Tuesday, April 12, 2005


Yes, today I am angry.  Families!!!!!!  Let me explain. I happen to live in the same road as my remaining brother but we have never been exactly close to say the least. That is not to say we have never had some fun times but they have been few and far between.

My brother has always been a difficult man. One of those who knows everything, has experienced everything and is never ever in the wrong.  His wife is even worse and has caused no end of problems in the family down the years.

As a Christian I have always forgiven if not forgotten. Well, over two years ago she caused a terrible row and I mean terrible.  Things got very nasty indeed but I do not intend to go into that here and we have had no contact with her at all.  Obviously, Mike is always bumping into my brother when he takes the dogs for their walks or is in the local shops and they have spoken in a civil way to each other.

Well, you know I have been working on my family tree .  I mentioned in an earlier entry that I was contacted by a cousin of my sister-in-law who wanted to make a connection with her and pass on family history.  I was in a quandry.  I did not like to admit we were not on speaking terms.  However, this information was not mine to sit on and as my sister-in-law is considerably older than I am, I turned it over and over in my mind.  Then this cousin said she wanted to send me family photographs and documents to pass on.  I knew I had to do the right thing.  I know how I would have felt if family history had been handed to me on a plate, so I swallowed my pride, turned the other check and rang my sister-in-law.  A very frosty reception at first but when I told her why I was ringing she was amazed and astounded and then got excited.  She was going away for a few days she said but gave me the go ahead to continue this contact with her cousin and another cousin who had by then joined in.

So, all the information was sent to me.  Yesterday morning, as they had returned from their trip, Mike took it all down to her, together with a proper family tree I had drawn up for her.  She rang me to say she was so touched by my act of kindness, that she could not thank me enough, howmuch it all meant to her especially now shehad found and could be in contact with two family members. She asked me if I could do some emails for her, passing on some details and their phone number (they have no computer).  I just said I was glad I could be of help and e-mailed her cousins right away.

So, comes this morning.  We were looking after Nathan whilst Becky went to aqua-natal classes at the local pool. I realized as I looked at him that he had never seen his great aunt and uncle and they had never seen him.  So, once again, I did the Christian thing.  I telephoned my brother, told him we were looking after Nathan and asking whether they would like to pop up and see him for the first time.  Oh yes, says my brother but you will have to give us about an hour.  I said that was o.k. and near the time they were due, we put the kettle on and got some cake out.

Yes, you have guessed it, they never turned up.  What is worse to me is that they did not even have the decency to telephone us to say they were not coming.  When Becky returned I explained we were waiting for them. She was not best pleased but understood, so she waited for another hour.  Nothing.

What do I do as a Christian, turn the other cheek again?  To be honest, with this couple I am out of cheeks to turn.  I am angry, hurt, bitter.  They say if you do good it comes back to you threefold.  Well, once would be nice in my case.  I find myself feeling sorry now that I ever told her about her family and ever got involved.  But what is done is done.

I know I did the right thing but it has only brought me more hurt.

I now feel it would be better for all concerned if we went back to having no contact with them at all.  Well, dear readers, how would you feel and what would you do in the same circumstances?



Anonymous said...

Jeanette you held the olive branch out so its left with them now,you have gone out of your way to get the information to her and she cant see the kindness in that?She had the perfect opportunity to let bygones be bygones ,water under the bridge etc.In hindsight you should have asked her to call and collect the stuff but its too late,shes got what she wanted?You are getting nothing but grief from this relationship so you have to consider if you want  to sever all contact.Such a shame ,she cant see what a lovely sister in law she has in you.Sometimes you have to accept these things .And what a treat she is missing in seeing lovely little Nathan.His smile would melt her frozen heart instantly!

Anonymous said...

Hi, after reading that, my instinct is to say not to bother again why cause yourself more hurt, you did the right thing in the first place, and then for them not to bother turning up, is very rude, you made the effort, i wouldn't again, the ball is in their court. Hope it helps. xx Julie xx

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear this Jeannette, families certainly can be difficult things at times can't they.  When it's good it's fantastic, but when it's not so good it can break your heart.  You did a good thing my dear, something that anyone else would be grateful for, and it could have opened doors up for you all to be friends.  Not to turn up, not to even call, well, it's beyond rude, it's hurtful, and I would be furious!
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Jeanette what you did was a true act of christianity. Don't let the fall out get to you. Your relatives will have to account for their actions one day (you know what I mean by that). You are a truly lovely person, a real christian with a heart of gold. I feel lucky and honoured, to be counted amongst your J friends. Sylvia x

Anonymous said...

Sometimes we just have to acccept that even siblings can be rude and inconsiderate.  You made the first move, now it's up to them.  Maybe instead of being angry, you should pity them.  Think of all they are missing out on!

Anonymous said...

I've been in this situation many times and each time I, like you,  walk away with the hurt.  You did what was right but maybe just shutting them out (as painful as it is) is the best thing to do.  Consider it their loss.  If they had no intentions of coming over from the get go, they should have simply said so.  Shame on them.

Anonymous said...

