Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Pip And The Pup

We have always had two dogs.  We acquired our Pip when Bonnie and Brandy were very old, so, at one time we had three. We lost Brandy and Bonnie was very lonely and went into a quick decline.  So, we bought a puppy, a Border Collie we called Pip because we had "great expectations " of him.  He did not let us down.  Bonnie immediately treated him as her own and he gave her a new lease of life.  Her tired old legs actually wanted to run again.  They chased each other over the fields for ages.  It was wonderful to see and even the vet was amazed at her "second life" which lasted another three years.  Inevitably the end came and there was just Pip.  Of course, we spoiled him terribly to make up for his loss as well as ours.

He would still love to chase around the fields but often he would stop and look around as if searching for his old friend. We looked for another Collie to keep him company but nobody seemed to have them.  Naturally, we spoiled him even more.

So, Pip got to the age of five before we one day heard of some Pups that were available.  We had found out very late and by the time we rang, there was only one left, a tri-colour male.  Hubby went to see him. I gave him strict instructions not to bring the pup home if it was not what we were looking for. I was worried about having two male dogs anyway as I had heard they would fight and not get on and Pip had been on his own for a long time. We had also hoped to get another long-coated dog.

I was doing the washing up when he arrived home carrying a cardboard box.  I could not believe my eyes when I opened the box.  This bedraggled little scrap, soaking from where it had wet itself with fright.  He was short-coated, tiny and looked like a rat. My immediate reaction was that he was not for us!!!!  However, pity overcame me so I took him out and washed him and wrapped him in a fluffy towel.  He licked my hand. I was almost won over.  Then I held him up to have a good look at him.  His golden eyes looked steadily into mine and then his pink tongue gave my face an enormous lick.  That sealed it.  I could not let him go.  So, Jester (Jess or Jesse) came into our lives.  But, would it work?

Pip had only really known Bonnie, our cross-colliebitch whilst he was growing up.  We placed them in the same room.  Pip wandered over and gave a quick sniff and then walked off. Well, at least there was not trouble.

The following day we allowed them into the garden together. Pip wandering around his usual haunts with the pup on his heels all the time.  We decided to leave them to it for a few minutes. A while later, having looked out of the window, I shouted to Mike to grab the camera. He raced out and took the following picture which has always been one of my favourite photos.  As you can see, we need not have worried. They had bonded.  They are the greatest of friends and play for hours with each other. Pip will be 9 in December and Jess is 4.  They are both very special to us.  They are "our boys."  I think you will find this picture as charming as I do.

P.S. Thinking of my friend Sandra, she of Sandra's Scribbles who has just lost her beloved Labrador, Hannah, and has posted a moving entry to Hannah on her journal. If you would like to leave a message, you will find her link on the left.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You should have called this one 'Pip and the Pup' Jeannette.

Anonymous said...

I had called this "A Favourite Picture" but, thanks to Dave, I have now re-named the entry as he suggested. Thanks Dave!

Anonymous said...

Aww, cute cute cute Jeannette!!
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Jeannette, I trust my usual fee of ten percent will be okay. (That's before Translation Rights and Film Options of course.)

Anonymous said...

They are both so beautiful, what a sweet picture. God Bless You My Friend

Anonymous said...

Awwww, they're adorable :)

Anonymous said...

Ooh!  what a sweet picture Jeannette, they look like father and son, its really a lovely photo. Thank you for your postscript about my loss of Hannah. I`m very touched at your kind thought.     Sandraxxx

Anonymous said...

What beautiful dogs! My heart skipped a beat...they are so sweet together! -B

Anonymous said...

That picture is so wonderful!  You scrubbed him up well...he is a beautiful dog!  They both are!  Your boys are so lucky!  JAE

Anonymous said...

What a lovely photo and what gorgeous boys! I enjoyed reading their story too. I've never had a dog.....aahhh......

Anonymous said...

Another super photograph from you Jeannette - you should have an exibition in a gallery of them all, I would come and visit!!

Anonymous said...

Wow the nine yr old looks just like my old dog... but with longer fur and the newer pup is a darling in that picture! They look like quite the team there.. Glad they have eachother! What a nice story that was.. to read! :) Mel

Anonymous said...

Good to see your dogs getting on fine.  I remember when as a lad we had a dog who was quite old and then we got a cat.  The dog wasn't too happy and used to snarl and bark at her, a few weeks later though it was a different story and the cat quickly became the boss and used to take great delight at swatting this big hairy dog as he walked past her.  He naturally just accepted her, amazing when you think back.

Anonymous said...

Great Shot! Love your 'boys' Maybe there is hope for my 'girls' yet.  ttfn D    

Anonymous said...

your boys are gorgeous, I wish we could have a freind for my dog shadow :).......Jules xxx

Anonymous said...

This is indeed a wonderful picture- and story to go with it! Margo