your telephone will ring at exactly 11.15 p.m. this evening".  Oh really?? Well, people know better than to ring me that late at night and if the phone did ring at that time I would know it could only be bad news because people never ring me later than 9p.m. and that is rare.  My phone calls usually come in much earlier.  So, please do not forward this rubbish  on to me.  I shall only delete it so you are wasting your time. Whether or not that woman truly is "walking the world" in aid of a worthy cause I do not know.  I can only tell you that she has been walking even since I first logged onto the internet nearly ten years ago. I am surprised she has any legs left! 

So now you know a little bit more about me than you did. You know three of my main dislikes.  Like I said, this is not meant to cause offence and I do not want anyone feeling bad because they have done one or all of the above three things.  You did not know until today about my feelings on these matters.   I am just being totally honest with you all.

Now, on to the questions.  Feel free to ask me any question that you like, something you wish to know about me.  There are only two rules.  1) Do not make the question too long and involved because I am theone who will be sitting going through them and giving my answers  and  2)  Keep it clean!!

I am wondering what I am starting here and already trying to imagine what sort of questions I shall receive.  Still it is something a little different and it could prove to  be good fun.  So, get your thinking caps on.  What would you like to know?

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The Computer + Jokes

One of those days.  Often when you make plans or try to, something throws a spanner in the works.  That is what is has been like.  Not that anything bad has happened, no it has been positive but has just taken a lot of time.

First I had a couple of sales on Amazon, totally unexpectedly so I had to find the books, pack them up, send confirming emails etc.  Then the phone kept ringing.

Next thing a knock at the door.  It is my new CD writer.  The one on my computer packed up last week and I was getting seriously worried because I have a lot of stuff on here including photos and video and I had no way of backing it up.  When I phoned the service deparment last week and had a long conversation with the chappie there, we came to the conclusion that was what the problem was and I was told a new one would be sent out to me today and I would receive it on Friday or Saturday.  Well, speedy service from them  because it arrived.    The company are not doing home visits now if they consider it is something the customer can fix for themselves.  So him indoors fits it and I sat down to check it would work.  Alas, more problems than ever.  It took 30 minutes to try and save four photos. Luckily I only gave it four to try - and then told me that there was an "error in writing to the disc".   "Oh bother, oh dear" said I - not!

Back onto the service department.  Well, they had sent instructions and ......whoopee a brand new screwdriver to do the job (as if we are not knee -deep in them already) but they had omitted to point out that this drive needed connecting a slightly different way.  Told me to get him indoors to take it out and then put it in again using a different method.   He did and yes, at last I can back things up from my computer and save things to disc. Of course, I had to try it all out afterwards saving different types of items just to be sure.

Then I had to phone a collection company to come and pick up the faulty part tomorrow.  Spent ten minutes trying to point out to some idiot that I was sending the item back and it was not coming here.  Grrrrrrr!

This has taken most of the day and I am so behind.  Now it is time to start thinking about getting the evening meal and I have a splitting headache and do not feel like it.  At least something positive has come from the day.

So, I hope to catch up on all your journals tomorrow.  Meal to get then  I want to back quite a few things up on the computer just in case something else goes wrong with it.

I will leave you with a couple of jokes,  I do hope you enjoy them and they make you laugh as they did me. I am never quite sure whether to post jokes or not as people's tastes are so different and I would not want to offend anyone.

A husband found himself in big trouble, when he forgot his
wedding anniversary. His wife told him, "Tomorrow there had better be something very nice for me in the driveway that goes from zero to two-hundred in five seconds flat."
The next morning, the wife  found a small package in the driveway. She opened it and found brand new bathroom scales.
Visiting hours for the husband at the hospital are limited due to the extend of his injuries.
It's the Spring of 1957  and Bobby goes to pick up his date. He's a pretty hip guy with his own car. When he goes to the front door, the girl's father answers and invites him in.

"Carrie's not ready yet, so why don't you have a seat?" he asks.

"That's cool," says Bobby.

Carrie's father asks Bobby what they're planning to do. Bobby replies politely  that they will probably just go to the soda shop or a movie. Carrie's father responds, "Why don't you two go out and screw? I hear all the kids are doing it."

Naturally, this comes as a quite a surprise to Bobby, so he asks Carrie's Dad to repeat it. "Yeah," says Carries father, "Carrie really likes to screw,she'll screw all night if we let her!"

Well, this just made Bobby's eyes light up, and  so he immediately revised his plans for the evening. A few minutes later, Carrie comes downstairs inher little poodle skirt and announces that she's ready to go. Almost breathless with anticipation, Bobby escorts his date out the front door.

