Thursday, August 17, 2006

A Strange But Uplifting Experience

I was not going to do an entry today but something  changed my mind and I wanted to share it with you.

Firstly, I had a long conversation with Jackie last evening. She and Ron want to thank you from the bottom of their hearts for all the wonderful messages that you left for them under the Rosemary tribute. She says it is helping them a great deal and she will read and re-read it often in the days ahead.  Rosemary's funeral will be on the 25th August.

We talked of many things, how the road had changed over the years, how difficult the weather has been for the gardens, our various health problems.  We even mentioned the lack of butterflies this year.  Normally we get a good many of them, Blues, Common White and Red Admirals mostly but this year I only saw one and that looked like a moth.  We even put a special butterfly house up with attractant in it, still not a single visitor.

At the end of the conversation, Jackie told me to ask Rosemary for help with any of my problems.  She said that as Rosemary was an angel now she was sure Rosemary would watch over me as well as her.

Normally, my prayers and requests are directed towards the Lord and nobody else so I thought it was a bit of a strange thing to say.  However, last night my back was absolutely awful, I had been crying with the pain of it.  When I eventually retired to bed for the night I suddenly remembered what Jackie had said and I thought, well I have nothing to lose.

So I asked Rosemary to watch over her parents and also asked if she could watch over me.  Nothing elaborate, just a few words.  Normally during the night I have to get up with the back pain and walk around for a while.  Well, I slept right through and today, although I cannot say truthfully the pain has gone, it has been much less than it was.

So, this morning I thanked Rosemary and said I was sure that she had taken a hand in it somewhere.  Then a thought came into my head.  I said to Rosemary, if it really was you that helped me with the pain then can you give me some littlesign.  A butterfly popped into my head, so I requested that if it was her, then I would like to see a butterfly as there have been none around this year.

Several hours passed by and I was lying on my bed reading a book, almost on the point of dozing off when I looked out of the window.  An orange blur flashed by, I was certain it was a butterfly by its movement but I could not be absolutely sure, it happened so fast and it was certainly no species I would be able to identify.  I felt a sudden thrill but then thought about it.  Had I been mistaken, could it have been an orange petal blown into the air by the wind?  I just did not know.

So, although it might sound silly I told Rosemary that if that was her trying to give me a sign then I was uncertain because it was far too quick and she should have sent me a white one instead  so there could be no mistake.

I left the room and returned ten minutes later to continue my book.  A sudden breeze ruffled my curtain and caught my attention.  Looking up I saw a large white butterfly hovering outside my window and then it came and settled on the edge of my open window.  A sudden rush of great joy ran through me, I simply cannot explain it.  I said thank you my dear and God bless you.  The butterfly made a circle outside my window and then was gone, not flown away but just.......gone. It simply just disappeared.

I went to my front door and scanned the garden and other gardens in the street - no butterflies.  I went into the back garden and scanned every inch of it - no butterflies.  Nothing.

There are those of you who will think this is pure co-incidence but remember, I have had many strange experiences in my life that I have written about in my journal.  I close my mind to nothing.  There is much man cannot understand, cannot comprehend, a power that is greater  than us, a power we just cannot imagine with our human minds.  Love does not die, I have always believed that and always will.

I shall be ringing Jackie later on to tell her what happened. I know she will have no doubts what and who it was.

I think I have a new guardian angel.

P.S. Glad you all enjoyed the video I posted yesterday.


Anonymous said...

Jeannette of course it was Rosemary giving you the sign you wanted ~ what a wonderful experience to have ~ can imagine how elated you must have felt ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

Hello Jeanette
I haven't been able to read all yr recent blogs, hubby had heart surgery recently(doing well)  but it reminded me that someone once told me that if you do see a butterfly near you, that it was their soul's way of letting you know that they were watching over you.
Several of friends have passed away over the last 2yrs and I like to think that this is true, I seem to have had a lot in our garden this summer up in Yorkshire.

People may find it odd-but I don't.
Please pass on my condolences to Rosemary's parents
Jeanni- a fellow back sufferer  x

Anonymous said...

reading your jounral today made the hair stand up on the back of my neck, not that I have much hair,,,,,, what a wonderful feeling for you,  DIANE

Anonymous said...

I don't find it odd that this happened. Just wonderful. Bet you can't wait to relate that experience with Jackie. She will be so happy to hear that. Glad you got a good nights sleep last night. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Helen

Anonymous said...

I have an angel I talk to as well, Jeannette, and I truly believe that she helps me when I need guidance. After talking to her things do seem to change for the better, plus I have had certain experiences that cannot be explained. Take care my friend, love Joan x

Anonymous said...

yes it is very uplifitng. And you know Im glad you shared this with me. us all. I like your story of the buttefly too. nad ho w you felt great joy

Anonymous said...

