Thursday, July 6, 2006

Cooler At Last

I am so pleased that the heatwave has ended for the time being at least.  I have had to spend most of the last few days in the bedroom which is the coolest room, bored out of my mind.  There is only so much you can read and only so much t.v. you can watch.  It did give me a chance to view "Brokeback Mountain" which I very much enjoyed.  Great performances all round and stunning scenery.

I have not even been able to step into the garden but can see from indoors that the grass is going very brown, things have been flowering very quickly and then fading just as quickly.  Mike has been doing all the watering but we really do need some prolonged rain now.

At least I have some pretty indoors flowers because my Orchid has bloomed

Nature is so stunning.  This if the first orchid I have ever had.  When the blooms truly are finished I have to cut the stems right back and I only hope I can keep the plant going until it blooms again.

Now we have cooler weather, we can get on with the loft clearance hopefully.  I also have a sideboard to go through in our dining room. Lots of things to be put elsewhere and some for the charity shop. We want to get rid of the sideboard so we have room to put in a bigger dining table.  At the moment the one we have only seats four so we cannot have the whole family over for a meal but Becky and Dean have just replaced theirs and we are having their old one.

Daniel saw the specialist at the hospital this morning.  Becky has requested that I do not go into detail and I respect her wishes.  Let me just say that he will have a lot more hospital appointments and tests (to find out exactly what the problem is) coming up between now and the end of September, bless his little soul.

Jack must be growing up because at last he has learned to cock his leg and not just squat and recently barked for the first time (I think he frightened himself).

Other than that I have from time to time been selling books and CD's and DVD's on Amazon.  Amazing a couple of things I put on sold within the hour. I have been doing that late in the evenings when it has been relatively cooler.

For the time being at least, I will only be updating my journal once a week.  I need to catch up on other things.

Hope life is being good to you all


Anonymous said...

Hope things go well with Daniel .Yes hasnt it been hot ,its very much cooler here too ,and looks very stormy ,but so far no rain ,so have been watering ,plan to have stoptap fitted in the back ,bye for now going to Oakham soon ......Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Its our turn for the hot hot weather today boiling up here bur this is only our second day like this so not complaining.  I too have my first orchid and am hoping to get it to flower again after this time . LOve Joan.

Anonymous said...

Jeannette I do pray that Daniel will do ok with his treatments.
Your orchid is beautiful. It has really been hot and dry over here lately. We did get a couple of showers the last couple of days which were very welcome. LOL on Jack and his barking. Hope your day goes well. Hugs, Helen

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you got cooler weather, we did too !  I will keep your darling little Daniel in my prayers.  It is such a worry when they are not well.  I've thought about selling books on Amazon, but haven't ventured in to finding out what is involved.  I have a house full of books it seems and never read them again.  Most are paperbacks.  I do love the summertime, but the high temps are beyond me anymore.  When I was younger it didn't seem to matter.

Take good care !  'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

Jeannette I am so glad it has cooled down a bit ~ we have only had a slight amount of rain ~ but could hear thunder rumbling around ~ Your Orchid is beautiful ~ do hope you will be able to keep it going so it blooms again ~ Hope everything works out well for Daniel bless him ~ whatever the reason for his appointments he will be in good hands ~ hope you are able to catch up on everything that needs doing ~ laughed at Jack growing up and barking ~ and frightening himself ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

Good to "see" you here.. thanks for the update.. will keep daniel in my prayers.. glad you like Brokeback Mountain... take care of yourself..

Anonymous said...

Best of luck to young Daniel.  I look forward to your next update.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette.  Your Orchid is just beautiful.  I am glad it's cooler there for you and much more tolerable.
I will keep Daniel in my prayers and I hope he does well with his treatments.  Poor baby.
Hugs to you.......Pamela

Anonymous said...

wow that is awesome ly beautiful I love that flower. Yes cooler weather is nice after the heat wave.

Anonymous said...

Love the orchid, I still have the one Angela got me in March and it has just flowered is identical to yours!! Hope it is not too serious with thoughts are with you. Sam is not far off 10 and still squats, lol, but he is a very confused dog!!! By the way I have tracked down my grandpa Hendey's birth in 1888, I had his middle name wrong but I still cannot find any record of a marriage to my gran!!

Anonymous said...

Hello friend. Hope the little one is okay. Just wanted to drop in and ask you and your readers to drop in As I Am a minute and read the entry "Help Wanted". Thanks! Tammy-

Anonymous said...

Hi lovely to see you back, I've been thinking of you all especially little Daniel, I know how worrying it can be to have a child/grandchild having to have tests, you are all in my thoughts,  love the orchid, Kye still squats, and doesnt bark very often I think he leaves that to Tilly lol,
take care thinking of you all
love Lynne xx

Anonymous said...