About 20 minutes later, a thoroughly dishevelled Carrie rushes back into the house, slams the door behind her, and screams at her father:

Until the next time...........

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Autumn In The Air

No doubt about it, here we are, still in August but already there is a bumper crop of berries, some of the leaves are starting to turn and the summer bedding is long past its best. I have never known things change quite this early especially as apart from a searing three week heatwave, we did not have any summer.

Here are a couple of shots taken in the garden this morning.  They always used to say that lots of berries meant a long cold winter.  Whether that is true remains to be seen

This next picture is the bloom of a marginal plant in our pond.  Mike has no idea why the background came out totally black, we have not played with it in any way, but it certainly makes the flower stand out and it is very pretty.

Over the weekend I was reading in the papers as many of you would have done,  about the new "spy" in our refuse bins. Apparently, unknown to us unsuspecting British public, around half a million bins contain a sinister secret - they are fitted with surveillance devices.  These devices are screwed under the rim of the bin and transmit information about the weight and contents of the bin to special sensors on the refuse trucks.

Apparently our wonderful Government thinks we are not recyling our rubbish and helping the environment.  Really, well around here we already have a collection for newspapers, one for tin cans, another for glass bottles and jars and that is apart from the other household rubbish.  Anything we cannot dispose of in the normal way, him indoors takes to the local council dump as does almost everyone else in this vicinity. 

The idea is to identify households who produce too much refuse and  charge them a "pay as you throw" fee as it will be considered they have not re-cycled enough.  Excuse me, but we already pay a very expensive Community Charge which is supposed to include the collection and disposal of our rubbish. This charge has been steadily rising over the last few years.

Just another way that our Government wants to screw more tax out of us.

Yes, something needs to be done about the vast amount of rubbish we produce. Our land fill sites will be full in around eight years but I feel this is not the way to go about it.  It is only likely to insense people (me for one) and if I find a spy on our bin I would not hesitate to remove it.  Mike and I already do everything we can to dispose of our household waste in a responsible manner.

What should be done is to make it even easier for people to recycle everything that they can but, of course, this would mean the Government spending money on us instead of getting more money out of us.

When George Orwell wrote "1984" it was considered a good book but a work of total fiction. Now we are seeing it become reality.  Today we have speed cameras on practically every road, CCTV in shops and outside shops and countless other places.  I am not against it in some ways.  If people drive more slowly because of them and thus cause less accidents, that can only be good.  If CCTV helps to stop theft from shops and crime in general that is another positive.  Yet, alarm bells ring in my head with this latest news.  Spies in our refuse bins -  it does not take much stretch of the imagination to envisage the day when we all have cameras trained on us in our own homes watching what we eat, what we talk about, what we watch and listen to.  You think it could not happen?  Well, twenty years ago none of us would have thought we would have cameras all over the place to start with and as for surveillance devices in our refuse bins, people would have roared with laughter and derision at the merest suggestion.

I hope there is a general outcry about the spies in our bins and the plans have to be dropped.  I can imagine how mad those people are who have found that their homes (bins) are one of  the half million currently being spied on.

Well, that is my rant for today.  You may agree, you may disagree, that is your choice

Now, I had better go and get the second lot of washing on, although the morning has been bright and sunny, they say rain is coming in and I want to get the washing dry. 

Have a good week everyone.  I am totally out of sync because I keep thinking it is Monday.  That is Bank holidays for you.


Sunday, August 27, 2006

A Cure For Graffiti? & News About AOL

Over the last few years we have had a real problem with graffiti in this area.  The railway bridge is smothered in it.  But the real target has been the changing rooms at the local sports fields.  Mike takes the dogs here almost every day as do lots of people.  The council have provided doggy bins all around the perimeters so that any "accidents" can be scooped up and placed in them and so our canine friends and the sportsmen have a good relationship.

These changing rooms are not the prettiest thing to see, just a concrete block really that has always been painted white and what a magnet to those of the spray paint cans.  Lots of the graffiti has been obscene, either in words or pictures and the council have endlessly sent down workmen to repaint it.  Of course, within hours, the graffiti is back.  It has proved impossible to catch anybody.

So the police, the council and the local art college got together in consultation and came up with an idea.  How about some "good" graffiti.  If they actually painted it with something decent they were hopeful that it just might put people off from defacing it and solve the problem.

Well, a couple of months back they did one wall.  Since that day the wall has never been touched, it has been respected.  Two weeks ago they did another wall and that also has remained unblemished.  There are now two more walls to go and they are thinking about doing the four seasons on those, two on each side.

