Thursday, April 7, 2005


But not for long. I have an absolutely stinking cold and feel dreadful. Spent most of yesterday in bed and been there most of today.

Him indoors loves me so much that he could not wait to give it to me! Tuesday night I seemed o.k. and was helping Julie out with her pictures and graphics.  When I woke yesterday, somebody had installed a tap in my head overnight and left it in the "on" position.  I have not been able to read, compute or watch t.v. because my eyes and nose were streaming non-stop.  Now I have a sore throat as well and my chest feels tight.  As Mike has had an awful chesty cough.........well I just hope I do not get that bad because I have the doctors in a little over two weeks and I promised them I would be active in the meantime!!!!!!

Not much news otherwise at this end.  Him indoors continued the decorating.  Decided to change the hall as well.  Four years ago we decorated it and chose a sort of golden yellow emulsion paint with a hand-stencilled (by Mike) deep orange border to match the carpet.  Well, it seemed a good idea at the time!!  However, as we live in a bunglow, the clash with the new pale green and lilac bedroom was terrible and I could not stand it.  Great groans from lord and master but he did it in a day so it now looks like this:-

A nice Magnolia colour.  Cannot beat good old Magnolia, it goes with anything.

We had a tremendous hail storm this afternoon.  They came down so hard I thought they would smash the windows but now the sun is shining brightly.  They forecast it will be bitterly cold the next two days with snow in the north of the Country.  This seems to happen every year now, just as the blossom is coming on the trees and the spring flowers look so nice, we get a cold spell that spoils everything.  Still, Mike did get a nice picture of a tree in flower - surprise, suprise - A Magnolia - but a pink one:-

Not ours, it stands in a neighbouring garden.  Please excuse me for not visiting your journals.  I had 54 journal alerts and I simply cannot cope with them feeling like this.

I am having to squint now because eyes are streaming again and head is starting to thump. I am off back to my bed.  Even if I cannot comment right now, I am thinking of you all.  Hope this does not last too long, hate feeling this rough and it certainly will not do my diabetes or blood pressure much good!  Take care all.  I will leave you with something really colourful to remind you that Spring proper and Summer cannot be that far away.



Anonymous said...

Hope the tap dries up soon and you feel as good as new!  Love the pics, the hallway looks great and the blooming tree is gorgeous!  Get some rest and don't worry about anything!

Anonymous said...

hope you feel better soon - our hall is being painted just now!

Anonymous said...

He's done a grand job with the decorating Jeannette...very light and friendly, just the thing you need when you walk from room to room and I love the Magnolia tree, absolutely gorgeous.  Sorry you have the sniffles badly, take care of yourself, be well soon. ~xxR

Anonymous said...

I hope you get over the bug quickly!  JAE

Anonymous said...

Oh dear Jeannette, poor you.  I hope you get better very soon.  Colds are so miserable and uncomfortable.  Your hallway looks lovely and fresh, and as you say you can`t beat magnolia. Our hallway is a orangy colour and like you say it was a good idea at the time, though Jim says he never really liked it, I wish he`d said because nor did I !    As for the tree in your neighbour`s garden, it`s a different type to mine and is much prettier too, this year at least.  Take care my friend and I hope to see you back again when you feel better.  :-)   Sandra xxx

Anonymous said...

Please get better soon my friend. Am thinking of you and sending my love.
Sylvia x

Anonymous said...

Awwwww bless you Jeannette ((hugs)) Hope you feel better soon xx  Lovely pics by the way :-)

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you are under the weather, hope you zap this bug quickly. Really enjoyed your painting projects. Your Mike is a real "sweetheart"! The neighbors pink magnolia is gorgeous, what a lovely view you have.  ttfn :) ~Deborah

Anonymous said...

Looks lovely!  I see your fine collection of David Winter cottages.  I have a bunch too!
 Feel better soon

Anonymous said...

I like the Magnolia color and I like the name of the color, too.  Is it semi-gloss?  It looks it to me because of the way the light reflects off the walls.  I love that shiny look on my walls.  We've only used semi-gloss paint for years because I think it makes any room brighter.  Also, the ceiling looks textured, or is that a trick of the lighting?  Since I'm not good with color, all my walls are a shade of white.  I never get tired of that and I accent with color accessories to break up the all white look.  I also like your collection of houses on the shelf.  I just love getting a peek inside your home.  I guess I'm nosy that way.  

That dreadful cold your hubby shared with you sounds exactly like what's been going around here.  I guess another of our bugs has crossed the great Atlantic.  My poor husband has had it and he's still coughing.  Get plenty of rest and please take care of yourself.  Susan

Anonymous said...

Don't worry about going out and about in J Land. Get your rest and I am hoping you'll feel better soon. I am behind with commenting too, and I do not even have a plausible excuse.

Anonymous said...

You have a lovely home Jeanette!Oh the hallway looks fresh as a daisy and I love your collection of the cottages.Thank you for letting us have a look round your house!!Hope you are better today.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that you're poorly my dear, I always get that non stop drip drip too when I have a cold, I hope you feel better soon.  The hallway looks lovely, I like the pictures on the wall and your wall clock :o)
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

awww sweetie I hope you feel better soon....guess I should have read this entry first and I would have known it was more than allergies :o(   Hope the hail storm didn't damage anything....the tree is beautiful with all the lovely blossoms ;o)
((Love, hugs & well wishes to you))