I will look forward to your once a week entries, although I miss the daily ones...hope you are well...Jae

Anonymous said...

I will be thinking of you and Daniel and hope nothing serious shows up with the tests.............Jules xxx

Anonymous said...

I saw your comment in my journal this morning and you are the only one I am taking time to respond to this morning as we are leaving for our weekend get away shortly.  I want you to know that I will be praying for Daniel and your family.  He's such a precious little boy.  I also want to comment on your orchid - it's beautiful!  You should be so proud!  They aren't the easiest flower to grow.  I hope you enjoy some cooler weather so you can get the things on your 'to do' list done.  Take good care of yourself and know you're in my thoughts and prayers.  Love,  Kathy

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette ,hope every thing turns out alright for Daniel.Your Orchid is beautiful hope you can keep it and it flowers again next year.......Jeanx

Anonymous said...

hello friend wow sounds like you have been keeping busy and staying out of the heat we had lots of heat and humity too last week now  alittle cooler and rainy too i will tell it to come your way ok still praying for you nd your family God bless kelley

Anonymous said...

Our weather and yours seems to have swapped around...It was hot here until sunday when we had thunderstorms, on monday it rained nearly all day and on tues it was dull and cool...Yesterday and today have been scorching hot and Garath hates going out in it because of his chronic hayfever...Good luck clearing out everything...Any sci-fi or fantasy type books or dvd's shout as i may buy them off you...Caff xxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Oh for cooler weather here!!  Love that orchid! It is just lovely!!  I want to plant bulbs all around our home.  Hugs,

Anonymous said...

The orchids are beautiful!!  We're having cooler weather here today for a change.  It feels so nice.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful orchid hope you keep it blooming. Hope every thing goes OK for baby Daniel will keep my fingers crossed. Look forward to your weekly journal. Have a lovely week

Anonymous said...

the orchids are beautiful.  I was thinking about getting a silk orchid plant as I'm afraid I'd probably kill a real one.  I bet Jack is getting big...probably not the fluffy little puppy we saw a few months back.  It's been in the middle 60's here the few days and to me that's wonderful.   Linda in WA

Anonymous said...

Fingers crossed that little Daniel is OK!!
Gill xx

Anonymous said...

Glad  it's a bit cooler.   Hope nothing serious is wrong with Daniel.
The orchid is beautiful. Have a good weekend.

Anonymous said...

Hello Jeannette,  I`m so pleased it`s cooled down, the heat and humidity was unbearable.  The orchid is really beautiful, so exotic, I`ve never had one myself and I`m not sure I`d know what to do with!  I hope Daniel gets his tests over with very soon and that everything will be fine with him.

Hugs  Sandra xxxxx

Anonymous said...

Lovely orchids.I got rid of a unit,amazing how much stuff is kept in sideboards and things. .now we have less clutter and its nice. . the table and chairs will be better especially at christmas.I really hope that Daniel is ok after the tests.Its a worry for Becky and Dean,hope they are ok too.

Anonymous said...

Hope the rains do come and cool things down for you a bit.  Orchids are tricky things, mine bloomed too but I lost it over the winter. I think I let it dry out too much.  Yours is beautiful and I wish you lots of luck with it. Hope you feel better too..keeping you and yours in my prayers...Sandi

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness for the rain.  Sympathies with Becky, it's so hard when your kids are ill - went through terrible worries with my son when he was just 18 months old and then again when he was 6, began to feel we lived at the hospital.  He's great now and turns 21 on Sunday - I'll never complain about the NHS - there is always light at the end of tunnel, my best hopes for all of them and wishing Daniel well.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette,

It was a lot cooler here in Georgia today I'm happy to report. I have been wanting to rent "Brokeback Mountain" I can't wait to rent it. Your orchids are beautiful I must say. I'm sorry to hear that Daniel is sick I hope he gets better soon. Please give him a hug for me will you........My puppy Hobo is getting much bigger now and he is such a runner that he tires me out. I didn't know you sold books and CD's and DVD's on Amazon where can I locate your items ? I have a cousin flying in from out of town which I'm sure will be nice.

Anyway.....I hope that life is being good to you and continues to be good to you and your family. I will keep Daniel in my prayers. Take care my dear friend.

Yours, M.

Anonymous said...

I love the heat. Hope life is always good to you.

Anonymous said...

What beautiful, beautiful blooms!  Proving once again that there are miracles right in our own back yards if we take the time to find them!


Anonymous said...

Your blooms are beauitful Jeannette! I rented Brokeback yesterday, and will be veiwing it tonight; I also got Capote, and something called, Eight Below. Enjoy your weekend. ~Diane~