Could this be a cure for unwanted graffiti?  Time will tell but it is certainly an improvement on what people used to see there and is also very eye-catching. What do you think?

Amazing when you think all that is done with aerosol sprays but I do know that some graffiti art can be truly amazing.  At the moment it seems that it has certainly  solved the problem as well although I cannot help but wonder what new target will be found to deface.

Now for some news about AOL that was taken from the financial pages of "The Mail on Sunday" a little while ago. It remains to be seen whether any of us in the UK will ultimately be affected - particularly our journals.

*"It is already being described as a new wave of dotcom madness.  The planned sale of American giant AOL's business in the UK is leaving analysts and potential buyers scratching their heads in bafflement.

The internet service provider aims to sell the operation for £1 billion.  But it wants the service to continue being called AOL and it intends to keep control of the UK website and to retain all of the customers as AOL e-mail clients.

"It looks like they want to have their cake and eat it" said one analyst.  The buyer of AOL UK would be entitled to its 2.2 million customers and the minimum of £14.99 a month they pay for AOL's services.  But without being able to merge it with another internet business, the experts cannot see how the £1 billion price tag is justified.  "Half of that would be more like it" said another analyst.

Some say it is like a flashback to the £220 billion merger of AOL and Time-Warner in 2000.  Even then - at the height of the dotcom boom - some observers were incredulous at the price.

In the next three weeks, Citigroup will circulate documents on the next phase of the sale deal and ask for bids.  BT, BSkyB and Orange have all been tipped as potential bidders but the City favourite is The Carphone Warehouse, headed by Charles Dunstone.

One insider predicted that Dunstone would try to snap up AOL UK with a last-minute bid well below the asking price."*

Please forgive me if I do not get around to commenting on all your journals today.  What with the J-Land anniversary, making two videos of Daniel's Birthday and then having computer problems all day Friday and most of yesterday, the hours I have been spending on here have taken their toll.  My neck and shoulder are so stiff and painful so I  really need some hours away from my computer completely. I know that you will understand.

The weather is typical for the Bank holiday, overcast, threats of rain and a strong and cold breeze.  Almost September, it will be Christmas before we know it.  Take care everyone.

I shall leave you with a joke:-

A husband and wife were traveling by car from Key West to Boston.

After almost 24 hours on the road, they were too tired to continue, so they decided to stop for a rest at a nice hotel. They took a room, but only planned 
to sleep for four hours and then get back on the road.

When they checked out four hours later, the desk clerk handed them a bill for $350.00.

The man exploded and demanded to know why the charge was so high. He told the clerk although it was a nice hotel, the rooms certainly weren't worth $350.00.

When the clerk told him $350.00 was the standard rate, the man insisted on speaking to the Manager.

The Manager appeared, listened to the man, and then explained that the hotel had
an Olympic-sized pool and a huge conference centre that were available for them to use.

"But we didn't use them," the man said.

"Well, that's too bad," said the manager, "But they are here, and you could have," He went on to explain they could have taken in one of the shows for which the hotel was famous. "The best entertainers from New York, Hollywood and Las Vegas perform here," the Manager said.

"But we didn't go to any of those shows, " said the man again.

"Well, we have them, and you could have," the Manager replied.

No matter what facility the Manager mentioned, the man replied, "But we didn't use it!"

The Manager was unmoved, and eventually the man gave up and agreed to pay.

He wrote a cheque and handed it to the Manager.

The Manager looked at the cheque and said, "But sir, this cheque is only made out for $50.00."

"That's correct," said the man. "I charged you $300.00 for sleeping with my

"But I didn't!" exclaimedthe Manager.

"Well, too bad," the man replied. "She was here and you could have."


Friday, August 25, 2006

Birthday Pics - Video Entry

We had a lovely day yesterday.  Little Daniel did not let us down with his sunny smile so the heavy rain did not matter.

Both the boys were so good considering them neither of them had their usual nap during the day.  Daniel almost took his first step!  He can stand unaided for quite a few seconds now and it cannot be too long before he is toddling around and getting into everything, not that he does not do that now.  He also loves to clap his hands along with Nathan when we sing their favourite songs and he just beams the whole time.  He also loves to play with the t.v. now he has discovered he can turn it on and off and we have to screen the computer so he cannot get to it as he loves to turn that on and off as well!

Of course, both boys enjoyed playing with the boxes rather than the presents but that is typical of children the world over.