Jeannette....I would ring them again and explain Nathan is tired or was tired and needs or needed his own comfy place and if the day was not suitable because of the rush of their holiday another day can be arranged when everything is calm and can be enjoyed if wished.  I wouldn't shut the door I'd leave a gap in case they wanted to enter, then it's up to them to decide. You've done all you can to close that gap between you, nothing more you could have done or said.  It is their loss if they don't get in touch but that's how some people are and the more sensitive ones like yourself are left feeling the pain.  Not a nice thing to happen when you're getting over your cold as well.  Hope everything gets a happy ending.~xxR

Anonymous said...

Mmmm...What would I do? I don't think I would slam the door shut, but I would also leave it up to them. You have been in touch and opened a line of communication and I would leave it at that.

Anonymous said...

If it was me I wouldnt bother with them anymore.  I'd be civil and speak to them if they phoned or whatever but would make no effort to call or visit them.

I dont blame you for being angry.  It's really annoying when you arrange something and someone lets you down...but if they dont even call to let you know they wont be turning up!! Grrrr!!!!

Hope you are doing ok pet, love Amy xxx

Anonymous said...

You can take comfort in the fact that you DID do the right thing.  They are obviously selfish and inconsiderate people, and not worthy of another moment of your time.  If they do ever call to apologize, you can be civil, but I don't think you need to go out of your way for them anymore.

Anonymous said...

You did the right thing by contacting your brother and sister-in-law.  They should have telephoned you to say that they were not coming, unless there was an emergency there is no excuse for their behaviour.  It`s their loss at missing out on seeing your beautiful Nathan while he is still a baby.  I wouldn`t cut off all comunication with them, but I would leave the next move to them. The ball is firmly in their court now. Take care my dear friend. :-)  Sandra xxx

Anonymous said...

I think you have done all you can.  I think resuming the no contact is probably best with these two, as they are obviously more work than it is worth...if all you get is pain, why keep hurting?  The good thing is you get to walk away knowing YOU did the right thing, no matter what!!!  Good luck!  JAE

Anonymous said...

You certainly did the right thing and I can only hope that tomorrow they will ring or pop by with an explanation as to why they did not turn up.  If they don't that I would think it to be for the best for you to turn that extra cheek you've suddenly found that you didn't know you had.  

Anonymous said...

(((JEANNETTE))) I'm so sorry to hear that your going through this! Families can be such pains in the bum sometimes! It's a shame that brother and sil couldn't keep to their word...they are missing out on sooo much! Your in my thoughts and prayers sweetie! Spring has sprung and looks as if the nuts have come out in full force too! Having some difficulties with my family tree too :o(  Just be thankful your sil hasn't went to the extremes that mine has...
Love you my dear friend ;o)

Anonymous said...

yep, i would feel the same hurt as you do. i too have some family problems, and was always trying to fix it, to no avail. try and push it aside, go on with your life and trust me jeanne, it will bother you always. we just cant help it..roberta

Anonymous said...

so sad to read your story about your brother and sis in law....The ball is in their court now and i wouldn't contact them first leave it up to them....I have a sis in law who won't pay my mum the courtesy of a visit even though only living a mile from her yet will turn up to visit her in hospital :o(  My mum has seen more of my children over the years and am miles away from her than she has of my brother and his wifes 3 :o(  They moved a year n half ago and didn't even tell me new address or new phone number...they have 2 children at uni in city where i live and sadly i could walk past them in street and not now who they were :o(  But at end of the day it is their loss not knowing my kids and their loss not knowing our family as well as me, mum and my sisters would like.  As the saying goes you can chose your friends but not your relatives.

Anonymous said...

Family is so hard to deal with. You extened the olive branch once. Keep the lines of communication open. After so much time it is hard to reestablish contact again. I am of the thought to continue to extend an invite. One day it could happen.

Anonymous said...

While I know you are angry, you say you are a christian woman with christain beliefs.  I have only one thing, then to say to you... What Would Jesus Do?  Yeah, I know the saying is old, and maybe worn out, but... I still relate to this saying when I am in a situation that seems impossible.  Why not call them back up, and ask why? instead of never calling again~  You just made a break through, let's not go back to square one... and if neccesary, here's my little peice of advice... always follow your heart, even if your head disagrees

Anonymous said...

You certainly did go out of your way there, and opened the door to a fresh start between your brother and you. It must have taken some courage. And it was rude of them not to have called you at least. I presume you didn't call them when they failed to show up. But you're right - families!


Anonymous said...

I have little or no contact with my brother. Doesn't hurt a bit after a while. Shrug and move on with your life.

Anonymous said...

Jeannette, so sorry this happened, love.  I think you would have never forgiven yourself if you had not acted in the proper way that you had.  You were wonderful in all you did!  Up to the point of inviting them over.  You were so very kind.  I would wait and see if they ever contact you again.  Perhaps they had an emergency.  Yes, they should have called.  I would not call them again or involve them in anything again.  Sorry you are so hurt, love.  And I do believe kindness is always rewarded.  Love you!!!! xox

Anonymous said...

I would feel just like you do.  Hurt.  But next time Nathan was over I would call again and ask if they would like to visit him.  If they say yes, I'd get out tinned biscuits and tea bags in case they actually make it. But I wouldn't be hurt if they didn't this time, I'd just say, "Just as I expected."