Well, I got suckered in this morning. Received an e-mail about AOL stopping IM's later this year and then charging for them. I did not know what to believe. The e-mail came from someone I know and trust so I thought, better to be safe than sorry!!!
However, I guess after all the years I have been on the computer I should have known better. I apologise to all of you that had it forwarded on from little old me. My face is red!!!!
To be honest, I hate stuff that is forwarded, unless it is a very funny joke or a really comical picture, information on how to do something on the computer - stuff that is worth sharing.
I have often asked people not to forward me stuff. One friend was sending 20+e-mails per day several years back.
So, unless you have something funny to share, please do not forward me anything. I do not want to know a thousand and one things to do with salt, vinegar or any other household products. I do not want to hear about deodorants and cancer. I am sick of stuff that says "you will have bad luck for x amount of months/years if you do not forward on." "All you dreams will come true" if you do this or that. I do not want to hear about so-called school projects, appeals for money etc. etc. Also, when I am feeling very low as I do from time to time with my health problems, it plays upon my emotions - well I am only human! It clogs up my mailbox, it annoys me, I have enough rubbish to deal with as it is.
It is hard though when it comes from someone you know well. I guess that is how all this nonsense works, you get a junk e-mail from someone you know and trust, you feel obligated to pass it on.
So, please dear readers, no junk e-mail, check if it is a hoax BEFORE you send it to me. If you have something really worth sharing then I would love to participate. If not, then please keep it to yourself. In return I promise not to inundate you all with rubbish.
Once again - apologies
I will put the final chapter of my true ghost story on soon if people want to read it.
Yeah, I got that one too. I stopped forwarding emails, back when that one about the little red headed girl was circulating, she was never kidnapped, it was a total hoax. And the one about the kids school project, and having to put your name on the list...I mean c'mon, I have two kids in school and neither of them have had that as an assignment, total hog wash.
I got it then found out it`s an old hoax AFTER I`d passed it on. And yes, I felt silly too. I do delete a lot of stuff these days without reading them. The chain-emails about bad luck etc. prey on peoples fears and superstitions. You will only get funnies from me in future! :-)
Sandra xxx
You are fine Jeannette! People need to also remember, a forward can carry a virus too, If we all delete our forwards immediately, eventually they will stop forever!!!
Sorry Jeannette....I sent you one today...I didnt realise it was a hoax and would have felt terrible if it wasnt a hoax and I didnt send it....I normally just delete emails like that anyway so I'm really sorry!!!!
Think I might have to send an email out along the same lines as this entry as I have had loads of random spam type emails from people recently and it's annoying.
hope you are ok pet,
love Amy x
here here!!! I totally agree. It's annoying to get forwards, and especially from someone you like or trust. Thanks for saying this!!!
I hate getting the forward emails !I ususally delete before even opening them as I am left thinking I will have loads of bad luck if I dont!
That sounds fair to me - I only like stuff that I can laugh at, those ones that says if you don't forward this you'll have bad luck does my head in!!
Can't wait to read the ghost story :-)
I hate fwds too. I ask people not to send them but they so anyway And do put your story on. I know others as as eager to hear the rest of it as I am. Hugs, honey. Barb
Well said - I entirely agree with you! I'm afraid I've got to the stage of simply deleting emails without opening them, whenever I see the dreaded "FWD" word on them! I just don't need all that stuff. I only opened that one about IMs from you, because I know you - and certainly can't blame you for being unaware it was a hoax. But anything else just gets deleted without reading - so there's no point sending them in my direction!
I always delete them, don't even read them now. Maybe I should lol, I might miss something important one day
Yes yes......post the final chapter!
Ana ((0.~))
I'm with you, Jeannette. I hate those forwards and chain e-mails. You know, I get them at work, too. Several a day from co-workers. I don't even bother to read them. Thank God for the delete button. And yes, please finish your haunting. I'm on the edge of my seat from your last 2 chapters. My daughter loves them, too. Since she's not on AOL, I copy them and email them to her. The thing that makes them so scary is that they are true. Hope all is well with you. Loved the photos of Nathan. Susan
You know what really makes me cross, those emails that say if you don't forward immediately to everyone you know, something terrible will happen. I never forward them, and nothing terrible ever happens!! I hardly ever forward anything. I do like the funnies that I get sent, but I don't get hundreds. If I did, I would probably feel the same!! Don't worry about that hoax email, people know you were just trying to help :o)
Sara x
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