Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Did You Know?


The above is an early print of The Monument in London.  It was built by Sir Christopher Wren to commemorate the Great Fire of London which started in a Baker's Shop in Pudding Lane on the 2nd September 1666.

The conflagration raged for several days and by the time it was extinguished it had destroyed four-fifths of the City of London including St. Paul's Cathedral and eighty-seven churches.

The Monument has 311 steps to the viewing platform from which there is a wonderful view over London. Standing at 202 feet, it is the tallest isolated stone column in the world.  The viewing platform was encased by iron railings after it became a favourite attraction for people wishing to commit suicide.

The top is capped by a gilt bronze flaming urn to represent the fire but did you know that Christopher Wren originally intended to put a statue of King Charles the Second on the summit?  The King was not amused fearing that people would think he had instigated the inferno.  He declined the offer telling Wren "I didn't start the fire!"  The Monument stands on the site of the first church to be burned down.

The Top Hat.  Did you know that this caused pandemonium when it was first invented? Today it is worn regularly at weddings, grand occasions and the like.  It was an offence in England to wear one and nobody knows for sure whether this law has ever been repealed so, technically, it could still be an offence.

In 1797 a London haberdasher  named John Hetherington came up with the idea of the Topper.  He was so pleased with it that he decided to take a drive through London to show it off to all and sundry.  People found the sight of his hat very shocking, many booed him and it is said that several ladies actually fainted, crowds gathered and a little boy had his arm broken in the crush.

John Hetherington was arrested and charged with conduct likely to cause a breach of the King's peace in that "he did appear on the public highway wearing upon his head a tall structure which had a shining lustre and was calculated to frighten timid people."  Hetherington was found guilty and was fined the sum of fifty pounds which was an enormous amount of money in those times.  It was not until later that his new headwear caught the public imagination.

So, poor Fred Astaire "putting on his top hat" could have been breaking English law!



It is done all over the world - people hailing taxis (cabs).  Did you know that in England it is actually illegal to hail a taxi whilst it is in motion?  You are supposed to go to a taxi rank where cabs are waiting for passengers.

There are some strange rules and laws relating to cabs and their drivers.  Drivers are supposed to carry out a sort of rudimentary medical examination of any passengers that they carry.  They are certainly required to ask them before they board whether they are suffering from any diseases such as the smallpox or the plague!

If a passenger dies whilst in a cab then the driver is breaking the law because it is illegal to carry corpses.  Ever left something in a taxi by accident?  Then blame the driver.  It is his responsibility to search the cab when the passenger alights and hand back anything that has been left in the cab. It is not the responsibility of the passenger.

Until 1976 the law still required cabs to carry a bale of hay on the roof (to feed the horses) although, of course, nobody abided by this.  Likewise they are no longer required to carry a sack of oats or a nosebag.

It is against the law for a cab driver to make any insulting gestures.  If he drives too slowly he can be prosecuted for "loitering" and if he speeds through the traffic he can likewise be prosecuted for "furious driving."


I hope that you have enjoyed these three Did You Knows.  If you have I can come up with some more at another time.


These stories have been written in my own words but acknowledgements go to Christopher Winn and Nigel Cawthorne for the information taken from their books.


Anonymous said...

Those were some interesting...Did you knows..!!!!  Have a wonderful week, Jeannette..hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

Adam was very interested about the Monument, as he learned about the great fire last term.
There are certainly some funny laws in this country.
Have a great Tuesday Jeanette.

Anonymous said...

I love old facts like that and daily check the  trivia for the day.  If you do more I'll enjoy it for sure.  'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

Whatever you write about we enjoy, you have such an interesting way of writing and making everything enjoyable. Isn't it lovely to see the sun today, Love Pat x

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing Jeannette I enjoyed that.
Hope you are well.
Take care


Anonymous said...

Jeannette - even before I got to the end I was going to ask for more!
I love these historical facts and it is so easy for them to become a little blurred in our memories.

Hope you are feeling better - Spring is only a few weeks away :-D

all the best

Anonymous said...

