Thursday, August 31, 2006

Some Pet Hates And Questions

View from our back window this morning.

I could not think of much to write about today and then remembered that just before the J-Land anniversary several people were asking others if they cared to put any question to them.  So I have decided to follow suit by way of a change and throw open the challenge for you to ask me some questions. That will come later at the end of this entry.

But first I decided to air some things about myself that maybe you do not know.  I think we all try and show the best side of ourselves to others, but we all have a different side and we all have things that we dislike.  So I am going to share three pet peeves with you.  I ask that nobody takes offence at this.  It is not a "dig" at any person in particular and it is not meant to upset or hurt anyone.  Well, here we go then.

1)  I dislike being called "Hon".  Not that there is anything bad about the word.  I know our American friends use it often and it is a term of affection to them.  However, I am not an American and this expression is alien to me.  Maybe it is an age related thing.  In a few days time I will be sixty-three.  Would I feel different if I were younger?  I do not know but I do know that it reminds me of the days when I used to shop a great deal.  How I hated going into those places and have the assistant ask "Can I help you, love?"  Or "Do you need serving, dear?"  It used to make me so mad.  As far as I am concerned, the only one entitled to call me "Hon", "love" or "dear" is my wonderful Mike.  There, that is something you did not know.

2)  I dislike being called "Jen".  My name is not Jennifer, my name is not Jean.    Yes, Jeannette is a mouthful to say let alone type, but nonetheless that is my name.  I had a person who caused considerable trouble in my life who used to call me "Jen".  When she found it annoyed me, she did it all the more.  So, if you cannot call me Jeannette, then please do not call me anything,  is how I feel about it.  I only shorten someone's name if that is how they are generally known to people  and they feel happy about it.

3)  Forwarded mail!  Sometimes I could kick the computer across the room.  Now, I like things that are inspiring and uplifting, I like things that are funny, I quite enjoy some of the quizzes.................but if I get one more forwarded e-email telling me that unless I pass this on to at least ten people within the hour, something awful is going to happen - I shall scream! 

I know why people do it, because I know why I used to do it.  There is always that little niggle in your mind that says "what if I don't".  In other words - superstition.  Oh yes, I used to forward it on as well but not any more.  If only everybody would delete it when they receive it and not pass it on, it simply would not exist.  "If you pass this on to ten people within the next hour your telephone will ring at exactly 11.15 p.m. this evening".  Oh really?? Well, people know better than to ring me that late at night and if the phone did ring at that time I would know it could only be bad news because people never ring me later than 9p.m. and that is rare.  My phone calls usually come in much earlier.  So, please do not forward this rubbish  on to me.  I shall only delete it so you are wasting your time. Whether or not that woman truly is "walking the world" in aid of a worthy cause I do not know.  I can only tell you that she has been walking even since I first logged onto the internet nearly ten years ago. I am surprised she has any legs left! 

So now you know a little bit more about me than you did. You know three of my main dislikes.  Like I said, this is not meant to cause offence and I do not want anyone feeling bad because they have done one or all of the above three things.  You did not know until today about my feelings on these matters.   I am just being totally honest with you all.

Now, on to the questions.  Feel free to ask me any question that you like, something you wish to know about me.  There are only two rules.  1) Do not make the question too long and involved because I am theone who will be sitting going through them and giving my answers  and  2)  Keep it clean!!

I am wondering what I am starting here and already trying to imagine what sort of questions I shall receive.  Still it is something a little different and it could prove to  be good fun.  So, get your thinking caps on.  What would you like to know?


Anonymous said...

I too hate the pass on or else thing it makes me hit delete for some reason lol

do you think your health care system is better than here in AMERICA????

Do  think you would have a better standard of living here in America????

Anonymous said...

OMG! Let me apologise if I ever offended you by saying, hun or dear...I do it ocasionally. Will try & remember not to in the future. But old habits are hard to break, & memory not like it once was. So, please forgive me if I do forget & it pops up now & then.
Hugs, Sugar

Anonymous said...

I have to say, I agree with all your answers...great job...hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the question reminder!  My question is this, "what is your, all time favorite, romantic movie?"
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

I too agree with you up here its not hon its hen and I detest it it makes me cringe.As to forward mail I too delete most of it my Stuart goes mental if i download any of the attatchments.  Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

Yes I think we all share your dislike of the 'pass it on' If I agree with the sentiment I copy and paste it then forward it on without the conditions.
My Question is:- If you could live anywhere you wanted where would it be?

Anonymous said...

hummm.. any question as long as it is not long huh??? hehe.. think.. think.. think..

Ok.. what American City would you like to visit (and you better answer St Louis, show me some love LOL JK)

And a bit more deeper one.. how do you deal with hurts and bitterness?

Much Love,

Anonymous said...