That was such a touching story, I'm a believer in miracles, and with God anything is possible.Butterflies have always had special meaning to me.  I'm glad you're feeling a little better  'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

It's lovely that you and Jackie have this belief and I am sure it will help her in the months to come. I don't believe in co-incidence and have had many experiences
of my own that defy explaination, and I am sure that this has helped me to come to terms with my grief at the loss of loved ones, Love Pat x.

Anonymous said...

Nothing odd about this, no coincidence either, there is a lot to be said for an open mind and an open heart, I'm happy that you found such comfort from this and that your pain was made more managable. Keep on believing xxxx

Anonymous said...

How wonderful!!

Anonymous said...

I don't find it odd at all.  I'm pleased she contacted you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette,  I`m certain that it was Rosemary watching over you.  It`s really lovely to know that she`ll be there for you as well as her parents. :o)

Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

It seems too much of a coincidence doesn't it?! We've had lots of butterflies here, sometimes our buddleia bush at work has a dozen or more on at the same time. Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

Oh what a sign that was! I have chills reading this entry! Now thats love! :o) Thank you for sharing this. :o)

Anonymous said...

hi Jeannette...

that is nice...

Anonymous said...

I think Rosemary was thanking you for bringing her parents some comfort with the messages. . .what a beautiful thing to happen to you!

Anonymous said...

what a wonderful moment for you to me, it does send a message, of hope.
XO lisa

Anonymous said...

Wow! Jeanette! An amazing story and I believe you whole heartedly.

Sorry I haven't been around much. Well, I do pop in when I have had time just have been quiet.

I have started a blog again and it is on my Yahoo 360. My Mom is going through terminal cancer and have been barely able to stay sane...

Here is the link:

:-) Cheryl

Anonymous said...

Gave me the chills, Jeannette.  I think she is indeed watching over you.  I think that since she is in Heaven she may pass your prayers onto the Lord.  That's my belief anyway.  I believe in angels but only so many angels were created in the very beginning.  I believe our loved ones watch over us and are able to communicate our prayers.  I've often heard of loved ones seen as butterflies and such and am very open to all things.  xx  Chris

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette !!!!!!!!!

Its nice once more to come and read your journal. I'm glad you posted this. I'm sure what you experienced was real. Tell Jackie and Ron I am thinking of them. I'm sure Rosemary was there to help you in your time of pain. I think you did get to experience something amazing. Thanks so much for sharing this and I did enjoy the video so thanks again. Take care my dear friend. M.

Anonymous said...

This entry gave me goosebumps. Such a cliche but it's true, "God work in mysterious ways."

Anonymous said...

A very touching entry. I do believe too and that belief enables we who do believe to feel the love that comes from the other side.  I know in my heart that we will all meet again one day.  Sandi

Anonymous said...

Wow, blessed by an angel.  Thanks for sharing your wonderful story with us and I know this really did happen to you.  I am so happy that this eased off your pain a bit Jeanette.  Isn't it amazing the little messages or messangers that are available to us on a day-to-day basis that the majority of the time we don't make anything of.  In times of need, when we are really concerned they tend to happen more often.  Yes indeed you are a very special and blessed lady Jeanette.  


Anonymous said...

I have no doubt that you do have a guardian angel.  What a special, heart warming experience.  I'm so glad you wrote about it.  It gave me chills and even choked me up a little.  I believe that the Lord wants us to turn to Him with all of our troubles - big and small - and he was blessing you with this angel and butterfly as a reminder to ask when you need help with your pain or with anything that is troubling you.  God Bless you!  I'll be praying for your pain to be relieved.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know Rosemary or her family...but enjoyed the was beautiful....and your story of Rosemary being your guardian angel....was beautiful....I don't question times like that....I just say "thank you Lord"...and move not to mess with what the Lord wants for us....just enjoy and accept....and hope your back is much better these days....your garden is beautiful....even with the brown spots....Hugs from KY....Ora

Anonymous said...

Jeannette ,what a lovely thing to happen with the butterfly........Love Jeanxx

Anonymous said...

You are do have a new guardian angel.

Anonymous said...

Your title says it ,a strange but uplifting experiance ...........Jan xx

Anonymous said...

i have a friend whose mother is dying of cancer and they have made a pact that after her passing she will return to her daughter in the form of a butterfly to let her know she is watching over her and that she is with God.  your story brought about goosebumps for it is similar.  i love butterflies and hope i may someday come back as one to watch over my daughter.