We had a nice little cake and for once, I ignored my blood sugars, there was no way I was going to miss a piece of that. The boys love the bubble machine I bought for them and which I keep here.  I have to get it out whenever they visit.  Nathan giggles every time I start it, Daniel is a bit bemused but they both love to pop the bubbles when they land on the floor.

I have made a little video for you so that you can share in some of what the day was like. Somewhere there are pictures with Dean in as well but I think Becky has those.

So sit back and join in with our little family celebration.


Hope that you enjoyed that.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend, a bank holiday for us Brits.  Let us hope the weather remains fine. Whatever you are doing and whoever you are with, have fun.

Thursday, August 24, 2006



How quickly a year has flown.  It does not seem that long since I was announcing to you all the news of Daniel's birth. It may be absolutely pouring with rain outside today but we have the sun in our hearts as we celebrate this happy occasion and your smile, Daniel, is brighter than any sunshine.

This is for you Dan-Dan, a little walk through the memories of your first year:-


Have a lovely day and enjoy your presents.  You have brought so much joy into the lives of your Mummy and Daddy and also into the lives of us, your grandparents.  May God bless you always.


Great big hugs and lots of kisses from Nanjay & Grandy.

Monday, August 21, 2006




Yes, journals are three years old today.  Long may they continue.

It was nice to meet up in the chat room last night (thank you Stevie for hosting) and have a laugh and a natter and I hope our American friends had a great time with their own chat later on.

J-Land has changed a lot even in the two years that I have been posting.   Some wonderful journallers just disappeared without trace, I am thinking of Liam here and Sherry and then of course, David who wrote two wonderful journals - A Last Cigarette followed by The Way Ahead.  Some have chosen to go private, some have taken their journals elsewhere, sadly some have passed away.  Yet journals keeps on rolling.

We have had a lot of new journals come up during the time I have been here, some have lasted and some have not. We were getting regular newcomers until aol decided in their wisdom to remove "Blogs" from their main page.  That word attracted people, made them curious and that is how quite a few started.  Now blogs have been relegated to a small mention far down the welcome page and it is no longer going to catch the eyes of people. Change is not always for the best.

Hopefully though our community will continue to grow and to thrive.  Lasting friendships have been made through journals, we are not just a writing community, we are a caring community as well.  We share our joys and worries, laughter and tears and I think we truly do care about each other.

Do not forget to visit Donna Lighthouse Graphic  to receive the wonderful lighthouse graphic (see my sidebar) that has been specially created for the occasion and also   3rd Anniversary - AOL Journals   where Vivian has some birthday messages and music for all of us. 

So, here's to the next three years.  Happy Birthday journals and many happy returns.


I shall be back writing and commenting when this sciatic type attack dies down.  It is just too painful to sit here more than a few minutes.

Have a good week everyone

Saturday, August 19, 2006

We Have A Star In Our Midst

Many of you will have heard our Stevie singing on Donna's blog, a lovely slow ballad "When I Fall In Love". 

As he got so many wonderful comments and encouragement he has now sung "live" for us on video.  This young man could and should  go a very long way.

Please go over and enjoy his talent at

~The life of Stevie~

Wonderful Stevie, keep them coming. I could listen to you all day and I am sure others will feel the same.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Final Twist - Postscript To Yesterday's Entry

Firstly, I must start by wishing our wonderful Son-In-Law, Dean a very Happy Birthday and many happy returns. You are the best.

Secondly, him indoors mowed the lawn - yippee

I was in for a surprise when I told Jackie over the telephone what happened yesterday regarding the butterfly.

Here is what she told me.  She had a very dear friend since childhood.  This friend moved far away but stayed in touch by telephone, letter, cards etc.  She always sent Rosemary a birthday present without fail.  Although she knew that Rosemary was very ill, she did not apparently realize quite how serious it was.  She had already been out and bought Rosemary's Birthday present (it would have been next month).  Jackie had to tell her that Rosemary had passed away.  She told Jackie that she would still send it and Jackie might like to keep it.  When Jackie found out what it was, she decided that Rosemary is going to wear it and it will be taken to the Chapel of Rest.  What was the present?  A bracelet with..................................a butterfly on it!!!

Not only that, but later on that day this friend phoned Jackie again.  She had been out and posted the present and done some other shopping. When she went back to her house and walked into the kitchen (where all the doors and windows had been closed due to her absence) there was a butterfly flying around in there.  It had not been there previously and she had no idea where it came from. She went to open the door and window to let it out and when she turned back it was gone.

So, two of us have been privileged to have been "visited".