I agree with you on those points.  I know how people can be with their names.  At work, we always ASK how we are allowed to address someone. Some people like to be called Mrs__ or Mr __.  
My question: What do you really think of the royal family? Especially Diana?

Anonymous said...

I understand the name thing! I've been called Jenny, Jean and Ginny, ugh! I'm Jeannette, it's only two syllables isn't it?!! I don't like Hun , dear or my all time pet peeve....ducks! They always used to call people that not so long ago. The emails too, they sound quite threatening when they say bad things will happen if you don't pass it on, I delete them and I don't recall anything awful happening! Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

Jeannette ,I really like your courage ,in saying what you did, about those silly sentimental things that go round and round ,if you dont send them on to seven people ,within the next hour  your drains will block ,your washing will get wet etc,I found in the beginning, if I sent one ,it would be back to haunt me over and over ,I now freely admit I delete too ,....very well said ! Question when IS  your birthday, and whats your earliest memory ,.,.,.,Jan xx

Anonymous said...

((((((((((((((((((((Jeannette))))))))))))))))Hope your having a wodnerful day.This is your journal,so you can write what ever you want to wrie in it.I might have a question or 2 for you.What does being happy mean to you?How do you cope with  everyday living and the stress with it?Sorry if its long and if its long,you dont have to answer. :)))Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

Well am guilty of saying hun to people...Just something said where i grew up and they stick with you but i promise i won't use it again with you...If i do feel free to virtually slap me <ggg> The only time i ever pass on any of those emails is if i particularly like the poem or whatever that is on it....Then i will cut n paste it without all the trappings to a fresh email...Someone of them are so old it's unreal because like you i have been on AOL a very long time...Question then 'Is being a granny/grandma/nanny better than being a mum'?  Caff xxxx

Anonymous said...

I am SO gulity of being scared into forwarding those freaky e-mails!  I am like you; I like the inspiring ones, as well as the funny ones, but the "chain letter" type just get me all riled up.  I am working really hard atnot falling for them.  I apologize for any I have sent you in the past, and I PROMISE not to send you any in the future!  My question...if you had one entire day, just for yourself, to do ANYTHING you wanted, what would you do?  Jae

Anonymous said...

I dont like being called love or lovie, and I dont like to shorten names thankfully you cant shorten mine, but some do lenghten it to Lynneie which I dont like either,
I dont pass those sort of emails on unless they are of the joke variety, and funny
I cant think of any questions at the moment,
take care Lynne xx

Anonymous said...

there was a nice older woman called Peace Pilgram that was waling to spread Peace but she died several years ago. She was hit by a car..... I don't forward it on either but sometimes send it back because it says send it to 10 people pluss me so I send it to the person only because it says something about if I don't Im not her friend.  :(  My husband calls me Hun or Honey but noone else does, lol  Hope you are having a wonderful day, Sandra  (not Sandy) :>)

Anonymous said...

I think we have many of the same pet peeves.  Okay, here goes,
question 1) Have you ever been able to travel to visit the states here in America or any other countries abroad and did you like your visit if so and where did you get to go if so?  & 2)  Who would you prefer to see become the next King, Prince Charles or one his son?  Hugs,

Anonymous said...

Great entry. Hope I have'nt emailed ya anything that says to forward to 10 people. I have been deleting them when I get them also. I do have a question for you. If you were given 1 chance to wish for anything you wanted, what would it be? (((hugs))))
ps, you have the most beautiful back yard i have ever seen.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely agree with you about the "Hon" business.  I'm 64 going on 65 and it really irritates me when some young female calls me "hon."  It seems condescending to me.  My son was dating a gal that worked at Costco and I had not met her yet.  But he had told me her name, what she looked like, etc.  So I went on a shopping/snooping trip to Costco with a friend. We found her check out line and got in it.  When it came my turn she said "hi hon, did you find everything ok?"  Really turned me off.  I didn't tell her who I was and even later when I actually met her, she still called me "hon."  Bad habit and not professional.  They finally broke up, thankfully...I would have had to set her straight.    Linda in WA  

Anonymous said...

Hi, I think that was a cool thing you did, being open about what bugs u. I agree with you on all of the above. I dont like when people I dont know, or am not close to calling me baby and sweetie, Im just like...u dont know me like that, lol. And I hate those chain emails really hate them. I only have one question for you. Where do you get your pretty graphics? Do u make them?

Anonymous said...

I just delete the forwards if I get alot.  Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette,

Well done for saying what you, and I think lots of other people, think but are afraid to say so.  I hate being called, dear or love.  Dear makes me feel old and frail and though I know I`m getting older, I`m not frail just yet.  I with you on the chain mails too, I`m deleting them all now and if bad things happen, well they would have anyway.  Perhaps that ought to be something we all put in our journals, pet hates.  I won`t ask you any questions today as I won`t be here to read the answers but when I get back I catch up with your entries. Have a smasing weekend and take care. Great photo by the way, the poppies are beautiful. :o)

Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

I agree about the chain mails. . .I dont pass them on . .I used to do but just click and delete now.I really dont mind the Hun and Duck and Hen and love and dear as they are only terms of endearment from different areas. but I can understand why you dont like it.I would like to ask you what is yours and Mikes "song".Maybe the one you danced to at your wedding or one thats special to you both.

