No doubt about it, here we are, still in August but already there is a bumper crop of berries, some of the leaves are starting to turn and the summer bedding is long past its best. I have never known things change quite this early especially as apart from a searing three week heatwave, we did not have any summer.
Here are a couple of shots taken in the garden this morning. They always used to say that lots of berries meant a long cold winter. Whether that is true remains to be seen
This next picture is the bloom of a marginal plant in our pond. Mike has no idea why the background came out totally black, we have not played with it in any way, but it certainly makes the flower stand out and it is very pretty.
Over the weekend I was reading in the papers as many of you would have done, about the new "spy" in our refuse bins. Apparently, unknown to us unsuspecting British public, around half a million bins contain a sinister secret - they are fitted with surveillance devices. These devices are screwed under the rim of the bin and transmit information about the weight and contents of the bin to special sensors on the refuse trucks.
Apparently our wonderful Government thinks we are not recyling our rubbish and helping the environment. Really, well around here we already have a collection for newspapers, one for tin cans, another for glass bottles and jars and that is apart from the other household rubbish. Anything we cannot dispose of in the normal way, him indoors takes to the local council dump as does almost everyone else in this vicinity.
The idea is to identify households who produce too much refuse and charge them a "pay as you throw" fee as it will be considered they have not re-cycled enough. Excuse me, but we already pay a very expensive Community Charge which is supposed to include the collection and disposal of our rubbish. This charge has been steadily rising over the last few years.
Just another way that our Government wants to screw more tax out of us.
Yes, something needs to be done about the vast amount of rubbish we produce. Our land fill sites will be full in around eight years but I feel this is not the way to go about it. It is only likely to insense people (me for one) and if I find a spy on our bin I would not hesitate to remove it. Mike and I already do everything we can to dispose of our household waste in a responsible manner.
What should be done is to make it even easier for people to recycle everything that they can but, of course, this would mean the Government spending money on us instead of getting more money out of us.
When George Orwell wrote "1984" it was considered a good book but a work of total fiction. Now we are seeing it become reality. Today we have speed cameras on practically every road, CCTV in shops and outside shops and countless other places. I am not against it in some ways. If people drive more slowly because of them and thus cause less accidents, that can only be good. If CCTV helps to stop theft from shops and crime in general that is another positive. Yet, alarm bells ring in my head with this latest news. Spies in our refuse bins - it does not take much stretch of the imagination to envisage the day when we all have cameras trained on us in our own homes watching what we eat, what we talk about, what we watch and listen to. You think it could not happen? Well, twenty years ago none of us would have thought we would have cameras all over the place to start with and as for surveillance devices in our refuse bins, people would have roared with laughter and derision at the merest suggestion.
I hope there is a general outcry about the spies in our bins and the plans have to be dropped. I can imagine how mad those people are who have found that their homes (bins) are one of the half million currently being spied on.
Well, that is my rant for today. You may agree, you may disagree, that is your choice
Now, I had better go and get the second lot of washing on, although the morning has been bright and sunny, they say rain is coming in and I want to get the washing dry.
Have a good week everyone. I am totally out of sync because I keep thinking it is Monday. That is Bank holidays for you.
I agree Jeannette. totally. There is also a scene in Demolition Man (a Sly Stallone film) where they are in Taco Belle and he asks for the salt (he has been bought out of cryogenic having been frozen for many years before salt was considered bad for you) and is told that 'salt is bad for you, therefore it is illegal' I don't think it will be long before we are like that also!
thats crazy about those spy camera's. Your right they should make it easier for people to recycle. We tryed to recycle but people keep stealing out bins :(
We have just come in from the playpark with our grandaughter and we were just saying the season have definately changed. It seem so early this year but unlike you we have had a wonderful summer. Love the graphic today. Love joan.
Your garden pictures are beautiful. It's looking very much like fall here. Leaves were on the driveway when I backed out to go to work this morning. It's still dark at 7:30 in the morning and raining. Very hard to wake up with it being so gloomy. I can't believe your story about the bin spys -- that is so utterly a waste of money ! Yes, we recycle here too, but haven't heard anything like that before. Have a good day ! 'On Ya' - ma
I had a look at my bins this morning after I read in the paper about the spy camera thing and yes theres a circle thingy that says something about technology so I guess our bins are been monitored for their weight. .the circle thingy will not come out,its well stuck in. . . apparently the black bin should not be full to the top because you should be recycling? I do recycle my household rubbish but I gather theres fines for those who dont. Household items I dont want I put on the freecycle website as the council suggest you do this first.Whatever next ?
Big Brother's watching you - and what happens to the recycled materials? The horror story of a few years back was that all the recycled stuff ended up in the landfill.
Omgawd Big Brother is in the trash cans now. Wait until someone gets there credit stolen by this method.
Lovely pics.....
No signs of Autumn here! Hot and humid! I'm ready for fall. Love the pics.
Are you sure you dont have George Bush running your country? He wants to be a dictator here and i can see him saying ok to spies in the rubbish. How awful for you...every govt just wants to tax us all to death. Those pics of your flowers and bush are quite amazing. Gorgeous!
hugs, lisa jo
I totally agree with you on this one.Yes we do already pay a large bill which refuse collection is supposed to be included..Don't know about the spy thingy though my rubbish is collected by a neighbour daily,from outside my door, and put into a large communal bin,so as long as I do my bit of recycling,thats all I shall worry over.We all have enough to worry about,I think the Bill being the main one,and if that gets paid well I don't worry too much about whatever they have next up there sleeve it is a pain..Just greed thats all I think.