I have emailed most of you about the J-Land Anniversary photo album.  Even if you are on the video, pictures are still wanted for the photo album.

Please email  SEPINTX with your photo and your details.  Sunday is the closing date so make sure you get your picture in on time.

Talking of the video, it is not yet complete but you can view the incomplete version and see what a wonderful job Stevie has been making of it.  To watch it please visit:- 

YouTube - AOL member tribute vid

You will be able to rate the video and also leave a comment if you wish.  You can also visit him at

~The life of Stevie~

The J-Land 3rd Anniversary chat room will be open on Sunday night at 8 p.m.  Link will be posted soon.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

A Strange But Uplifting Experience

I was not going to do an entry today but something  changed my mind and I wanted to share it with you.

Firstly, I had a long conversation with Jackie last evening. She and Ron want to thank you from the bottom of their hearts for all the wonderful messages that you left for them under the Rosemary tribute. She says it is helping them a great deal and she will read and re-read it often in the days ahead.  Rosemary's funeral will be on the 25th August.

We talked of many things, how the road had changed over the years, how difficult the weather has been for the gardens, our various health problems.  We even mentioned the lack of butterflies this year.  Normally we get a good many of them, Blues, Common White and Red Admirals mostly but this year I only saw one and that looked like a moth.  We even put a special butterfly house up with attractant in it, still not a single visitor.

At the end of the conversation, Jackie told me to ask Rosemary for help with any of my problems.  She said that as Rosemary was an angel now she was sure Rosemary would watch over me as well as her.

Normally, my prayers and requests are directed towards the Lord and nobody else so I thought it was a bit of a strange thing to say.  However, last night my back was absolutely awful, I had been crying with the pain of it.  When I eventually retired to bed for the night I suddenly remembered what Jackie had said and I thought, well I have nothing to lose.

So I asked Rosemary to watch over her parents and also asked if she could watch over me.  Nothing elaborate, just a few words.  Normally during the night I have to get up with the back pain and walk around for a while.  Well, I slept right through and today, although I cannot say truthfully the pain has gone, it has been much less than it was.

So, this morning I thanked Rosemary and said I was sure that she had taken a hand in it somewhere.  Then a thought came into my head.  I said to Rosemary, if it really was you that helped me with the pain then can you give me some littlesign.  A butterfly popped into my head, so I requested that if it was her, then I would like to see a butterfly as there have been none around this year.

Several hours passed by and I was lying on my bed reading a book, almost on the point of dozing off when I looked out of the window.  An orange blur flashed by, I was certain it was a butterfly by its movement but I could not be absolutely sure, it happened so fast and it was certainly no species I would be able to identify.  I felt a sudden thrill but then thought about it.  Had I been mistaken, could it have been an orange petal blown into the air by the wind?  I just did not know.

So, although it might sound silly I told Rosemary that if that was her trying to give me a sign then I was uncertain because it was far too quick and she should have sent me a white one instead  so there could be no mistake.

I left the room and returned ten minutes later to continue my book.  A sudden breeze ruffled my curtain and caught my attention.  Looking up I saw a large white butterfly hovering outside my window and then it came and settled on the edge of my open window.  A sudden rush of great joy ran through me, I simply cannot explain it.  I said thank you my dear and God bless you.  The butterfly made a circle outside my window and then was gone, not flown away but just.......gone. It simply just disappeared.

I went to my front door and scanned the garden and other gardens in the street - no butterflies.  I went into the back garden and scanned every inch of it - no butterflies.  Nothing.

There are those of you who will think this is pure co-incidence but remember, I have had many strange experiences in my life that I have written about in my journal.  I close my mind to nothing.  There is much man cannot understand, cannot comprehend, a power that is greater  than us, a power we just cannot imagine with our human minds.  Love does not die, I have always believed that and always will.

I shall be ringing Jackie later on to tell her what happened. I know she will have no doubts what and who it was.

I think I have a new guardian angel.

P.S. Glad you all enjoyed the video I posted yesterday.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

A Summer Afternoon - Video Entry

More video today that you might enjoy watching.  Alas, poor garden - tis past its best.  The heatwave took its toll on the flowers and then we had very high winds.  The lack of rain gave us large brown patches in the lawn and then the rain came and made the grass shoot up again but not evenly and him indoors has not had a chance to mow.  Also a nice crop of weeds has appeared.  Then we had to put down a large piece of green plastic sheeting as the grass was so damp and we did not want our Grandsons getting their clothes wet and stained when they spent yesterday afternoon with us. 

