This candle of hope was lit by Angel for all of us. There is a lovely prayer that accompanies this candle. It can be found at " A Lil' Country Charm" (link on the left). She has kindly offered that everyone can take a candle to display on their journal for hope and healing for all those in J-Land. Let us keep this candle burning. Please go and read the prayer and take a candle of your choice and keep the flame burning for all of us, whatever our troubles might be.
And now, another of my poems. It seems just right for today.
Friendship is the voice on the phone
When you are sad and all alone.
Friendship is the clasp of an outstretched hand,
It is the smiling face, the warm embrace.
Secrets whispered, not to be revealed
A lasting union that is forever sealed.
Faults accepted, arguments withstood
Harsh words sometimes, taking bad with good.
Ebbing and flowing like the tide
But ever there
To share each joy, each hope, each care -
Friendship, like a murmured prayer,
Binding us together, you and I
Until we die.
I had so many lovely comments on "our boys" yesterday. Thank you all. So, here is how they look now -
Very beautiful poem Jeannette, God Bless You My Friend
Am lighting another metaphorical candle!!
I love the pics of your dogs Jeannette, very handsome! Makes me want a doggy :)
Sara x
Hi Jean! Thanks for stopping by my journal and thanks for sharing hope and healing blessings! The poem is just beautiful and fits perfectly ;-)
Gorgeous dogs! (huge animal lover here)
the prayer is lovely, I am going to do a candle shortly. The poem is beautiful as well and your boys look so handsome in the picture :)........Jules xxx
They do look like they have a lovely temperament, Pip especially - lovely eyes. The poem is wonderful full of true feeling. So sad to lose a pet, they become just like friends, sympathy sent to Sandra. Lovely pictures Jeannette, thanks for showing them to us. xxR.
I love the pics of your dogs especially the smallest one - in the first pic you posted I just wanted to hug them both :-) Again with this one.
That poem is lovely - would you mind if I passed it on to my best friend?
I love the candle for jland, I will be checking that out. Like the poem on 'friendship'..I may borrow it, and I'll let you know when I do. And absolutely LOVE your boys, they look so happy. Deborah
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