Sunday, May 22, 2005

Getting There!

Well, slowly and surely we are getting there, putting things back on the computer bit by bit.  I shall be more vigilant in backing things up in future as I lost quite a lot of data.  Backing up is always something we intend to do and then somehow get sidetracked.  Probably because we think a computer crash cannot happen to us, it is something that happens to other people! So, I urge you all to carry out back-ups regularly.

I would like to thank my Son-In-Law, the wonderful Dean.  He started work at 5 a.m on Saturday and did a full day but he still came over and stayed here from 7p.m. until 3.30a.m. stripping down the computer and starting to rebuild it.  Thanks to Becky also for letting him spend all that time over here when I know they had already planned their evening together.  Dean worked again all day today but still spent two hours on the telephone with me this evening talking me through things.  He is a star.  The best there is.

Thanks also to Stuart for all the help that he has given me.

I am pretty exhausted as you can well imagine.  Only about three hours sleep last night by the time we got to bed.  So, I am leaving loading the rest of the programmes for the time being, having an early night and maybe a quiet Monday.

Obviously I have not been able to comment on your journals but I promise I will be visiting you again in the near future.

Please all cross your fingers that my journal and computer problems are over now.

Hope you all had a good weekend.


Anonymous said...

Good for you and Dean! Glad you are getting things back in order. Hope to see another entry soon from you. Helen

Anonymous said...

Wish I had a Dean. I need to upgrade my  computor but don't know where to start. Prob is if I go to Comet, where I bought it and have it insured, they will most likely sell me every part I don't want and not the ones I do. Under their very expensive insurance scheme, any upgrades etc have to be done by them. Just wish I had someome to advise me properly before I approach Comet.
Sylvia x

Anonymous said...

Keeping fingers crossed. -Krissy

Anonymous said...

Fingers crossed...JAE

Anonymous said...

Fingers and toes crossed Jeannette!!
Dean must be a lovely guy, spending all that time helping you out, am thinking Becky is a lucky girl :o)
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

What a lovely son in law. I hope I get one like him!

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you are back in business! The lovely thing about a rebuild is the PC runs like it did when it was brand new. I did it to mine recently as well. Be careful what you install back on there. If you didn't use it, don't put it back. The less programs the better the machine will run.

Anonymous said...

I should have read this entry first but never mind....thanks for the lovely chat this morning!  :-)   Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

So glad that everything is going good now!

Anonymous said...

I hope your problems are over - I've had to do the same thing unfortunately at least I can access the internet again :-)