If anyone thinks I am kidding saying it is past its best, you should have seen it when the grass was short and before the heatwave struck, but then I had not learned how to put video on my journal.

Guess who forgot to remove an empty flower pot next to the pond?  Well, I asked him indoors to do it know men!

Never mind, it will give you a little idea of what the garden did look like at its peak.  Nathan and Daniel still enjoy it whatever it looks like and so do the dogs. 

No, I do not appear in the movie.  I hate having my photo taken let alone appear on film.  I am not the Alfred Hitchcock type who has to appear in everything - I am more a Greta Garbo - "I vant to be alone".  Still, you never know, one day I must just surprise you.

Not long now until the Journals 3rd Anniversary celebration on the 21st.  So please do not forget to visit Vivian, Donna and Sugar to find out all the latest news about the event. I know there is a photo album being created for all those who did not manage to get on the video made by Stevie. You will find the links on the left under My Favourites.

So, without further ado, here is the film:-



Well, that gave you time to sit back and take a little rest didn't it?

Ho hum, back to the grind -  lunch needs to be eaten, there is housework to be done, weeds to be pulled etc. etc.

Hope you are all having a good week.

P.S. The tribute to Rosemary is now closed.  I have printed it off and it has been given to Jackie and Ron along with all your messages for them.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

You Are Wonderful - Thank You

I would like to thank all of you that have left such wonderful messages for Jackie and Ron under my tribute to Rosemary and for taking the time and trouble to do so.

It has been so heartwarming to know that through the medium of the computer people can and will reach out to others like this, to offer comfort, to offer support.

I have been touched that people who did not even know  of my journal have visited and I know that this is down to the prayer group. 

Jackie will not be able to attend the funeral as she is still confined to bed but I know the comfort they will  both receive from your messages and how those messages will help them through the days ahead.

It is wonderful to know that in times of trouble and tears this community comes together as a family.

In a few hours time, I shall be printing the tribute off and it will be given to them.  If there is anyone who would still like to leave a few words, then please do so, but I ask you to remember to leave your comments for Jackie and Ron and not for me and please do not leave your comment under this posting but under the Tribute (previous posting) otherwise Jackie and Ron will not get your message.

Thank you and God bless you all.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Rosemary - In Memorium



                                      16th September 1974 -
                                        11th August 2006

This posting is in loving memory of a very special person, Rosemary G.  -  the beloved daughter of our friends and neighbours, Jackie and Ron. 

Rosemary was not as other people, she had very special needs. Jackie and Ron devotedly cared for her all her life. Although she was never able to attend school, obtain employment or do any of the things we all take for granted, Rosemary managed to touch the lives of everyone that knew her, which is a rare gift and she was deeply loved, even the nurses who tended to her in the last few days of her life, loved her.

She passed peacefully into the arms of our Lord at 3.50 a.m. on Friday morning.

Welcome home, dear soul, welcome home,
To the place God wants you to be,
Prepared for you  a long time ago,
Your place for eternity.
Down through the years  God watched you
He claimed you before you were born,
You were moulded, guided and taught
Through His love you grew and were formed.
He gave you a good life on earth
And saw that your needs were met
He gave you fair shares of sadness and mirth
And gave up His Son for your debt.
God counted each hair on your precious head
Ane he planned in advance all your years,
He knew each day what lay ahead
And He was aware of your prayers and tears.
Though you've left your loved ones behind
It is just in a physical way
And now you'll be closer to them
In a more wonderful, spiritual way.
A banquet's been spread in your honour
God is the Heavenly Host,
The guests are those gone before you
That on earth you had missed the most.
Welcome home, dear soul, welcome home,
Tell your family and friends not to grieve,
You're welcomed now at your Father's throne,
Totally whole and pain free.
    Copyright Virginia Ellis.
My lovely friends and readers, I ask you to offer a prayer up for dear Rosemary and also to pray for Jackie and Ron and their other daughters in their time of grief and loss.
Jackie knows that those of you in the prayer group have been offering up prayers for her and for Rosemary and for the family and she has asked me to thank you very much for your love.
Jackie has been confined to bed for several weeks after breaking a bone in her spine and she has been battling with constant pain, so please pray for her as well and ask the Lord to surround her with His healing.


Death is nothing at all

I have only slipped away into the next room

I am I and you are you

Whatever we were to each other

That we are still

Call me by my old familiar name

Speak to me in the easy way you always used

Put no difference into your tone

Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow

Laugh as we always laughed

At the little jokes we always enjoyed together

Play, smile, think of me, pray for me

Let my name be ever the household word that it always was

Let it be spoken without effort

Without the ghost of a shadow in it

Life means all that it ever meant

It is the same as it ever was

There is absolute unbroken continuity

What is death but a negligible accident?

