Monday, February 28, 2005


Just a few blobs of the white stuff left here and there, bitter frost this morning.  The sun is shining brightly now and the sky is blue, makes you think that Spring cannot be far away.

The washing machine is whirling away, got about three lots to do.  Hate it when it has to hang around the house to dry in the winter. We have no tumble dryer, used to have one and it came in very handy especially for towels.  Then I have a few more jobs to do before settling down with a book this afternoon.  I have not done much reading lately so it will make a nice change.

The book I am about to start is a novel set in mid-ninteenth century Yorkshire. I have no idea what it will be like. The central character is a doctor.  The blurb on the inside cover reads "We enter the mind first of one, then the other, as a spark catches between them and they fall in love. Where the doctor's mind is direct, focused, obsessive, Marian's is far-ranging and reflective. When the story begins she is a talented pianist and published writer influenced by the radical ideas, He is an outsider, arrived in Yorkshire after years of experience working in Paris.  As their strong attraction draws them together, each affects the other profoundly, and each is changed. But many complex influences put them under the severest of strains and their marriage veers from one direction to another.  The novel is as much a mystery as a love story; the trail of clues the doctor follows creates a growing excitement as we accompany a medical researcher approaching his goal - a scientific breakthrough that could save hundreds of thousands of lives.  The story becomes ever more intriguing as the doctor's all consuming search leads him into the poorest districts of the town where he finds himself bizarrely affected by a gruesome murder."

I usually, but not always, read non-fiction, so this is something of a change for me.  However, I simply have to read it whether it is good or not.  Why? because it is written by Mike's cousin!  Yes, we have a published author in the family and this is his second novel. His first novel won the Commonwealth Writers Prize for Best First Book in 1994.

 I have no idea what awaits me between the pages of this book, maybe I will like it, maybe I will hate it.  We shall see.

You cheered me up so much on a cold Monday morning with your response to my knock knock jokes on the previous entry.  So please, keep them coming.  All and any knock knock jokes are welcome.  You can either post them under comments on the previous entry (where you can read the ones other journallers have contributed) or you can post them on comments here.  Makes a nice change to have a giggle.

Knock Knock

Who's there


Caesar who?

Caesar quickly before she gets away!



Anonymous said...

Another couple of knock knock jokes :o)

Knock Knock
Who's there
Cash who
I didn't realise you were some kind of nut !

Knock knock.
Who's there
Boo who
Don't cry. It's only a joke.

Nice pics Jeannette, and that book sounds very interesting.  A published author in the family, of course you must read it, let us know if it's good!
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Awwww a Collie ..... I just love that graphic.
Sylvia x

Anonymous said...

Awwww! You did get the picts of you and your beloved, and the dogs. Hope you aren't as sore today, and that you enjoy your book. ~Deborah

Anonymous said...

Knock knock

Who's there


Police who?

Police let us in, its cold outside!

Anonymous said...

Love the photos Jeannette,  Ah!  just look at Jesse and Pip, they know they are having their picture taken !  You`ve started a craze for knock knock jokes now, I can`t think of any at the moment but when I do I`ll send them on!  Sandra xxx

Anonymous said...

I admit, the knock knock jokes gave me a lift, too!  I hope you enjoy your book!  Again, the pictures are great!  JAE

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures of the dogs Jeannette! -Krissy

Anonymous said...

These pics are so lovely, Jeannette!  The dogs must have loved the snow!!  I am hoping we don't get as much snow as the weatherman says we are supposed to get.  I hope you aren't too soar today.  So, here is a joke...

There is a man sitting with a banana in his ear.
A guy says, "Hey, you got a banana in your ear!"
and the guys says, "What?"
and the man says, "You got a banana in your ear!"
and the guy says, "What?"
and the man says, "You got a banana in your ear!"
and the guy says, "Hey, I can't hear you, I got a banana in my ear!"

Here is a knock-knock -
Knock - knock
Who's there?
Dwayne who?
Dwayne the lake, I'm dwowning.

Anonymous said...

I Think your dog pictures are quite exceptional. Congratulations,

Anonymous said...

Knock Knock!
Who's there?  
Isabelle who?  
Isabelle really necessary? All I had to do was knock!  

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures and the joke.  I'm very intrigued by the book you must tell us what you think of it when you've finished it.  :-)  Fraid I don't know many knock knock jokes that probably haven't already been said!!

Anonymous said...

cant see the pics on this comuter but loved the joke. My brain has gone dead or I would add one here......Jules xxxxx

Anonymous said...

Those are lovely photos Jeanette.Your dogs are cute too.You do look such a nice couple!Love your snug hat and scarf!

Anonymous said...

Knock knock
Who's there?
Isabel who?
Is a bell neccessary on a bike?!

Anonymous said...

Your book sounds very interesting. I will need to see if I can get a copy and give it a try. I'm always on the look out for new and interesting books. Hope you are enjoying reading it. You'll have to let us know how you find it. Keep well.
Love Joyce.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to know the name of the book and the author.  "AND the knock knock was hilarious.  Pennie  

Anonymous said...

Aww Jeannette they're gorgeous pics and the graphic is so lifelike.  Happy smiles, very nice to see.  Enjoy your book, you seem enthralled by it already. xxR

Anonymous said...

It is great to see you and your babies....
We have snow here in the Midwest states! I am stilling thinking SUMMER.

Anonymous said...

Love the piccy's, it looks so wintry, making me feel cold, lol, your book sounds great, i love reading and have even started writing, not to sure about it though, take care, oh, love the knock, knock jokes. but i am hopeless at remembering them. xx Julie xx

Anonymous said...

That's probably it as far as snow is concerned this year - except we often get a final kick in the teeth in early April! Fascinating to hear about your book - hope you're enjoying it.


Anonymous said...

Its great that you got some snow, the pictures look wonderful! The book sounds great Jeannette. I have enjoyed reading the two you sent me. Love the knock-knock jokes. God Bless You My Friend

Anonymous said...

What is the novel called? Is it about cholera? I would like to read it too!