Well, maybe not singing exactly but we have had some rain, not much, nowhere near the amount we need, but we have had some. Trouble is another heatwave is forecast for the weekend so I am hoping for a really good downpour before then.
Well, I have just seen my hit counter pass the 100,000 mark. Amazing. To think in the early days I never thought it would get to a couple of hundred.
Life remains very quiet here although him indoors does intend to start building us a new side gate in the next couple of days. We have never liked the one we have, it never gave us total security and it is now old and battered and long overdue for a change (much like me!) That will keep him out of mischief!
My sales on Amazon picked up and I have now sold around forty items with about another forty to go. The things you think will be snapped up are not and things you think will never sell do which just goes to show there is no accounting for people.
More good news about Daniel. His blood tests have all come back clear. That is such a relief to us all but on the other hand, we are no nearer finding the cause of his problems. Becky was lucky to get a cancellation appointment with the specialist at the hospital tomorrow and it will have to be taken from there.
The boys were over yesterday so I did manage to get a couple of quick snaps:-
I love this next one of Daniel in Grandy's arms
Nathan is looking more grown-up by the day
I have been reading a very good book called "The Eastend Chronicles" which has brought home to me yet again, how tough it must have been for my great-grandfather and his family living in that area and for my grandfather as well. The area they lived in was, at one time, known for its opium dens and believe it or not, Charles Dickens visited to gather material for his last and unfinished book.
There is one more boy who wanted to get in on the act and I must not leave him out. He has only blotted his copybook once lately by chewing the edge of a rug but hopefully, now he has nearly all his adult teeth, that will soon be a thing of the past. So.....................................here's Jack!
It only seems like five minutes since he was a tiny pup. How quickly animals and children grow.
Well, I am off to have a nice cuppa now. Glad to have Sandra back with us.
Hi Jeannette,
We have had quite a lot of rain here today in Dundee. It is dry now, but windy, and looks like it will warm up again tomorrow. Glad that the tests for Daniel are all clear. He looks adorable, such a happy little fellow. Nathan's hair is gone really fair. It must be all the good weather.
Lovely photos of your boys Jeannette, I love Daniel`s wavy blonde hair, he`s such a happy little chap. His birthday must be very soon by my reckoning, 3 weeks perhaps? Nathan DOES look really grown-up now, his baby days long gone. Watching our grandchildren grow makes the time pass even quicker! Naughty Jack chewing the carpet but like you say it will soon stop. :o)
Sandra xxxx
Glad you have some rain at last your garden will be very happy. good news about Daniel hope the news stays good. Love Joan.
Great to hear from you again ,lovely pictures of the boys who are both growing up fast , so pleased Daniel s test came back OK. I disregarded my hit counter ,it kept going wrong ! It would be interesting to see what it would be now ,ah well ,Yes its lovely to have Sandra back ,great to sell your stuff on Amazon ,I bet its exciting ,to see what sells ,and the money is nice ,good luck with the gate ....Jan xx
The pics are great!
Haven't seen jack in a while, handsome as always!
Glad you have been getting some rain.That is great that Daniel's blood work came out ok. Hope you find out what the problem is soon though. Your pictures are precious. The boys and Jack both are really growing. I have completely done away with my hit counter. Hugs, Helen
I wish we'd get some rain over here! Oh my, did your puppy get big!
Your grandchildren are so cute. How fast Jack had grown! Yup, it seems like I just read about your hubby bringing him home as a pup a couple of months ago. We've been getting a little rain here in Florida too. I am glad because our lawn needs it. The bad news is there's a tropical storm that is heading our way by the end of this week so we're hoping it will not turn into one of those nasty hurricanes we've been getting for the past two years. Hugs to everybody.
All those boys are growing so much!!! I hope you enjoy your new gate...Jae
the boys are so cute and that hores pic is awesome. love your doggie that is award winning photo there. Man send some rain this way
We've had no rain, just a few trickles! I think all the grey clouds going over must have been the 'empties' from you! I'm glad Daniel's blood tests came back good but it still leaves you waiting to see what's wrong. I hope they can find out soon, he certainly looks a happy baby! Nathan is growing fast too and Jack seems to have outdone them all in his growth record! He looks like an adult now! It's lovely to have Sandra back! Jeannette xx
We are supposed to be able to 'sing' in the rain tomorrow. It has been terribly hot and I'm looking forward to a break in the heat wave. The boys (all 3 of them) certainly have grown ! My beagles didn't stop chewing things til they got to be about 2 years old. I lost 7 pairs of shoes and a purse that I dearly loved. Eventually I did learn to keep things out of their reach. I'm glad that the tests for Daniel look positive for now. Hopefully they'll find out what's wrong soon. I was reading that alot of the authors of that particular period used opium freely...it was in one of trivia items I read. They said that is where we get the saying 'pipe dreams.' History is so interesting.
Take good care ! 'On Ya' - ma
The boys are so precious! And your doggie is just beautiful! You are very blessed.
Hi Jeannette !!!!!!!! Well I'm back from my trip which was nice despite the heat. We only got one day of rain the day we arrived at the campground the rest of the time it was hot.
You deserve all the hits you get in your journal......I enjoy coming to read your journal every time I visit. I missed all of you my dear friends at J-Land while I was away. I will be trying to catch up to see what you were all doing while I was away. I'm glad to hear about Daniel I was thinking of him on my trip. I hope he is doing well. The boys look adorable as ever.
My oldest niece is having to read "A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens for school. I found that he having been poor when he was young that he didn't talk to well of the poor people in the novel. Its a shame that he couldn't have described them in a brighter light. I did like how he made one of the characters a hero in sacrificing himself for his friends. It was hard to understand some of the novel. Have you read it ?
Anyway......My dog Hobo got bigger since we've been away. I just hope your doing well. Take care. I'll talk to you later. Byyyyyyyye.
I always love seeing pictures of your grandsons. They are so cute! Jack is such a beautiful dog. His markings are so good!
Hope you get the rain you need.
Hi Jeannette ,thats such good news Daniels tests came back clear.The boys are certainly growing up ,they are lovely photos of them both.Hope Mike gets on alright building your new gate,we put a padlock on our back gate ,you never know these days .How things have changed you could go out at one time and not even lock your doors . Glad you have had some rain ,our grass is green again!!! .......Jeanxx
Jeannette the pictures of your 3 boys are lovely ~ how they all have grown ~ Good news about Daniel's blood tests coming back clear ~ let's hope that they can pinpoint the cause of his problems ~ Glad Becky got an appointment with the specialist for today ~ Really nice to have Sandra back ~ Ally
hi Jeannette...
I love th graphic of the horses, it looks so real...great pics of the two boys too! so pleased Daniel's blood tests are fine...lovely pic of Jack, he has grown some! hope your week is good...take care!
lovely pics of all the boys :o) we keep getting sudden showers and i get drenched running to rescue washing Caff xxxxx
Wow, Jack has really grown, he's quite hansome. Keeping your Grandbaby in my thoughts and prayers....Sandi
boy grandma are they getting big!! rose~
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