Why should I be out of mind

Because I am outofsight?

I am waiting for you for an interval

Somewhere very near

Just around the corner

All is well.

Nothing is past; nothing is lost

One brief moment and all will be as it was before 

How we shall laugh at the trouble of parting when we meet again!


Canon Henry Scott-Holland, 1847-1918, Canon of St Paul's Cathedral



Saturday, August 12, 2006

"Pond"ering And A Video Peek At Our Home

Glad you all seemed to like the video of our fish feeding.  It was while they were being fed that we were shocked to see just how many fish we had.  My fault.  When we extended the pond two years ago as we really wanted a Koi pond, I did not have the heart to let my goldfish go.  So they all went into the pond and the inevitable happened.  The goldfish bred with the goldfish, the Koi bred with the goldfish and what was originally twenty fish turned into around one hundred and fifty.

There is nothing that will bring disease into a pond quicker than overcrowding so we had to make a decision.  Some of them just had to go.  So, since I last posted we have had to drain out the pond to around four inches and then Mike has had to lay on a grill laid across the pond and catch whatever he could, trying not to stress the fish too much.  Believe me it was a long and difficult job and we have both hurt our backs in the process.  He had to keep passing the net to me so that I could transfer the fish into a container full of water and I had to keep leaning at full stretch across to try and "herd" the fish to where Mike had the net.  So now around thirty five fish have gone to a new home.  That is still nowhere near enough and we will have to do it again maybe before the winter comes but if not then certainly in the Spring before they start breeding again. We had intended to try and catch more but we had had enough by then and we are sure the fish had as well.  It then took seven hours to re-fill the pond during which time Mike got  the filters  and waterfall going again.

It was difficult deciding which ones to pick. I hated to see any of them go but you have to be sensible.  Also, for a long time we had tried to catch a fish that had a huge growth.  He/she always eluded us but this time we were successful.  No sooner had we lifted it out than it expired, just like that, so I think its time had come anyway and it was relieved to go.

So, some of those fish you saw on the film are no longer living here with us.  We also removed one of the water lilies.  They had grown very rampant and were taking up a good deal of the pond.  We kept the yellow one which is our favourite.  So, although there are still too many fish in the pond for the area or water and the depth, they do now have much more swimming space and as we have good filtration they should be o.k. for a while.

We did have some much needed rain  during the night and this morning.  Nowhere near enough but it was nice to see it.  The only problem is that the sun is out again now and there is a strong wind which will dry everything up again.

I have spent the last couple of days resting my back and reading.  A job like that will give anyone back ache but as I have problems with mine generally, I should have known I was asking for trouble!

Anyway, at the moment, I am limiting my computer time until it eases off but  I will try and get around to your journals as soon as I can.

Mike took another little bit of video for you.  A little peek at the outside of our home (the front) and the road we live in.  Hope that you enjoy viewing it.  You will see the new side gate Mike made on the extreme far left of the video, towards the end.


Wishing you all a good weekend.

Sugar has now posted the J-Land Anniversary Tribute to all our pets.  Please visit her and see what a beautiful, touching and loving job she has made of it -  


Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Peace In My Garden

I wanted to write a few words about the joy I experience in my garden and to add another video for you, this time with music.

As you know I love my garden.  This summer it has been too hot most of the time to even sit out there for the shortest time.  So I have been going out there in the late evening and staying until after dark.  I love the quietness of that time.  No noise from passing cars as in the daytime, no radios, no loud voices, the air is cooler and slightly damp with dew.  The skies have been so clear and I love looking at the sky.

I ponder upon things.  I search the heavens and remember that these same stars and this same moon that shines on me, shone on my ancestors centuries ago and, if the fates are willing, will shine on my descendants long after I am gone.  I ponder upon how great nature is and how very small we are in the scheme of things.

I love the reflection on the water, I love to see the moonlight catch the scales of the fish as they glide silently through the darkened  pool.  I love the grass beneath my bare feet.  Somehow I feel far more spiritual, more at one with nature.  I find peace, I find tranquility, I find calm.  In that time the cares of the world are washed away.  You could say I feel closer to God.

On milder days I am out looking at the many varied colours of the flowers, watching the fountain play into the pond and delighting in the colours of the fish and the song of the birds. Watching for butterflies and insects and seeing our little feathered friends come down to use the bird feeders.  Our garden is our own little Eden right here on earth.

