Wednesday, February 2, 2005

Sir George & Other Things

I could not leave our little trip around Crickhowell without mentioning its most famous son.  Sir George Everest was born in Crickhowell

 Looking back at the town from the River Usk.

Sir George Everest - the man who first surveyed the Himalayan peak was born in Crickhowell in 1790 and spent his boyhood there.

It was the hills around Crickhowell which inspired him to go on, literally, to bigger and better things. He left Wales to become the Surveyor General of India. There he studied what was then only known as Peak no. 15 or, to the local Tibetan inhabitants, Chomolungma, meaning Goddess Mother of the Earth.

George Everest took part in one of the great mapping feats of history - the survey of India which began on the south cape and moved gradually up toward the Himalayas. The survey took more than twenty years to complete and the men had to carry enormous pieces of equipment weighing half a tonne apiece.

It took another twenty years to realize the true significance of George’s work, for his efforts to be truly appreciated and the mountain was finally recognised as the highest point on the surface of the Earth. Later, Mount Everest was named in his honour.

I have talked about my brothers, mostly Geoff and his antics but Buddy was also mischievous. Although the quieter of the two boys he could get up to plenty of antics of his own.  Here is one of them.

A lot of my Mother’s family would do trips down to Wales to give them a break from the bombing and the stress. Uncle Alan was in the Tank Regiment and whenever he came home on leave he would go to Crickhowell for the peace and the beauty and to really be able to relax. He had met a lovely young woman and after they became serious, he would take her to Crickhowell with him.

Like all young couples they wanted privacy and there was precious little in our home. My mother, like her mother before her, kept an open door policy, plus there were the two boys and little me. So Alan would take Betty (Bet) off for a stroll in the countryside or down by the river, somewhere private where they could be alone. Well, they were never alone. Off they would set and after a little while, Alan would look back and there was little Buddy shuffling along behind them in his oversized boots (he always had Geoff’s hand-me-downs which were always too big) laces undone and dangling. As soon as he was spotted he would stand still with a big soppy grin on his face. He had a lovely grin. Even when he was a man you could not be angry or upset with him when he turned on that smile! Anyway, it did not matter how far they walked, he was behind them! The conversation would go something like this:-

Alan: “What are you doing?”

Buddy: “Nuffink”

Alan: “Well, go and do nuffink somewhere else!”

Buddy: “Why?

Alan: “Because I said so.”

Buddy: “Don’t want to”

Alan: “Why?”

Buddy: “I want to watch you”

Alan: “Why do you want to watch us, you are too young”

Buddy: “Why am I too young”

Alan: “Ask you mother”

Buddy: “Shan’t”

Alan: “You will get a thrashing when I tell your Mum”

Buddy: “You gonna kiss her?”

Alan: “Mind your own business!”

Buddy:"I fink you are gonna kiss her”

Alan: “Get lost!”

Buddy: “Shan’t”

Alan: “Bugger off you little s.d”

After that Alan would chase him off. Buddy would run as fast as he could in his big boots and eventually be lost to sight. Alan and Bet would settle down for a kiss and a cuddle only to hear a giggle and looking up there he was again! The conversation would then be repeated but getting longer each time. Poor Uncle Alan, it happened every single time he visited Crickhowell , Buddy never tired of it and I doubt Alan and Bet ever got much courting time. Alan said that Buddy was always like his shadow. However, Alan always had a soft spot for Buddy and he used to laugh about those times and the big boots until the day he died.

Now I feel sorry.  On the 28th January I posted an entry about my favourite photographs and I picked two. There should have been three. I have a photograph of Buddy which is my particular favourite of him. It was overlooked when I did that entry because it was not amongst my other photographs but in a frame in the bedroom.  I am going to put that right now :-

It is not in good condition because my Mother had it before I did but it is greatly treasured. Buddy was working for Qantas at the time it was taken. He was a man that was liked by all, at school, at work and in whatever clubs he joined. He was sporty and active and ran in marathons all over the world.  He never made an enemy.  He wrote beautiful poetry, sketched in charcoal and painted in oils (alas I have nothing by him). He was funny, witty and intelligent. He never did a bad deed.  I am honoured to put him on this entry so that he can take his rightful place under my favourite photographs. I am also honoured and privileged that he was my brother.  I like to think of him now as that happy little boy in Crickhowell, getting up to all kinds of tricks and happy as the day was long.  His loss will remain with me always.

Finally a picture of Mike, Becky and myself in Wales.  Actually it is two pictures but I have joined them together and I am quite pleased with the effect.  Mike and Becky are standing outside Crickhowell Castle and I am in a field close to the home where I was born.

 I have really enjoyed telling you about Crickhowell.  I hope that you have enjoyed the reading.

Tag kindly made for me by Rosagin.


Anonymous said...

This entry is truly wonderful.  It really is, I`ve enjoyed reading about Crickhowell, a beautiful place as far as I can tell.  Your tales of your early life there and the scrapes your brothers got themselves into  have been very entertaining along with the lovely photos.   I`m sure the town must be very proud to have a man such as Sir George born there.   love  Sandra xxx

Anonymous said...

Your words weave the most enjoyable stories.  Love reading them!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your really nice comment on my journal Jeannette.  Now a request  please !  It would be really nice if some time later you would do another `Murder Most Foul`   I really loved the one you did before......... please, pretty please  LOL

Sandra xxx

Anonymous said...

I love both the stories and the pictures. I've always been fond of British place names - Crickhollow is such a wonderful, picturesque name, it sounds like Mr. Toad must live there. Buddy in that picture looks a lot like John Astin. - Karen

Anonymous said...

Wow, I absolutely love your stories! They're so interesting!!
Take care
love Amy X

Anonymous said...

This was a really good read and reminded me of my brothers, when Ron & I were courting.  A real pain they were and will bear that fact out themselves, now they are grown men. My sister was 1 year old when we met and when we weren't fending off my brothers, we baby sat her instead. Oh! for the good old days in the swinging sixties!
Sylvia x

Anonymous said...

Lovely stories Jeannette :o)
Especially liked the Buddy story, with him following your Uncle, that's cute!  
You are right about the lovely smile too!
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Great stories I have really enjoyed reading these past few entries whilst I've been on my lunch at work :-)  Especially love the bit about your uncle today and buddy's picture is lovely and he looks like a very nice man

Anonymous said...

Yes, enjoyed reading about it all Jeannette! Must go to Wales one day!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I did not know that Mt. Everest was named after someone from your hometown. Thanks for the info as well as for the lovely pictures and family stories.  

Anonymous said...

Fascinating stuff about Everest - Crickhowell certainly produced its share of worthies! And what a fine chap Buddy looks - a wonderful big open smile, and one can see from his face that he's the sort of man who would have many friends!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Excellent entry, Jeannette! Your brother was very good looking too! He reminds me of a particular actor...John Astin. I am going to send you a photo. He was a wonderful character actor.

Anonymous said...

What a smasher Buddy looked Jeanette.His lovely smile lit up his face.Interesting to read about Crickhowell and Sir George Everest

Anonymous said...

J., I enjoyed so much seeing your pics today!  Wow, to hear the stories of Buddy from you and in your journal and then to see your beloved photo, well, it just gave me the biggest smile!!  This was a great entry!! xox

Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful entry Jeannette, I really enjoyed reading about Sir George Everest. The memories you shared of your brother Buddy are lovely. He does have a wonderful smile. God Bless You My Friend