Anonymous said...

I've never minded what people call me, as long as they call me for supper.  ;o)  But it's your right and priviledge to expect folks to use your name.  If I do see one of those emails that I do want to forward, I usually copy and paste them into a new email and delete that stupid chain letter part.  I'm stuck on an old, slow pc with AOL 7.0........I get disgusted with all the huge files folks want to send or things that have so much media it takes forever to load or download.  I started just deleting them.  There!  I feel better too now!  LOL   -  Barbara

Anonymous said...

It's interesting to read about your pet peeves and I have to say I agree with you on the hon thing and the email thingy!!  I was once forwarding those things on but not anymore - coz like you say the phone doesn't ring etc. My mate calls me babes and that grates on my nerves more than anything.  Can't really say anything about the name thing lol............anyway question.........What book have you read that you feel changed your life?  How did it change your life?

Anonymous said...

hi Jeannette...

i get loads of these forwarding emails and i don't like them either, but i feel like i am letting the person down who has sent it to me if i don't respond, especially when that person is know to me in j/land and i don't like to offend anyone who i send them to i am now thinkng  i will delete in wishes and take care!


Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette, I don't particularly care for the hun thing but it does seem to be a US thing.  I also don't like the forwarding e-mails, except occasionally I will forward a particularly lovely inspirational one to a few friends and cut off the superstitious part.  My you and your husband have a favorite, special song that you consider to be "your" song?  LOL...and another, what type of camera do you have?  Your pictures are absolutely stunning?  xx  Chris

Anonymous said...

Can only say "hear hear" to your complaint about forwarded emails - it's unsafe for a start. Next thing, a spammer will use all those email addies. And why cut off someone's name? It's their name, and as you rightly say: if they can't be bothered to pronounce it fully, they can't be anyone you really want to know

Anonymous said...

Hello to my dear friend Jeannette.....

Hmmmm what would I like to ask you ??? My question is more of a comment so here it is.......

Your a truly special person and I'm sure many would agree. Your journal has become a truly special treasure and your writing is like a great big cup of hot cocoa which I THANKS !!!!!!!

Take care.

Anonymous said...

Ooh..Hmmmm.....if you could be anyone and go back in time, where would you go, who would you be, and why??

Lv Stevie

Anonymous said...

I love your poppies! I also delete all those chain emails and nothing has happened to me yet! I hate being called 'babe' or 'love'! It is a good thing to have a rant every now and then. Good for you!
A question.......As a grandmother, how do you handle things going on with the way your grandchildren are brought up, if you do not agree with it? Do you keep quiet or say something? Tricky one isn't it? Love Conniex

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette
How refreshing to read your blog. I agree,Terms of endearment (remember the movie ?) should only come from loved ones. Great blog

Anonymous said...

Hi ,good for you speaking your mind on the things you don't like.I love your poppies.Question : What are your favourite Flowers?........Jeanx

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette !!!!!

I do have a question for you. What is the one thing you would like people to know about you ?

The birdfeeder you got is nice that would like in our backyard except my dog Hobo chews on everything he can. I so have enjoyed reading your entries. I shall return soon. Take care

Anonymous said...

sorry i have read the entry now,my reason behind the word Hun is the phrase hunni or honey in an affectionate way,but you are right it is a bit too familiar,im from kent and everyone says 'my love' lol,which i was trying to steer away from,ooh dear but i shall say jeannette from now on,please accept tho i do slip back sometimes as my memory is not what it used to be lol,thanx for letting me know xxzoexx

Anonymous said...

Jeannette:  Bravo to you.  I know what you mean and yet being an American I suppose we get used to people saying "can I help you hon?" or Hey there pretty lady or things like that and so we don't take offense or take it personal. I have never in my 64 years heard anyone around me tell this person, don't call me hon, that's reserved for my husband or family members and yet I can see your point and you have opened my eyes to the fact that just because someone didn't tell the other person this makes them uncomfortable, how do we know that they aren't comfortable.  I wonder why people take the liberty to do this?    I personally don't call people hon.  I call them by their name and I did have one lesson years ago from a friend named Gretchen who I asked what she wanted me to call her, thinking she might perfer a nickname or pet name as some call it, and she set me straight right there and then by saying my name is Gretchen and that is what I want to be called.  Was I ever embarassed, but it was an honest mistake and so I never called her anything but Gretchen.  She was a strong willed person just as you are and I admire that about you.  

Marlene-A Poets Point of View