So I am sharing a little of that tranquility with you all today


I hope you enjoy the video and that you can feel  a little bit of the peace I experience and that you find your peace as well in whatever location that happens to be.


Monday, August 7, 2006

Another Week

The start of another week, where does the time go?  It is very overcast and gloomy here today but no rain as yet although Becky who lives about six miles away has had some showers.

I hope you are all displaying the green/blue J-Land anniversary graphic on your sidebars in honour of the anniversary on the 21st.  If not please feel free to snag it from here now

SUGAR is doing a special memorial to all J-Landers pets who have passed away during the last three years. If you would like your pet included, please write to Sugar with some details and a photograph if possible.  She will be happy to include your pet. *If you have lost a loved one - a family member or a dear friend during the past three years then please visit    ROXY  as she is going to do something special in remembrance of those you have loved and lost.    Do not forget to visit VIVIAN as well to keep up to date on all that is planned.  I know a chat room is being arranged where we can all get together.    Not forgetting  DONNA   who has made some great celebratory graphics.

I am glad you liked the video that I posted yesterday. I think Jesse and Jack are quite proud of being beamed into all your homes.  I hope to put another video on in the near future and, much to their disappointment it will not be the dogs again.

At the start of this entry I mentioned time and how quickly it passes.  We are always in a rush aren't we, always something to do.  Years ago you never heard the expression ASAP.  Now it is commonplace.  ASAP - as soon as possible.  The pace of life is much faster than it used to be, the world is full of trouble, there always seems to be something to worry us.  So today I wanted to share a little poem with you.

This poem was given to me yesterday by the husband of a neighbour.  They are going through the most awful circumstances at the moment.  Heartrending and tragic, yet they still find the time to think of other people.  I will not put their details on here, that would be an invasion of their privacy.  But I do ask you to keep Jackie and Ron in your thoughts and for those of you who pray, in your prayers. Always take the time in this mad and fast-paced world to think of others and always try and set aside a little quiet time for yourself and your family. Always remember, not everything has to be done ASAP.  This abbreviation can also stand for something else - always say a prayer.

There's work to do, deadlines to meet
You've got not time to spare,
But as you hurry and scurry -
ASAP - always say a prayer.

In the midst of family chaos,
Quality time is rare
Do your best, let God do the rest -
ASAP - always say a prayer.

It may seem like your worries
Are more than you can bear,
Slow down and take a breather -
ASAP - always say a prayer.

God know how stressful life is
He wants to ease our cares,
And He'll  respond to all your needs

Author unknown.

Wishing you all a peaceful, happy and stress-free week.

Sunday, August 6, 2006

One More Try

I am so glad to learn from your comments that you are able to view this video.  It is, of course, our two Border Collies, Jester (Jesse) and Jack.

Taken on Saturday 5th August very close to our home.  I will endeavour to put other video clips on from time to time.

Saturday, August 5, 2006


Another of Donna's lovely designs to help celebrate three years of journals.  I believe the official date is the 21st August.

I know a lot of you have been waiting to hear about Daniel.  Well, so far everything is pretty inconclusive.  All his tests came back clear as I have already told you and that is a great relief.  Becky asked if it could be some sort of allergy but received no reply (She had already tried taking him off cow's milk and putting him on Soya without any result). So, they have now issued him with an Asthma inhaler.  Not that they are saying he has Asthma, they simply do not seem to know - they have told Becky to try it if and when she thinks he needs it.  It it works it works, it if does not - they will see him again at the end of November!  So it is all very much hit and miss and I feel also rather unsatisfactory.  Maybe they are just hoping he will grow out of it.  Well, only time will tell now.

Mike has been busy making the new side gate.  I was going to take a before and after picture but the phone rang and I had rather a lengthy conversation with a friend.  By the time the chat was finished the old gate had been dismantled and demolished, so no "before" picture.  I do not know whether it is worth putting an "after" picture on because you will have no comparison and after all, it is just a wooden door.  Anyway, he has assembled the new one and added hinges.  Now he has to fix it in place and add bolts and a lock etc. etc.  He will be doing that today.

Whether it is the change in the weather from scorching hot to really cold and now back to hot again I do not know but the last couple of days I have been a mass of aches and pains.  I hurt all over so I shall be taking it easy over the weekend although we will be seeing the family either today or tomorrow.

Anyway, that is about enough from me for the moment. I just wanted to update you all on Daniel. I shall be catching up with all your journals very soon.

Wishing you all a happy weekend.