I really like these.  There are all sorts of crazy laws in the US too.

Anonymous said...

I always enjoy reading about origins of just about anything.  Thanks!!!


Anonymous said...

Well that was intereseting Jeannette.   We are never too old to learn.
More of those please.
Jeanie xxx

Anonymous said...

Great! Loved it. :)

Anonymous said...

((((((((((((JEANNETTE)))))))))))))))I loved hearing about Londons History.That is very intresting to know.I should tell my Brother that.LOL.They go back to London sometime in March.Have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

There are some strange laws still on the statute book, Jeannette. Men from age 14 were, until recently, required to practice archery in the presence of a clergyman

Anonymous said...

When I lived in London and was three months pregnant, I went up the cenotaph and looked at the view and in the evening went to a concert at the Festival Hall and slept right through it!   love Pam.

Anonymous said...

All three were very interesting. Poor man in his new top hat LOL. Helen

Anonymous said...

Jeannette I really found this interesting ~ laughed at that poor man and his top hat ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

I did enjoy these, how interesting.  I really found the top hat to be amusing...my goodness who would think a simple hat would cause women to faint and people to boo!  That is really funny.  I would love to read more.

Anonymous said...

Goodness Jeanette I never knew any of that...better watch out if I have to use a taxi !!  no body searching of my if you please lol   hope you are ok. love Sybil xx

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the info, I never knew that stuff.

Anonymous said...

Great ,all those 'did you knows' well erm no I didnt ,Yes please I would love to read more ,extremely entertaining and enlightening ...love Jan xx

Anonymous said...

This was really cool.  One of the cooler things I've done today. :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your comments on my journal and letting me know about Pam,I have put an image from one of the entries on the j-land angels journal,on my sidebar with a link to the journal itself,I didnt re-size it at all,and I hope it is appropriate for me to do so,please let me know if I should replace it,I just didnt have another image to use that was appropriate,thanks again zoe xxx

Anonymous said...

Morning Jeannette,

It is so interesting about some of the laws and history behind objects or items.

We lived in BANFF, Alberta which of course is a major world tourist place and I remember the first morningafter moving there,  looking out our back patio and there were 4 beautiful buck deer with full antlers.

I thought how many times where I worked and gentleman would check in and think boy would that make a great tropy on the wall but a community nearby Banff called Canmore has a law on the books that even though animals may pose a nuisance as they wander throughout town you can not hunt or trap wild prey and this 1991 bylaw means as much as a $2500.00 fine for a hunter doing same.

Also it is against the law to use a revolver or any firearm that is capable of firing more than one bullet during one pressure of the trigger while hunting in Alberta...WOULD YOU BELIEVE....



Anonymous said...


I learn alot by reading your journal. In fact I am ready for one of your ghost stories. Your journal is one that I must read daily. Sometimes I go bach to reread it.

Love Sunny

Anonymous said...

How interesting Jeannette, I seem to learn a little more each day. I`m not sure if I`ll carry on wearing my top hat just in case...lol! :o)

Love Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

An intersting read Jeanette on your part of the world....history wise and quirks on how things in your area.  Thanks for sharing.  Hope you are doing well dear. Arlene (AJ)

Anonymous said...

These were really great!

Anonymous said...

Very interesting post, esp. for a history buff like me.


Anonymous said...

These are great and no I didn't know!   Thanks for the education....Maria from Seattle.

Anonymous said...

I guess crazy laws aren't limited to just the US!

Anonymous said...

I knew you are not aloud to hail a taxi but i didnt know it was illegal for a taxi driver to carry a corpse.Ill tell that to the driver next time im in one, not the usual chat,'been busy.....what time do you finish...blah blah' unless i get a somalian driver who wouldnt understand me anyway lol. Beckie x

Anonymous said...

Interesting information Jeannette ......love Jeanx

Anonymous said...

Love the info Jeannete and no i didn't know those facts.... seems shameful being a Londoner to......lol

Have a great weekend hugs Jayne