Well, now alerts seem to be working I decided to do a short entry posting a photo that Mike took today.
So I go to keyword FTP. Never had problems before, I have deleted things from time to time so I do not run out of space. Well, whether I ran out of space or not I cannot tell because I cannot even get into FTP space. When I try and click on "see my ftp space" all I get is a message saying "sorry, too many gateway sessions!"
What the hell does this mean? Does it mean I have had too many sessions, does it mean that too many people are trying to access ftp at one go, but that would not make sense as my ftp space is mine and not anyone elses. And, if I have used up all my space then why can I not get into ftp to delete older things?
I am getting more than a little fed up with AOL right now. I have contacted the person at the link that Stuart posted where you can ask about problems. * I see from comments already added that I am not the only one getting the ftp problem. Also I just went to add a comment to someone's journal only to get a message saying "journals are unavailable" try later. Come on AOL, we pay enough in subscriptions, get your act together.
Anyway, sorry folks, you will not be getting the photograph after all. Who knows whether you will ever get pictures again. Ho hum, think I will go and read a book!
How odd ! When I was reading the journals today, every time I made a comment it was not registering on the journals. I had to try several times to get it to work. Methinks there are gremlins at work here . ;-) Sandra xxx
Yeah, I have had that happening for about 3 days now, seems to let me in after the fourth or fifth try, I don't back down from AOL so easily...just another fun day in AOL Land!!!
Awwww Jeannette - hope you get things sorted hun :-)
I had "too many gateway sessions" yesterday. Signed off, signed back on - you guessed it - they opened the gate for me lol! As for "journals are unavailable" - wouldn't mind if I hadn't already been in the middle of reading someone's entry! If we cancelled our direct debits, maybe Aol would stop thinking we owe them - for the priviledge of paying our monthly subscriptions. We will all be bored to tears when Aol get their act together - keeping and reading journals will be too simple!
I just kept clicking until it was open.
I'm getting lots of error messages as I go through journals and try to leave comments. Hopefully now that AOL know about it through the new 'here to help' journal, things will get sorted quicker.
Sara x
Had the same problem with the FTP, lately. So I give up and do something else, and as a result don't make a journal entry. :(
Yup, AOL is out of whack since the 11th. The comments and update alerts are working now but everything else is out of whack. I did a rant about it on my journal too.
I have received those "gate errors too" i think too many people are trying to access ftp at once. Even though it's your space, everyone still has to pass through aa aol "main gateway" first before they get to their space. Just go back later when you think that the internet "traffic" has subsided a bit and try again. That's what i do and it usually works :-)
Now i'm off to catch up here...it's been toooo long.
Love & Hugs,
Ugh I had that same gateway sessions error. I've also had trouble trying to make comments. What a mess!
I have been having all sorts of problems the last couple of days, and I am also having problems leaving comments and visiting some journals. I do hope AOL gets everything fixed. It is frustrating. God Bless You My Friend
I had that same alert last night. I waited a few minutes and was able to use the FTP. A few minutes after that, the wonderful little gateway message was up again. Gotta love aol. hehe
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