Your Country or My Country...seems they're ALL out to squeeze every cent of a tax dollar out of us!
Fugs, Sug
wow spying on trash now that is something.
Well its not cool here yet tehy been saying since Sunday cool down each day but its delayed ugh!!!!!!!! I saw noberries nad i hpe that is not true becuase we had not had SNOW in years three or four not good ones here. the winters have been lacking that though it wont warm up after winter
Jeannette I had not heard about spies in the bin ~ but I wouldn't put anything past this government ~ we have a garden rubbish bin but have to pay extra for it each year and they only make a collection once a month ~ The pictures of the berries are beautiful my dad swore that the winters were bad everyting the bushes were full ~ it certainly looks like winters coming earlier we had hail here yesterday ~ Ally
Beautiful pics hun!!
Lv Stevie
Is that a fire thorn with the berries,? mine is only a small one but no sign of any berries yet, hoping to grow it up the wall at the bottom of our garden, where it will get plenty of sunlight, I agree with you about paying enough money for our refuse bins, we have the usuall boxes for glass and tin cans and bag for paper last week they dilivered us a bag for cardboard, that we have got to flatten, and fold so that it doesnt pop open incase it damages the truck, !!!!!!!!!!!!!, I had to read that bit 3 times just to make sure that I had read it correctly, LOL
take care Lynne xx
I love your pictures. :o) The government here too seems to try to find ways to get more money from us. Not nice.
Yes that is just awful, spies in the refuse bins. Cameras everywhere here too. And of course credit cards don't help. THey can trace you everywhere you go with just the use of your card. Sometimes it's nice just to use cash. Hugs,
I totally agree with you about the refuse bins Jeannette. We have had a brown wheelie bin delivered for household compostible rubbish, quite handy when clearing the garden, we also have a green box for paper and card, a red box for glass and a black box for cans and plastics! We recycle everything and although we have a green wheelie bin (that we had to buy ourselves!) our actual rubbish only takes about a third of a black sack - no wonder!
Our borough, Bexley, is apparently in the top five boroughs for recycling and I must admit the tip is a sight to behold! It is very clean, well designed and very well organised so I'm not surprised that we're in the top five.
What DOES get my goat is the new posting regulations! I wanted to post a magazine to America today and the queue was out of the post office door! I left it which was a shame because we're off to France first thing tomorrow so the magazine will have to wait until we get back. Perhaps I should post it from France lol!
Forgot to say, the photos are lovely. Our pyracantha has lots of berries on it, well the orange one has but the red one not so many.
Your pictures are lovely, and yes the black does create a lovely background ,Lots of berrys oh yes brrr ,but then werent we meant to hve an August hotter than July ,dont know what to think ,Totally agree with you about George Orwell ,we thought it was total fantacy ,but now we see the reality of it ,who will be paying for the devices in the bins !,.,.,you and me I suppose!! ,.,.,.,.,Jan xx
I came back to look at your garden pictures Jeannette. . sorry I was so surprised about my bins this morning! Lovely photos and graphics too.You have a lovely garden and Autumn is almost here too.
Your pictures are lovely. I really like your graphic you have on this entry,too!
Spying on our refuse bins, huh? Just when I think I've heard it all....I realize I haven't. That's crazy! They give us 3 big bins here in my city. One for trash, one for recyclables, and one for yard waste. So it's easy to separate them. Now when I go outside I'm gonna check the lid to see if I'm being spied on!
Have a good day....Pamela
Those are beautiful pictures, That berry bush is really loaded. Helen
Hi Jeannette,
I`ve got more berries than usual too, let`s hope the winter won`t be too hard, though some snow would be nice! When we first heard about the microchips in the wheelie bins, Jim went out to see if we had one, we didn`t, but if we had it wouldn`t have been there for long! 1984 is about right for Blair`s government, Orwell must be looking down and shaking his head. How can an author have got it so right.
Sandra xxxx
I agree with you about the autumnal feel in the air! As for the bugs in the bins, I must check mine tomorrow! Recycling is a good thing, but it can be quite a palaver. I have several bags for all the different bits & there's only me. Imagine the larger collection for larger households! Fortunately I have a really good recycling plant very near me.
hi Jeannette...
yes! you can feel the autumn air already...lovely pics...
I love the Garden in Autumn....and like you have lots of Berries. but it does seem to be early this year. I prefer these temperatures though.
Fall is most definitely in the air in my part of the US. Spies in your refuse bins. I thought I heard it all but really, I wouldn't be surprised if the US tried something like that also. I would definitely remove one if I found it. xx Chris
Whatever else will they think of? Spies in the trash geesh. Wonder how much that cost them to do? Love your graphic by the way....Sandi
Hi Jeannette ,I didn't know about the spies in the rubbish bins ,I will have to look .We have a seperate one for recycling and another for grass cuttings and garden rubbish so have three in total.
Love your photos .......Love Jeanxx
I agree with you 100%, RANT ON!!!!!
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